“How does the book say to ask?” “May I please have some food.” “And, what did YOU say?” “I don’t remember.” “What did YOU say?” “Gimme food, bitch.” “See the difference?” “I guess.”
Sucks to open a restaurant menu and there's 300 items on there. Just give me dry food or wet food like a cat
Big mistake to be loyal to any particular religion. As a free agent you can sign up with whichever religion is offering the best salvation package at that time
Trash talk in Ancient Rome
When I graduated from high school my mom said, “You can be anything you want to be” and my dad started laughing
7-11 encouraging me to quench my thirst with gasoline straight from the pump.
Man in potato suit seeks clown to squirt ketchup on him. No freaks.
Wow that’s an incredible name for a deer.
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
Morbidly curious to input Finnegans Wake.
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I know what he’s done to others, but I’ll be the one helper that he doesn’t try to destroy” - Huge Craven Pieces of Shit Who Never Learn
the rainforest cafe won’t be authentic enough for me if they don’t bulldoze 40% of the restaurant while i’m there.
It is very funny how one of the Supreme Court’s big issues is making it impossible to outlaw bribery because they like being bribed
Cannot express how funny the cybertruck is. It's shorter than a crossover SUV. It is so weirdly smooth but also looks like a toy you'd see at the back of a TJ Maxx. It's tiny, while also looking like it was designed and assembled by apes
after running garbage disposal by mistake again: ha oops sorry i always do that lol guy in the electric chair: why the fuck are those switches next to each other
[a dad walking the plank] ..teak?
interviewer: your resume says you like being read to me: and then what happened
Your occasional reminder: Pallet: the wooden things used to package items for shipping. Also, a rough bed. Palette: the range of colors used by an artist. Also, the wooden thing you put paints on. Palate: What kinds of flavors a person likes. Also, the roof of the mouth.
“please do not talk to me or to my great great great grandchildren ever again”
PLEASE please please look at this with me
imagine: you’ve bought a cybertruck. it shows up. it’s ugly. it’s impractical. people laugh in your face. you can’t sell it. so you pull it into your garage, close the garage door with the engine on and wait to fall asleep. four hours later you remember it’s electric and shoot yourself instead.
(about to get kicked out of a donut shop) you shouldn’t have to pay extra for the hole!!
Asked to write an Artist’s Statement:   My goal is to inspire people to participate in the unfolding of the universe   Or   Get them to believe they shouldn’t kill each other.
the guy across the street cuts his grass into neat criss-cross rows twice a week and i like to think of him watching me going out and hacking mine to random heights with my electric scythe and a little tear rolls down his face
Me: was the “also” because the sun SETS or because the MOON rises? Hemingway: couldn’t you have picked someone living to have dinner with
A curse: May your children learn to do embarrassingly accurate impressions of you.
what if snakes still had their legs #art
humanity really fucked up by not domesticating bears
(high-fiving angels when I die) good game, good game, good game