Jason Benedek

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Jason Benedek


Animal lover on unceded Dharug country. Will vote for any party that ends greyhound racing. So not you, Minns.
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We've been watching kids get slaughtered in school with guns, I fear every goddamn day I drop my kid off at Kindergarten. WTF are you talking about, assholes?
WTF are you smoking, BBC?
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It’s wild how the political press does some much writing about peoples’ perceptions while hardly ever acknowledging they’re one of the main drivers of it.
News Analysis: When Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, the U.S. was confronted with a historical novelty: a felon who once held the highest office in the land. Will the label actually tarnish Trump, as it has so many people over the centuries?
A Mark of Shame for 900 Years. Until Now?www.nytimes.com “Felon” carries an ancient stigma — one that falls on millions of Americans today. Trump might well redefine it.
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
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the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/the-money-...
The Money Coupdonmoynihan.substack.com What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
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Dude is talking exactly and I mean EXACTLY like every blue check toad yelling about "Soros"-funded shit. This is absolutely batshit insane coming from a motherfucker who's decisions literally affect the lives of every person in this country.
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so, to recap one Supreme Court Justice accepted millions in gifts another explicitly wants a Christian theocracy their wives are insurrectionists and they are both casting votes on a case that could declare Trump immune from prosecution seems like a pretty strong case for court reform to me
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It’s a start. Next there should be no such thing as medical debt.
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The US just slaughtered and mutilated 274 Palestinians in a joint operation with Israel, and that's just one massacre. And both the US and Israel are threatening the International Criminal Court...
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computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
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Seeing Dune 2 the way it was meant to be seen: 2 months after it came out, in an empty theater in the middle of the day, while upset with my mom
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Hamas agrees to a ceasefire proposal which would see all of Israel's hostages freed. Israel declines but will graciously continue playing in your face by "participating in talks" while it continues to bomb Palestinian civilians. www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/...
Text of the Gaza ceasefire proposal approved by Hamaswww.aljazeera.com The deal lays out a timetable for release of Israeli captives in Gaza and withdrawal of Israel’s troops from territory.
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We’re living in such an upside world right now. 99% of #gazaprotests have been peaceful yet those protesters have been attacked, arrested, ostracized by politicians and punished by administrators. And somehow it’s the protests that are supposed to outrage us. It’s utter madness.
Pro-Palestine US Student protests nearly triple in April | ACLED Briefacleddata.com
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I am a little heartbroken about Eurovision turning out to just be pro-genocide. I always loved the show, but handwaving the forced starvation of millions and the murder of almost 40,000 people is unacceptable. Boycott it is.
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Yeah all that evidence of war crimes really gets in the way of looking like you're not committing war crimes.
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The Met Gala really feels like a fiddling while Rome burns moment.
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i'm really not an "all normal life must cease because bad things are happening" guy but the image of glitzily costumed stars stepping over anti-war protesters to get to their champagne schmoozing as said war barrels tanks into tightly-packed displaced civilians is sure going to be something
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“Jennvine Wong, supervising attorney at the nonprofit Legal Aid Society’s cop accountability project, said Pflugfelder's arrest raises questions about whether NYPD escalated rather than deescalated situations. It also may have violated laws protecting citizens’ right to record police interactions.”
A Columbia professor wanted to document history. NYPD arrested him outside his homewww.usatoday.com The professor had just finished his last class to end a 28-year teaching career at Columbia University. Then police arrested him outside his home.
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If you think Southern frat boys are concerned about antisemitism you should be under conservatorship
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People don’t want to work anymore
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Four years ago a Phoenix police officer killed Jacob Harris. But prosecutors only charged the teen's friends with his murder, even though they didn't cause his death. As Harris's friends grow up behind bars, his father continues to fight for justice.
Police Killed His Son. Prosecutors Charged The Teen’s Friends with His Murder.theappeal.org Police killed Jacob Harris, but his friends are serving decades in prison for it. Officials have made inconsistent or false statements about Harris's death.
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Cops in America's biggest city are beating, stomping, gassing, and clubbing kids protesting a moral atrocity, to protect a university's money and property. That's happening right now. We're not the ones engaging in accelerationism. The fast track this country is on is to fascism, not communism.
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Seeing students — joined by faculty and staff — making clear, specific, actionable demands to hold their institutions accountable only to be patronized, infantalized, and brutalized is infuriating. It’s also a great way to radicalize people and it’s astonishing most admins don’t get this.