Bill Beers

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Bill Beers

Professional GIS programmer, dilettante everything else.
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I feel like there are a lot of people who have forgotten what it was like during the Trump years to wake up every morning afraid to look at your phone and see what fresh atrocity happened since you went to sleep…
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Let me be clear. In my opinion, John Roberts has joined Roger Taney (Dred Scott - slavery) as a Chief Justice who will be remembered as an evil man. Not just wrong, but worthy of eternal condemnation for trying to destroy the Republic.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Just consume one more piece of bad news. A wafer-thin piece of bad news. Go ahead, what could go wrong. It's wafer-thin.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
oh CROCKpots
“Several RFK Jr staffers fear the electromagnetic radiation from microwave ovens, complicating a volunteer potluck. (People were advised to bring crockpots.)” 😂
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
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Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
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There is no constitutional text that says presidents are immune from all criminal law. Nor was it the intent of the authors of the Constitution or any amendments. It is inconsistent with American precedent and tradition. They just made it up.
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Biggest campaign story ever: using a private email server that could hold top secrets but doesn’t and could be breached but wasn’t. Tiny story: stealing top secrets. Hiding them in a bathroom. Taking them to NJ. Showing them to foreigners. Meeting with foreign governments.
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Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
I wrote about Snyder v US, and how the Supreme Court yesterday legalized vast swaths of corruption for state and local officials of the kind that just happens to look a lot like their own personal conduct.
The US supreme court just basically legalized bribery | Moira By sheer coincidence, this ruling concerns the sort of generous ‘gifts’ and ‘gratuities’ that justices have been known to accept
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
We are living through a major tech revolution but it has nothing to do with AI:
People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it.
Sun Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
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Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
NEW: Georgia's SB 63 tries to shut down charitable bail funds, turning Plaintiffs' charitable, religious, and expressive conduct into a crime. This is unconstitutional. We're suing, and asking the court to stop the law before it goes into effect on July 1.
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Spent 5 hours cross-stitching a QR code to Rickroll my brother with. Time well spent.
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
The fact that a second Trump administration is even a POSSIBILITY is such a tremendous failure on the part of every segment of our political elites. He could have been impeached, convicted, and permanently excluded on the very day. He could have been arrested the second he left office. Etc., etc.
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
omg lol I just realized that I've had my phone on DO disturb all this time
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
Weird way to say "Right wing engages in misinformation"
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
the heavens to betsy pipeline
Reposted byAvatar Bill Beers
A serious attempt by legislators or a candidate to invalidate a plainly valid election to install someone who plainly lost the election as president is not a "legal hack" or "finalizing results". It is treason. It is a treason against the United States and its citizens. We shouldn't dance around it.
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stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...