Michael Loughry

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Michael Loughry


Software Engineer on Outlook. Small-l left libertarian.
It is comically irresponsible how the news media claims Trump is a "changed man" and "somber" and "serene" and "adopting a new tone"
Said it before, I’ll say it again, tell people Republicans want to take away their tax refunds.
Project 2025 raises taxes on a family of four with two parents earning a combined $100,000 by $2,600, in order to fund a tax cut of over three times their combined income for someone earning $5m. x.com/SteveRattner...
So of course NOAA and the NWS are listed by name as being on the chopping block for Project 2025. To be eliminated and stripped for parts. Because they have the audacity to report that yes, climate change is a thing and is happening, because we can observe it.
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
Do not obey in advance.
The Constitutional Crisis is already here. You are living inside it. No way back, for better or worse. Either fight to win the future or concede to fascist tyranny taking over our country, the world's largest economy and mightiest military.
It’s all 100% masks off at this point, lads.
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
Have we done this one yet
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
It is quite noticeable that Democrats have, in less than 24 hours, expressed more sympathy for a guy who didn’t actually get killed than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who’ve been brutally murdered over the last several months.
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay: www.the-reframe.com/gambling-in-...
Gambling In Casablancawww.the-reframe.com Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
I’ll say one other thing; I don’t care how many hours have passed since the assassination attempt, there are just some people I’m not willing to take lessons on violent or irresponsible rhetoric from, or hear them out in good faith ever on this issue. Get fucked, fuck off, next.
It really is grotesque that we have to tolerate, and accept as fellow citizens, these despicable subnormal freaks who delight in evil and threaten everything that makes America great with their sick fantasies. On the other hand honestly the furries can be kind of irritating too.
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Textswww.rollingstone.com Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: ocasio-cortez.house.gov/sites/evo-su... Alito: ocasio-cortez.house.gov/sites/evo-su...
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
BBC just straight-up making up place names at this point
gonna start a support group for the “look I dunno man I’m exhausted let’s just do whatever it takes” demographic
Not that anyone particularly cares about original meaning, but think folks should still say it out loud: For all of the things that are unclear in the founding documents and unknowabilities of what the Founders intended, "the President can kill anyone or commit a coup" was *never* legally arguable
1/ Let me explain one way that today's Trump immunity decision threatens the survival of the Republic. Under today's ruling, a President would be immune for any way in which he used the military (a "core function"), even to kill American citizens in America. Theoretically, the soldiers who . . .
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.
My friend and colleague Ken White has written a great thread describing some (but far from all) of the enormous problems with today's decision by Chief Justice Roberts granting Donald Trump criminal immunity on grounds never before accepted by any court. Today's decision threatens the Republic.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not