Sister Golden Bear

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Sister Golden Bear

Snark whisperer. Hibernates without coffee. Not so silently judging you. Gen X. Not gay as in happy, queer as in fuck you. Trans AF. She/her. 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Balloon Juice Jackal
We really are just playing all the 2016 hits again, huh?
hoo boy gonna be a big fucking thumbs' down from me on LGM publishing breathless speculation about biden having parkinson's based on the speculation of doctors who know good and goddamned well that they can't and shouldn't try to diagnose people who aren't their patients through the fucking tv
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great!
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
It's Entirely up to Us.
Trans healthcare saves lives. America's trans & nonbinary legislators are calling on the Biden Administration to oppose any attempt to ban puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, & surgery for young trans people, and to follow medical best practices as set out in WPATH.
Look, I get bored of saying this, but if you're in a blue state and worried about #democracy, get your ass to a swing state pronto. I've been in #Wisconsin accidentally for 15 years and I'm aggravated by people in #LA and #NYC complaining.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
i'm stuck on the "bloodless if the left allows it to be" phrasing like "we won't kill you if you just let us do what we want" is what terrorists say
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Classic American political dialogue is premised on the idea that we share fundamental values but disagree on how best to promote them. I haven’t believed this for a while. Other than “I prefer to be alive and not dead” and “I like pudding,” I do not share values with these people.
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
the conservative theory of law in one headline
Happy No-More-Kings Day tomorrow! And remember: Patriotism is helping the country you love do less wrong. Nationalism is pretending that it's *never* wrong. 🇺🇸 "Nationalism is Patriotism for Assholes." – Jon Lovett
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
RETVRN to traditional masculinity when Real Men would tote around their babby kitties in case they needed kisses on their fuzzy little heads. Photo from my collection, no date/info.
Who knew Hamilton was a prophecy?
No one is coming to save us. We need to build working-class power, we need to build a movement that can crush fascism, we need to organize like never before. Because we don't have a democracy to save, but we do have one to build from the ground up.
The Supreme Court just legalized Presidential Fighting back is more important than ever.
A damning joint report by Yale Law School and Yale Medicine finds the UK's Cass Review "levies unsupported assertions about gender identity, gender dysphoria, standard practices, and safety of gender-affirming medical treatments, and it repeats claims that have been disproved by sound evidence.”
Report Addresses Key Issues in Legal Battles over Gender-Affirming Health A new report from The Integrity Project provides an evidence-based critique of a recent independent review that has become central to U.S. litigation regarding health care for transgender youth.
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
Living under authoritarian regimes is both relatively boring and normal AND incredibly corrosive to the human soul. These things can absolutely co-exist. This is why everyone needs to resist authoritarians, even people who privately assume they’ll be just fine.
The damage this causes across generations (even if the regime is short lived!) is so hard to grasp if you haven’t lived with it. It touches every aspect of life. It makes trust impossible, and without some level of trust and a belief in the possibility of justice, *nothing in society works.*
PSA: if you're talking about doing actual political violence on social media in public, you are a dangerously ignorant twerp who lacks the situational awareness required to do anything useful for anyone.
Yes, maybe there's some clever version of hardball Biden's team can come up with, something that doesn't involve ordering assassinations. But one thing he *should* be able to say is "I reject the idea that the president is above the law, and I vow never to use this illegitimate 'immunity' defense."
Again, Black people are an exception here, as basically anyone who stayed in the Jim Crow South has a living memory of living under what amounted to fascism, including the “always walking on eggshells/lack of social trust/long periods of boring endurance/randomized terrifying violence”
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Biden isn’t going to do anything with these newfound presidential powers. Fantasies to the contrary are cope. But the Biden campaign sure as hell will fundraise off of justifiable fears about how Trump will use them.
Showing this to the kid, it's worth sharing again for everyone to have a look. Most of the things you see in this JWST image are distant galaxies – only the objects with diffraction spikes are stars! This deep field image was one of the first JWST releases. Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
I've volunteered for political campaigns for literally 40 years. And one thing that's always helped when things look bleak is the knowledge that there is ALWAYS something practical you can do to help make things better -- whether through electoral politics or other kinds of service. For example...
Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.