DevOps regional champion

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DevOps regional champion

Sorry in advance
(snapping suspenders) now i may be just a simple country pundit, but it seems to me that if the New York Times sometimes says trans people are good, that means the paper's well-documented role in laundering consent for trans eliminationism isn't real.
It's kind of crazy to end up on a block list because someone else works for a publication that goes out of their way to make sure extremely vulnerable communities can't defend themselves.
[BON JOVI'S "I'm a cowboy" VOICE]: I'm a catboy
Shelley Duvall shaped American pop culture in a hundred different ways, from the transcendent horror of THE SHINING to her generous and thoughtful children's show FAERY TALE THEATER, one of the few kids' shows to really respect its audience. RIP to a legend who had it too hard. This one hurts.
learning lin-manuel miranda is adapting THE WARRIORS
if the NYT lying about Palestinians being rapists to help dial up support for a genocide wasnt what got you to unsubscribe, but obsessing over Biden's fitness to rule when Trump is the other guy was the last straw, i'd keep the self-backpats to the group chats and discords today. but that's just me!
Northern attitudes toward the South are too often dismissive, reductive, and arrogant. Those are our people down there fighting to be free from gerrymandered political domination and exploitation. We should be arm in arm with them, not sneering that they get what they deserve for living there.
in these moments, it's important to remember that liberalism and faux-leftist nihilism are functionally identical; they're vultures with a vested interest in scolding you for believing a better world is possible.
there is nothing I could possibly care about less than a powerful dissent. oh good job you wrote an essay, I'm sure that will help
MUST WATCH: Sonia Sotomayor reads powerful dissent before President Trump shoots her into space, never to return
Every time some breathless, weeping liberal fixes their mouth to say, "Vote Biden to save democracy" I want to scream because this is the alleged democracy they're begging us to save.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside, even if shelter space is lacking.
They're both gonna sit in a kiddie pool between the podiums and eat each other's shit but CNN will be like "Joe was looking really presidential"
Advisers to Biden are pushing him to show himself as a vigorous president at this week’s presidential debate, while advisers to Trump hope he will rein in his excesses.
What each side hopes to gain in the presidential Advisers to Biden are pushing him to show himself as a vigorous president, while advisers to Trump hope he will rein in his excesses.
empires that are on the verge of collapse love to impose religious doctrine saying things like “Thou shalt not kill” especially when they are actively funding a genocide and have killed more people, directly and indirectly, than any nation in human history
CUM! It's pornotime to the Go Off Kings Social Media and Youtube!And here its, the Post of the Day!Dumping backward to the night post? Later in tonight? #Westaytuned. Tooned, that is. Like Bron "big" Bunny. He'scumstomer. The current do = 105153AM Central. Cum! get your gaming brookie 🫦🫦 tWiTcH
listen all y'all, it's a
they want to kill gay and trans people, full stop. they worship death and crave the ability to inflict it on anyone that disrupts in any way their pathetic, narrow experience of reality
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
RIP Noam Chomsky I'm sorry you had to talk to Virgil Texas before you died
The publisher lawsuits against the Internet Archive have been and continue to be a shameful, shameful thing to the detriment of many and the benefit of none.
Dying is so embarrassing hey I gotta go can you take care of this flesh sack I'm leaving behind
Pre AI iPhones will become a thing people want as we move forward. Anything 15 Pro and below.
Gotta double down on a bad idea, it's the Silicon Valley way
CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) — Apple partners with ChatGPT maker OpenAI to hasten AI features to its products.