If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
Fun fact: Back in 2022, the FOMC was widely derided for predicting only a small rise in unemployment with core inflation rapidly falling. Those projections turn out to have been almost exactly right.
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
"President Biden, who seemed fully conscious and did not drool on himself, warned that an asteroid would wipe out all life in three days. Though he's been long dogged by questions about his physical and mental stamina, the president remained upright as he briefed the nation on the coming apocalypse"
What the actual fuck, NYT?
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
Absolutely infuriating that we have no infrastructure to notify the population of these trends. City public health departments should be monitoring local wastewater and sending alerts to the entire population when it crosses a specific threshold.
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list.
There's nothing particularly savvy and wise and profound in the observation that Trump is a monster, and his election would have republic-endingly bad consequences to everyone living in the US, but it is still true, and it is still the most useful thing newspapers could write about the race
The granddaughter of a very lovely lady I got to know on twitter requires a stem cell treatment for her aplastic anaemia ❤️ If you fit the criteria, you can sign up to be a stem cell donor here, plus read some more about the beautiful Lilian: Cheers pals x
Swab for Lilian's family is urging everyone to join the stem cell register!
Helix Nebula NASA
SCOOP: A group of far-right media figures has announced the formation of a militia group & is using social media to recruit, including on Instagram. Some of those figures have previously called for political opponents to be killed, & its founder is currently in jail awaiting trial for January 6.
A group of far-right media figures is using social media to recruit for its newly formed
“Half of the state’s election officials had quit since 2020, and several had been replaced by vocal election deniers. Jim Hindle, the new clerk in Storey Cty, was awaiting a felony trial for allegedly trying to sign over Nevada’s six electoral votes to Trump, and now he oversaw election integrity.”
A Republican Election Clerk vs. Trump Die-Hards in a World of Cindy Elgan has overseen elections in rural Nevada without incident for 20 years, but now even her neighbors wonder if she’s part of “the deep state cabal.”
It’s fun that while every non white judge has to face a gauntlet of racist insults regarding their qualifications fed society stooges are practically having their opinions written for them by lobbyists
Trump Judges Went On A Luxury Trip — And It Doomed A Major Biden The April 2022 ruling included an unusual legal theory — and new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light.
You can really feel David Zaslav’s thumb on the scale as CNN insists the trial of Hunter Biden, who has never sought or held office, for allegedly lying in the purchase of a gun he possessed for 11 days in 2018, when his father was not in office, is the week’s most important story.
I spent the morning collecting all of the data on hormones and mental health for trans kids. Here are the results of every single study and the UK review's utterly disingenuous takeaway.
doesn’t shock me that this happened in virginia beach. also another point of information for my belief that explicit discrimination in housing and employment is still more prevalent than people think.
She Made an Offer on a Condo. Then the Seller Learned She Was A Black woman claims a white homeowner tried to pull out of a sale because of her race.
The main thing to understand about abortion ban exceptions do not exist. They are ornamental. They’re like plastic fruit. They are not meant to be used, they’re just there to make the ban look reasonable.
When Alito came after me for correctly describing the texas abortion bounty law shadow docket ruling as nullifying Roe in Texas the Times and the Post reported his attacks but did not even link to the piece so readers could determine if I was right (I was)
Alabama AG celebrates SCOTUS ruling letting cops confiscate and property from poor people who can’t afford to hire an attorney to help them get it back — all without ever charging them with a crime.
NYT editor Joe Kahn's interview with is a bizarre exercise in evasion about the very real problems the media faces with Trump. It completely misrepresents the serious liberal critique and does a disservice to his own stated mission. My take:
Top New York Times Editor Offers Stunning Defense of Coverage of Why asking our media to get it right on Trump’s threat to democracy is not remotely the same as being in the tank for Biden
This entry from a couple weeks ago is the most-viewed thing I've ever published in my newsletter, by a large margin. I've been a public critic of the New York Times for more than two decades; there's more anger at the paper from the left than I've ever seen.
The New York Times is a right-wing newsletter, with Trash newspaper does trash thing
“An investigation led by The Associated Press found at least 94 people died after they were given sedatives and restrained by police from 2012 through 2021. About half of the 94 who died were Black.”
Dozens of deaths reveal risks of injecting sedatives into people restrained by The medical syringe has become a tool of control during police encounters, a practice that quietly spread based on questionable science.
- You know what's not cool, Bobby? - blaming climate change on overpopulation when the richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%
The main contention today from the conservative justices is that we should worry more about the harm/threat of politically-motivated prosecutions of ex-presidents than of presidents criminally abusing their power. It’s just an insanely naive, ahistorical understanding of how political power works.
Avatar know an immigration attorney in GA who will help pro bono?
Thank god our reputation in Minnesota has extended so far that people in Russia know to settle here. Thank god he made it. This story has me near tears.
‘Is Minneapolis good?’ How a Russian transgender refugee found hope in Minnesota — and a friend at the He and his partner crossed the southern border seeking asylum. Only one made it this far.