Mike Sweeney

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Mike Sweeney


Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Do not obey in advance.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
nice blood packet bro did you learn that move hanging out with vince mcmahon?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
christ I just want to live in boring times. Just one boring year.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
i picked a hell of a time to give up dissociation
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
can we please go one week without a decade happening
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
roombas are like if dogs did the opposite of shedding, but still needed you to ask “what’s in your mouth?” and then need you to forcibly remove the foreign object they’re chewing on, and then also they sometimes rearrange your furniture
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
pretty strong chyron
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
The Morning Monty is *magnificent*
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Thrilled to announce my new job at the Times transcribing everything Elon Musk babbles while he’s in a K-hole
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Oh, geeze, Microsoft, thanks for re-enabling Copilot in the latest Windows update, after I very intentionally disabled it. I'm going to have to write a script to do this, aren't I. One more obnoxious maintenance task, because you are so disrespectful of our consent.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Historically it's wild how fast pop rock music went from "baby I'm nervous and I just wanna hold your hand" (e.g. early Beatles) to "hope you're ready to get this dick" (Led Zeppelin)
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Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
I set up my son’s mini PC and it’s incredible how Windows 11 seems to be built around resentment over the very idea of you owning your files and nothing else.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Regular old murderer expresses disgust for serial killer
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
No joke here (sorry): Homelessness in Finland is very low because they provide small apartments and mental health support without any conditions attached to it. 80% of those who use it get jobs , gain stable housing, and sobriety But thanks for the plastic trash can in NYC, Mayor Adams
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
When the France election results are good
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
a guy posted a video on the dog advice reddit asking why his dog might be so skittish at night but in the background of the video his wife is sleeping fully face down with her glasses on and every single comment is about that instead
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
my friend asked the other day how i planned to cover the growing fascism here and i said “i guess continue writing about it til i’m sent to prison? lol” it was a flip thing to say but it’s hard to imagine ever stopping. or fleeing. i’m feeling not quite patriotic, but protective of this country.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Remember when some of y'all got real mad at me for doing some back-of-the-napkin math about how much water "AI" likely uses, in light of the fact that they refuse to release their actual numbers? Anyway.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
Congrats to Peter Sniffy-Belch for his victory in Grumbling-on-Donk.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
I love Slavic faerie tales; they’ll be like “there’s this creature that eats your feet if they dangle out of bed at night - also it’s a dead abandoned baby with the face of an old man that screams like a thousand mothers mourning their sons lost to war and it shits black rotting fish”
Reposted byAvatar Mike Sweeney
we've been pretty clear on this