Jason McDaniel

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Jason McDaniel


Political scientist at San Francisco State University
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My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
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Remember that incompetence (& sometimes unreasonable expectations) are always more plausible than malign conspiracy theories when the facts aren’t known. Secret Service has been under scrutiny for dangerous organizational dysfunction for over a decade. www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/...
Secret Service under scrutiny over gunman’s access to a clear Trump viewwww.washingtonpost.com Republican congressional leaders are vowing to investigate what went wrong and calling on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to account for her decisions.
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Look, I don't have any special insight into what the president is or isn't going to do, but here is a deep dive on how the nomination rules intersect with Biden's decision making on staying or going. www.fhqplus.com/p/okay-lets-...
Okay. Let's talk about the rules and this Biden situationwww.fhqplus.com There are party rules in place for a lot of contingencies but they only take us so far
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I’m looking for a copy of a recent paper called “Report of the Sub-group on Proportional Representation.” It’s popping up in GS citations but not available online. Anyone?
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“In 1946 amid persistent racial divisions, popular radio series Adventures of Superman launched Operation Intolerance, a sequence of new episodes promoting equality, rejecting racial discrimination and exposing the KKK’s bigotry. We find lasting impacts…” dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn...
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Trying to stay out of the Biden internet debate, but wrote this piece about how the formal rules of the nomination process aren't really the problem. It's all about the informal ruleshttps://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-replacement-president-race-democrat-history-rcna160923
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This is so spot on from Julia. I talk *A LOT* about rules, but the formal rules I often discuss only take this discussion so far. There are other factors at play as well. Good stuff. Recommended reading for the day. www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Trying to stay out of the Biden internet debate, but wrote this piece about how the formal rules of the nomination process aren't really the problem. It's all about the informal ruleshttps://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-replacement-president-race-democrat-history-rcna160923
Opinion | Democrats can replace Biden. But it won’t be like anything we’ve seen before.www.msnbc.com Thinking through how it might happen requires looking at what the formal rules say, what the informal practices are and what the voters want.
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Today’s 538 podcast made an interesting point: — Despite Trump’s many issues, base remains with him so GOP elites fall in line with party leader — With Biden, ~75% of base think Dems have better shot with someone else, so looming question is whether Dem elites will follow base or party leader
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Reposted byAvatar Jason McDaniel
538 forecast begins with 53% Biden, 47% Trump chances of victory as economic & political fundamentals move a slight Trump current polling lead to a slight Biden forecast: projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-electio... PA is the most likely tipping point state, swing states are as expected
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This is canon in the Oregon Republican facebook groups I follow. Biden landslide = obviously rigged. Biden narrow victory = rigged Trump narrow victory = rigged, was actually a landslide
The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election rigged beyond repair
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Reposted byAvatar Jason McDaniel
New at Tusk: Primary election reformers understand political science research; here's what they're trying to do despite it.
The reformers' agendaopen.substack.com Primary election reformers understand political science research; here's what they're trying to do despite it
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It requires little imagination to see how cycles of protest and violence could unfold on a much larger scale if Trump is re-elected, with each clash becoming a rationale for expansion on both sides. Remember also that Trump wanted to use the Insurrection Act to send the military into urban areas.
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If you need a break from campus politics, I've got party politics for you goodpoliticsbadpolitics.substack.com/p/if-the-gop...
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This op-ed by @ryanenos.bsky.social makes the case that universities should practice "forbearance" when it comes to responding to student protesters who are breaking some university policies when protesting peacefully. www.thecrimson.com/article/2024...
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Today's House primaries in PA feature a dearth of Republican women: Of the 19 GOP House candidates running today, just two are women. To get a sense of how lopsided this is, 12 out of the 25 candidates running for the House on the Democratic side are women. abcnews.go.com/538/live-upd...
Where are the female Republican candidates?abcnews.go.com 538 analysts live-blog the April 23 Pennsylvania primaries, which will set up general elections for president, U.S. House, Senate, state legislature and attorney general.
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LLM's quality of answers to political questions varies based on party affiliation of the question asker, with answer quality and question topic correlating, finds @rmichaelalvarez.bsky.social & Morrier doi.org/10.48550/arX...
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Reposted byAvatar Jason McDaniel
On the House Perpetual-Fiasco Machine - and who in the Republican conference is really to blame. (Hint: Everyone). My new one at Good Politics/Bad Politics. goodpoliticsbadpolitics.substack.com/p/the-house-...
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Last week, I wrote for FiveThirtyEight about the emerging participation gap--infrequent voters are markedly more pro-Trump. abcnews.go.com/538/vote-bac... It turns out that the gap is *much* more pronounced when the GOP candidate is Trump than when it is Haley.
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I'll reiterate that I've been a college professor for 16 years, I make my living thinking about college students and interacting with them, and I still don't think about them as much as NYT and Atlantic writers seem to
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Which colleges increase voting rates? For a long time, we've studied whether going to college shapes voting. But, does it matter *where* you go to college? Yes! A great deal. Check out my new paper with Smith, Bell, and Imlay. iza.org/publications...
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Some assorted thoughts on the Chemerinsky incident at Berkeley. As a Jewish con law professor who writes on antisemitism, has liberal but not anti-Zionist views on Israel, and loves to host students at my house for celebratory dinners, this incident obviously hits close to home.
Assorted Thoughts on the Chemerinsky Incidentdsadevil.blogspot.com If you
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How to explain different findings on the effects of gun violence? It's because work finding large effects on vote doesn't account for parallel trends violations. Once corrected, shootings show little evidence of sparking large electoral change Now out at APSR www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
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Reposted byAvatar Jason McDaniel
We may be approaching the level of Supreme Court rejection last seen after Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857. This Court made illegitimate by its minority rule appointments & rights-violating rulings. Other branches & the people should treat it as such — a nullity, a pretender, an imposter, a usurper.