Tits McGee

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Tits McGee


These are not the skeets you are looking for
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*first day teaching history* humans are trash *kids cheer and carry me out of the classroom on their shoulders*
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
okay but like unless we see Biden in public again can we all agree that he probably died of covid & the Dems are just frantically puppeteering his corpse like the royals did with queen elizabeth
I completely forgot about this place 🫣
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
No we don't! You can't just say this in your headline and then not quote a single archaeologist in the article!
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
I doubt there are all that many students on here - we seem like a pretty millennial/Gen X place - but whatever stage of life you’re at, the deadline to register to vote in the UK General Election is midnight on Tuesday. Do it! Takes 5 mins via this link. www.gov.uk/register-to-...
Dear kids! Do us all a favour and register to vote! Especially if your family home is in a Tory area. You could make a big difference to the careers of some very small people. #GTTO www.theguardian.com/politics/art...
Students going home could put 35 Tory seats at risk in election, analysis sayswww.theguardian.com Higher Education Policy Institute research suggests that holding ballot in summer break may be strategic error
Register to votewww.gov.uk Register to vote to take part in elections in the UK. Includes how to get on the electoral register and how to update your address on the register.
@petefrasermusic.bsky.social Hi Pete, can I send you a DM on here - I have a saxophone question
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
One of my own posts has appeared in the 'popular with friends' tab, which is nice I guess I am a friend of myself
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
The government has deliberately timed these disgusting roundups to coincide with the local elections, because they think you want this. Show them you don’t. By all means intervene or protest if you are able. And whatever else you do, turn up to vote against these absolute bastards.
Aaand We've gone full fash. It is your ABSOLUTE DUTY to intervene, obfuscate, annoy, delay or otherwise frustrate any Border Fash operations you see happening. Especially if you have white/middle class/middle wealth/other usable privileges.
I am now posting from the web app rather than the phone app in an attempt to be more present here because there are bird site escapees I miss interacting with
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Currently my favourite person working in television.
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catch u guys later my ride's here
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
“bluesky won’t have any debate because it’s all left-leaning folks” - person who has never been in a room with two leftists
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
working in the area of math that led to this tech has been so fucking wild because there's just no way you can trick yourself into believing a lot of linear algebra is going to add up to consciousness unless you have been marinating in the bad brain juices for decades now
I cannot overstate how important it is to understand that these guys are into AI because they’re in a literal eschatological cult
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Something I tweeted a few years ago: April Fool’s Day can be saved with ONE SIMPLE TWEAK: instead of fooling people, make it about playing the fool. Actually do silly things rather than pretending you’re doing a silly thing
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
✝️Jesus Christus 🇺🇸Jeb Chrysler 🇬🇧Sir Jimothy Croughecester 🇳🇱Jesse de Kruis 🇧🇪Jeroen Crijsthelaere 🇩🇪Jürgen Kreuzner 🇨🇭Gino Chrüsli 🇦🇹Dipl.-Zimmermann Jakob Kraizenfigger 🇸🇪Joakim Kristkvist 🇩🇰Jesper Kørsel 🇫🇮Jussi Kiiristilainen 🇨🇵Joël Croissant 🇪🇦Júan Cerveza 🇨🇿Jřuš Křcý 🇬🇪Jevan Kristianvilli 🇮🇪Iaeiosa O'Loughrd
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Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
Sharing as a gift the WaPo article about the immigrants who were on the Baltimore Key Bridge working as contractors when it collapsed. To honor their memory and as push back against xenophobic racist Republicans.
Six presumed dead in bridge collapse were immigrants, soccer fans, family menwapo.st Maynor Suazo Sandoval, from Honduras, was about to turn 39. Miguel Luna, from El Salvador, was a father of three.
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i'm currently looking for work. if you're in need of someone who writes/researches all manner of infosec things, edits videos, writes music, has a decade's worth of time in marketing/pr teams and much more besides then by all means get in touch. thanks!
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
Oh god there are so many good charts like this
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
South by Southwest is like… what if we raged… for the machine?
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A while back I wrote about dark matter and why astronomers consider it to be an essential ingredient in the universe even though we don’t yet know what it’s made of. It’s popular to claim it can’t exist just because we don’t directly see it but that misunderstands how we discover things in physics!
We've made a map of dark matter but still don't know what it is, and that's okaywww.sciencefocus.com The exact nature of dark matter remains elusive.
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Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
Somebody on this platform recently said, “we’re not actually close to a time when AI can do your job, but we’re very close to a time when your boss THINKS AI can do your job.” And I wish I’d take a screen shot because they deserve credit for being so damn right.
Reposted byAvatar Tits McGee
Trying to have sex in the cybertruck and accidentally getting your virginity back
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Crypto guys on the bad site are finally asking the big questions about AI
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Just *one* NYPD cop’s abuses caused the city to pay out more in settlements than the amount of money saved with all the cuts to libraries. Cops aren’t content just to abuse and kill our neighbors, they want to abuse & kill our neighborhoods too. legalaidnyc.org/news/nypd-wo...