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When the France election results are good
Very possible. I was testing negative, so I thought surely it would clear up soon. But in the future I’d probably check with my doctor about a longer regimen.
I had it almost a month ago, and I was afraid of that too! But my dr explained that people often have the rebound bc they take it v early in their infection & their body hasn’t fully ramped up an immune response yet. I had a lingering cough that is finally tapering off, but no rebound. Best of luck!
You inspired me to finally look it up too!😁
my husband wakes up earlier than me for work and so he lets the dog out some mornings when he says bye he'll whisper into my sleeping ear, "Luka has diarrhea"
There's always a little gremlin in the corner waiting to tell you what you did wrong
Yep, got it here in Baltimore at the beginning of June and even though it was mild (thanks Paxlovid!), I’m having the same issues. Every time I laugh for real I end up with a coughing fit, and I wake up coughing multiple times a night 😓
We know all 30,000 “units” will be recalled.
Oh yes. Found out in my 30s that my body NO LONGER ALLOWS all-nighters
this is the most futile thing my phone ever does
The shit non-Jews say about Jews who criticize Israel is really something to behold
Mike Johnson went on Fox News to claim Bernie Sanders is "parroting Hamas talking points" to condemn Netanyahu's upcoming speech in Congress. Bernie's response is worth watching: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXAu...
Bernie Sanders Strikes Back After Vicious Fox News Attackwww.youtube.com Speaker Mike Johnson attacked Senator Bernie Sanders, claiming he uses Hamas talking points by opposing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Sen. Sande...
I forgot who said this years ago, but it stuck with me — “when they go low, we need to go motherfuckin subterranean”
do you know what I would do for a Tesco Express in this empty lot across the street from the Light Street library?
i in general would like Cross Street Market to be more of a, you know, market, and not a food hall. there is no grocer in fed and it makes no sense
Planks are the best exercise for showing you how wonderful life can be when not doing planks.
God it is so funny that he is legally required to sit there as they bring up a parade of people - picked at random! - and 75% of them have called him a "car seat leather ass face looking mother fucker"
Today in court, Trump had to hear and see memes mocking him as his defense sought to have jurors dismissed for past social media posts. He did not appear to enjoy it.
Trump Forced to See Mean Memes About Him Shared by Prospective Jurorswww.rollingstone.com Seven jurors were selected for Trump's hush-money trial as others were dismissed for sharing negative memes and social media content about him.
Think of this every time my 3 year old begrudgingly picks up what she threw on the floor.
Oh my GOD: I asked one of the Dems who replied, Rep. Brad Schneider of Illinois, if he'd support a vote to censure Walberg. His response? "We need to stop talking about censures and focus on governing.”
NEW: I reached out to all 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib to see if they'd take action against GOP Rep. Tim Walberg for implying we should nuke Gaza. Only three replied. My report:
Dems who censured Rep. Tlaib over Palestine comments largely silent on GOP Rep's call for nukeswww.thehandbasket.co It's telling who does—and does not—get the benefit of the doubt
It’s frightening that he doesn’t consider taking a visible stand against nuking innocent civilians a part of ‘governing’
special good morning to all the bold heterodox thinkers and truth tellers out there
Wow that’s an incredible name for a deer.
“raises concerns” sound like there’s isn’t already broad consensus that cops shouldn’t be first responders to behavioral health calls. it’s been the expert opinion for decades & frankly, you’d be hard pressed to find cops who disagree. the real story is who is keeping this dangerous practice alive?
The US removes more children from their families than any country on earth--500,000 children are currently in foster care, and just 17% of them were removed from their birth families because of physical or sexual violence with the rest removed because of financial hardship
The insanity of the child welfare thing to me is how many cases I've seen where the parent(s) have kids taken away not for any kind of active harm/abuse but because of financial struggles and then we spend more putting kids through a broken foster system than helping the parents
"But the exposure!" People die of exposure.
Happens to professional writers and freelancers too. I've had several invites rescinded because I dared to ask for a speaking fee and travel.
if my brain and body worked it would be so over for you fuckers