🍊🤡 dump is a convicted felon!! Vote Biden/Harris 2024💙🩵💙🩵
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
Combine these decisions alongside Citizens United and Snyder (facilitating bribery of public officials), brought to you by the Federalist Society, and it’s been an incredible era for translating money, rather than votes, into political power
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
Looking at this SCOTUS decision & at all the right-wingers who’ve spent decades of my life complaining about courts all clogged up by “litigation-crazy liberals” & laughing & laughing & laughing & laughing &…
hope everyone enjoys the next two to ten years or so of chaos until the supreme court invents chevron deference again
Thinking a lot this morning about how much time I spent in 2016 getting screamed at for "blackmailing people with the Supreme Court to get them to vote"
The conservative majority of the Supreme Court doesn’t think bribery is much of a crime, but someone sleeping in their car is
I appreciate Justice Sotomayor's humanity and compassion, as ever
Well, you see, bribery is something that rich people do, and sleeping outside is something poor people do
And that it's fine to pay justices/judges/politicians for services rendered because that's totally not a bribe.
So to recap, SCOTUS says: * We justices are the executive branch now * The majestic equality of the laws prohibits both rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges * Obstructing the certification of the president after an election is, at least in isolation, very cool and very legal
It is long past time for way too many people to realize that we desperately need to either Expand the Supreme Court with actual progressives or actively remove those justices who have committed gross ethical offenses, & replace them people who, y'know, have morals & values beyond "power at any cost"
SCOTUS overrules Chevron, a massive blow to the ability of federal agencies to function. The familiar 6–3, with Roberts writing for the majority
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
yes they view graft, which they themselves enjoy, as the just rewards for a life well lived. it attaches to the offices of power naturally. it's their spoils!
Julius Streicher, who ran the antisemitic pro nazi propaganda rag Der Sturmer used the same tactic. Often publishing articles linking Jews or Judaism to horrific crimes. For his role in the dehumanization of Jews in Nazi Germany, Streicher was hanged after the war.
This is ugly stuff. Fox/MAGA personalities are linking Biden's policy to a horrific murder. RNC says the killing was done by a "BIDEN ILLEGAL." Fox is juxtaposing the new policy with footage of hordes swarming the border and even migrant mug shots. 3/
The right wing SCOTUS majority are vile, vomit garbage wastes of space.
Gotta pick yourself up by your bootstraps like Brett Kavanaugh did when some anonymous donor paid off his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debts.
is there any reason* not to just commit to calling it "the corrupt roberts court" every time it needs to be named *legal reason i guess i mean
The right wing majority on scotus legalizes bribery and criminalizes homelessness because to them, rich people deserve rights and poor people deserve nothing. If they were deserving they’d be rich.
Chevron famously said, "Judges are not experts in the field, and are not part of either political branch of the Government." Today, Roberts and the other chaos agents on the court say: "Judges are the only experts in any field, and can dictate policy to either political branch of the Gov't"
Remember to give yourself a break from social if you’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s a lot happening right now, and sometimes it helps to connect with people over it, and sometimes it doesn’t. Always prioritize your well being!
SCOTUS holds 6-3 that it is the executive branch now
Yet no one at the New York Times says "Trump is a bad man and a bad president. He Must Bow Out of the Race." Curious.
BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules 6-3 That We Can All Go Fuck Ourselves
Better yet, leave it to the free market. Water sellers who slowly poison there customers will eventually go out of business.
The Originalist Case For Bringing Back Cholera
I absolutely want whoever graduated from this to decide dangers of power plants.
Randomly remembered this science textbook for Christian homeschooling.
“This SCOTUS decision sponsored by Deus Vult Water Treatment LLC, who purchased an ATV trailer for Thomas’s RV and a new flagpole for the Alito household.“