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Reposted byAvatar Sloan
fun thing about websites - they work perfectly in the EU. instant load times. it's not graphics slowing them down, it's adware tracking that's illegal in europe now.
My internet connection is technically a lot faster, but it craps out or slows down pretty often, and websites are so graphics and glut heavy that the extra speed just gets eaten up. My phone reception is pretty bad and I get broken up calls all the time. My printer sucks.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
"If you REALLY cared about this issue, you'd agree with me about [extremist nonsense]" remains an auto-block
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Point: How Dare You Criticize Us Counterpoint: Go Fuck Yourselves
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
so legally "my jewish principles require palestinian freedom," which is a true statement and not a rare one among american jews, is legally antisemitic now. fuck everything about this.
it is sickeningly abhorrent that in the middle of widespread pro-palestinian protests and encampments demanding a ceasefire, the house has responded by passing a bill that legally defines being anti-zionist or criticizing israel as anti-semitic for the purposes of enforcing anti-discrimination laws.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Lot of conversation about antisemitism this week so just a gentle reminder that we don’t hyphenate the word, because it implies there is such a thing as a “Semitic” race (there isn’t, there’s only Semitic language) - and implying there is a Jewish race is of course deadly for the Jews. More info:
Yes. This.
If one of my various money-making schemes could actually make some money, that would be amazing.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
It's not up to me. It's up to viewing figures, completion rates, and algorithms. If you like it get people to watch it.
OMG. I felt too deeply the unrequited (romantic) love Edwin had for Charles in Dead Boy Detectives. I had such a similar experience. Still, Charles is golden for accepting that Edwin does love him. PLEASE say the series is coming back for another season!!!
📢 Breaking News: After nearly two decades as the Republican Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell is stepping down. At 82 years old, it means he must be running for president! #McConnell2024 #PresidentialRace
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Nobody asked me, but the talking point is: What this abusive fucko did is exactly what anti-abortion politicians seek to do — control reproductive outcomes for pregnant people irrespective of what pregnant people want. Forced abortion and forced pregnancy are the same side of the same abuser coin.
I have been ruminating on much of the ~ pro-choice ~ commentary around this nightmarish story and I wish people understood that "if abortion is illegal in Texas, then this man should be tried for attempted murder" is not a good dunk
Texas attorney who poisoned pregnant wife with abortion medication sentenced to 180 days in Mason Herring's estranged wife told a court that their now 1-year-old daughter has developmental delays and attends therapy eight times a week.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Hi any conservatives who are rooting for the Niners today because you don’t like Taylor Swift? I’m from the north Bay Area, and I’d like to remind you that we are still incredibly gay and hate you.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
How am I supposed to explain health insurance to my children. How do I look them in the eye and tell them about depravity and perversion such as "deductibles"
…. Well fuck.
Therapist: Over controlled folks can often struggle with making harsh judgements Me: okay, so if I'm venting about someone to my husband what makes something a *harsh* judgement? Therapist: Anything you wouldn't say directly to the person Me: .... Well fuck.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Streaming has turned gigs from break even to guaranteed money losers. I used to be able to sell a couple of CDs at a gig. That + the $12-25 I'd get paid for the gig covered the cost of gas and maybe dinner. Now, I generally lose money on the gas cost alone. 1 CD sale=80 years streaming revenue 4 me.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
The number of Palestinian children killed in Gaza over the past 3 weeks has exceeded the number of children who died in conflict zones around the world each year since 2019, according to human rights groups
More Children Killed In Gaza This Month Than In Conflict Zones For All Of Since the violence escalated on Oct. 7, at least 3,195 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza, and the number is likely to keep climbing.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
The thing is you don’t actually need a plan to think it’s good not to vaporise thousands of children
No one has a plan for how a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in charge of Gaza gets to peace and a Palestinian state. Some propose ending the blockade, rewarding Hamas’s attack by enabling bigger and faster rearming. Some simply assume Hamas away and imagine a better future. How to get there from here?
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
People do not seem to think that understanding history deeply helps with understanding present problems, and it’s fascinating to see how the erosion of the humanities has contributed to this.
Mike Pence drops out of presidential race in order to spend more time with his crushing sense of irrelevance
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
I don’t know the answer to many of the world’s great problems. But have they tried diverting all power to the forward array? That worked for us often.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
I honor Indigenous People today, not invented narratives. We should not celebrate those who advanced colonialism, genocide, rape and slavery.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
As SAG-AFTRA returns to the bargaining table tomorrow, I’m looking forward to showing up for them at tomorrow’s Day of Solidarity. 10a-12p at all picketing locations! #SAGAFTRAStrong #UnionStrong
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
Keep trying humans one day you’ll reach herd immunity to Climate Change too.
Reposted byAvatar Sloan
banning books as a method of enforcing moral puritanism feels so outdated. lady your kid is on tumblr reading about sex acts that would kill Aphrodite