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This is BS

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As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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I have the only perfect opinion about Joe Biden and I will NOT be sharing it
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VP Kamala Harris visited the USA Basketball men's national team today
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Young people don’t understand, in the early 2000’s every third guy was Chet Hanks
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Today’s garden theme: a Fourth of July thread!🌱 First up: fireworks! (1/4)
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People smoking in both the subway stop I left from AND the one I arrived at. To be fair that is sort of the national mood right now
Listened to Lawfare's podcast on the issue this morning and was a little stunned that Ben Wittes breezed by the NY case. jumped in to say, hold up there. Nothing can be assumed anymore!
/3 5 or 6 SCOTUS judges, who normally love harmless error like a 15-year-old-boy loves a tube sock, will find that it doesn’t apply to introduction of evidence of Presidentially-immune acts, and that the NY court didn’t analyze official acts doctrine right and remand for more proceedings.
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If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
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to me it's wild they just jumped from baby boomers to millennials. you'd think there'd be a whole generation in the middle. alas
Trump could order the assassination of Eric Adams, and NY could prosecute him. But DC would have no recompense if he sets the same order to Muriel Bowser.
there are no state crimes in the District of Columbia. there is nothing now, no law, no system of justice, that prevents a President from ordering the slaughter of judges or of federal legislators at their place of office and then pardoning his execution squad.
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there are no state crimes in the District of Columbia. there is nothing now, no law, no system of justice, that prevents a President from ordering the slaughter of judges or of federal legislators at their place of office and then pardoning his execution squad.
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I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
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The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
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I don't ever want to fucking hear again that Roberts is an institutionalist.
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Joe Biden has the potential to do the legalest thing now
If the Supreme Court decides in favor of Trump’s claim that a sitting president has immunity from prosecution, the logical and legal thing for Biden to do would be to simply assassinate him before the election
oh my god
BREAKING: The Supreme Court holds, 6-3, that a former president is absolutely immune from prosecution for actions within their "conclusive and preclusive" authority and presumptively immune from prosecution for all official acts. More to come at Law Dork:
Law Dork | Chris Geidner | The Supreme Court, law, politics, and more. Click to read Law Dork, by Chris Geidner, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
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The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
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Both the “black jobs” remark and using palestinian as a slur are hopefully clarifying as to actual Trump’s ideology and worldview, in contrast with the imaginary trump some people have built up in their heads as the memory of his administration has receded
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Me dressing for my Black Job
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The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
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The founding fathers: checks and balances The Supreme Court: checks
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Hard agree. They should also be hammering at so many of Trump's former cabinet and military advisors now saying he's unfit for office. Run commercials with one quote/audio clip after another. Over and over and over. If any are willing, line them up to speak at the DNC.
As Reagan and Elizabeth Warren said, personnel is policy. Biden needs to be hyping his whole team. At the same time, democrats should be talking about Trump’s team—the collection of freaks and geeks coming up with and who would be implementing Project 2025.
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Good morning Third Grade! Today we will learn that Judah fucked his daughter-in-law (because he mistook her for a prostitute) and the resulting baby was an ancestor of Jesus. Billy, stop crying.
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Weirdly Van Jones had the best summary: Biden stuttered but told the truth, Trump was confident and lied endlessly
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Who gives a fucking shit about their handicaps holy fucking shit
oof, why did Biden take the golf bait?! just let Trump flap in the wind