hummus woodsworth

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hummus woodsworth

your 3rd fave ~ “real professional” ~ pizza diva

Get in snoozer. We’re taking a nap.
no. not again. not like this.
Brain: big time zoomies Body: stay in my roomies Stomach: all out consumies Anxiety: impending doomies
Boy Scouts and Scouting families. Page 523 envisions the destruction of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. That’s the home and base of operations for the Scouts’ Northern Tier High Adventure camp. Something thousands of Scouts dream of, work for years & save money toward visiting every year.
i'm putting together a newsletter with corresponding infographics featuring parts of project 2025 that will resonate with specific types of people. so far I have: teachers, porn viewers, parents, union members, environmentalists. who else should I add?
the girls that get it, get it
Paris Mayor about to get some really fucked up super powers
Over half a century after the Seine was declared biologically dead, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo dipped into the river on Wednesday and declared it sufficiently clean for Olympic swimming competitions.
Paris mayor swims in the Seine, declares it clean for the “It’s pure happiness,” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said, having fulfilled her pledge to clean up the Seine before the Games. Now officials hope it stays that way.
One of these days I'm going to write a blog post on help and care, and the number one thing I'm going to highlight for people who haven't needed care before is: "Let me know if you need anything! / Just ask if you need help with anything!" (or similar) is always, always, worthless.
I have said to so many people and so few have heard me, or at least acted on it, that the reason this tumor did so well is it 1st thing took out my ability to seek care. I still can't. I need care offered but people kept saying they loved me and I should poke them if I needed anything. I can't.
hey. y’all like pretty colors?
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
Solidarity with the Teamsters social media manager, who clearly is a person who stands for the working class
tag yourselves
The TMNT origin story infers that the mutagen was the same one that caused Daredevil's superpowers. But where was the truck *heading*? I propose that the company was dumping their chemicals in a swamp. How else do you explain a talking, singing, banjo-playing frog? Kermit the Frog is a mutant.
“A lot of people paid for programming they didn’t want” I think Manfred said the quite part out loud
ol rob stays the king of “he admit it!”
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
oh for sure, it’s such a moral purity framing of it, gets me every time
so…what happens if you stand up to cancer and lose…?
This man has transcended baseball, he's a folk hero like Paul Bunyan. Just carved out of stone to hit loud homeruns and be like 10 feet tall
Shohei Ohtani baby
first glimpse of the ASG uniforms and... what in the washable crayola markers are these colors
i can’t say i find either of them, like, good tho
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
This is like how all those Ten Commandments monuments in front of court houses were originally placed there to promote the DeMille movie and now they are like religious totems. although I think at this point there are more people who act like lunatics about spoilers than the Commandments
The idea of “spoilers” was popularized by studios to combat the rise of sites like Ain’t It Cool News, and prior to the late 1990s, the idea of “spoiling” a movie largely didn’t exist outside of obvious twists (“I am your father”; the identity of Mother, etc.).
And the system is *still* working against them. (This whole thread is very good and y'all should read it.)
(2/*) Black farmers are rare today in part because concerted efforts were made to drive them off their land until they were either dead or willing to undersell just to escape, and in part because segregation created a barrier allowing communities to overcharge them for access to anything.
In 2022, Black farmers were persistently left behind from the USDA's loan An NPR data analysis shows Black farmers were accepted for USDA direct loans at a lower rate than other racial groups in 2022. Direct loans are supposed to be among the easiest for farmers to get.
Racism often seems like an interpersonal issue because that’s the first point of contact for those of us who experience it, but the systemic build of racism is where the impacts begin to form chasms because every step is designed to break or deny us.
Something I just saw come up in a TikTok: Folks really do fixate on racist systems being driven by "hate" without ever reckoning or even learning about the many ways those systems economically profited the oppressors. Segregation and Jim Crow and White Riots were all VERY profitable to oppressors.
everyone posting about the convention, single file to the right. everyone posting about the all star game, single file to the left. please
everyone posting about the convention, single file to the right. everyone posting about the home run derby, single file to the left. please
how can you not be romantic about baseball
gonna have girl dinner (dino nuggets and yogurt) and watch the all star game as soon as this dude singing the national anthem shuts the fuck up
if we still had MAD Magazine they would’ve gotten him with “Hillbilly Allergy by JD Pantsed” four years ago and none of this would be a problem
This book is an absurdly adorable accounting of the plot of Alien. They had no right making this horror story so cute. 😭
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. There is no need to read any further.