An American Junglist

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An American Junglist

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Ontologically gay
If Hell isn't a party I will make it one
The Parable of the Sowing
just watched a presser with Milwaukee cops explaining that Wisconsin is an open carry state so they can't do anything about it if somebody's walking around the soft perimeter with an AR
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
i’m being told it’s my duty to condemn political violence, so in light of yesterday’s events i once again condemn the israeli genocide against the palestinian people, and the united states’ active participation in enabling it.
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
An interesting opinion I have is that there is something a bit off about the United States of America.
Happy 4th of July! In the wise words of Ben Franklin: The Bald Eagle is a Bird of bad moral Character. Too lazy to fish for himself. The Turkey is a more respectable Bird, though vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would attack a Brit who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
What a normal thing to say. Stable country.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
EUROPEAN ROBIN: a precious feather baby, a ruddy sky dumpling, a good friend, will help you find your keys, full of ice cream AMERICAN ROBIN: big, often wet, surly, has your wallet, killed a rat underneath the bird feeder to make an example to the other animals
I believe it's hubris. "I'm better than anyone else so I don't need to do XYZ."
Next to "15 minute cities are bad actually" this is the most baffling conspiracy. Like do they think people used parasols, long clothing and hats since antiquity for laughs?
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
So who’s “us”?
Vitamins aren’t real. There’s no way I’m getting the same shit from lettuce, the sun, and a Monster energy drink
These birds truly deserve the word great in their name! I know it’s because they’re big but, let’s pretend for now it’s because of how stunning they are! #birds #greatblueheron #birding #birdwatching 🪶
Any country that makes protecting your health or being poor a crime is not a real democracy.
Gavin McInness attempting to get revenge on the menswear guy for critiquing his bad outfits by doxxing him and mocking his outfit, and the attempted doxxing being him posting a picture of an extremely, extremely well-dressed man who is not the menswear guy, is content that could not be improved on.
news isn't talking about chevron much and the generous explanation is that they think it's dense and arcane and hard to understand but if so it's only because you're trying to sound smart about it. "the supreme court just gave itself the power to veto any regulation it wants, whenever it wants"
Televised debates are uninformative in the best of times but both these people have been president and neither of them have hidden their plans and I cannot imagine any useful information will come of the whole debacle
some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
I always see comments on YouTube videos of DJ sets complaining about MCs in general. Like bruv that's a main feature of the DJ set. You might as well go to a movie theater and complain that it's too dark.
Thank you! President Biden’s speed use is purely recreational, NOT performance enhancing!
Ok apparently it's Make a Terrible Comic Day. So here's my entry for #makeaterriblecomicday2024