Johnycakes 🇵🇸

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Johnycakes 🇵🇸

(he/him) 35 and bi with a love for video games, books, and helping others. Accepts joy as form of payment. Always sorry. Sex work is work and TERFS can fuck off.
Free Palestine, Land Back
I think it’s really important for our entire society, including those married & not, to deconstruct marriage as a social institution. So for example, husband & wife are titles for social roles that they hold to each other & the entire society outside them.
I'd support any equivalent. "Husband" is so freighted with so many horrible connotations that I've reverted to "spouse."
Supporting independent journalists is the answer to "where do I go with the NYT and WaPo posting Newsmax stories" Anyway, subscribe to Marisa.
a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
Absolutely stunning gradient 😍
OK, I think I managed to mostly capture it.
Welcome to Bluesky. Please Remember these four things: 1) End of the laneway, don’t come up the property 2) A pal asks you for help, you help him 3) Don’t honk at girls, and don’t holler at girls, and don’t talk to them unless they wanna talk to you 4) No Degens on the property
Welcome to Bluesky. Please remember these four things: 1.) DuJour means friendship 2.) DuJour means family 3.) DuJour means seat belts 4.) DuJour means crash positions
optimist: the glass is half full pessimist: the glass is half empty excel: the glass is january 2nd
Are they a fashion stylist or are they just skinny and rich and wear monochrome outfits?
If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
support doesn't have to be money! things like: - commenting - dropping a like - re-sharing -quoting all of these are free, and the moderation filters work (: if you're feeling generous, following for free on our pages (even if you never check them) helps too.
I really wish people understood how losing engagement places like bsky really hurts sex workers. I do have a full time job but SW helps me out since I don't make enough from that job alone. There are plenty of other SWers here who do SW full time!!!! Please support us, thx. 🖤🧡
Seriously go watch this sober or high, absolutely loved every episode
Consider this your reminder to watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix and juice the fuck outta its numbers and convince whoever needs convincing that there’s a place for amazing, adult-audience animation in the world. Thank u.
hey, a lot of folks are struggling right now because it's hard to get traction on bsky when there's Big News. if you have money, please give to mutual aid today. if you don't, please share a few posts like this one 💸💕🧡🖤
Senshi’s delivery service! 🍞🥐🥖
Asked a Magic 8 ball if everything was going to be okay and it collapsed in on itself like a dying star
I do not exist to increase shareholder value. I exist to be a voice for the wailing id that hungers for carnal pleasure.
I do not exist to increase shareholder value. I am a cryptid and cannot be confirmed to exist in reproducible conditions.
i just read this phrase out loud to my 65 year old father and i don’t think i’ve ever seen my very mild mannered father as pissed off about something on social media as he is now
just read the phrase "mixed-weight relationship." think i'm gonna go stare directly into the sun until it sets, then i might wander barefoot into the woods and let whatever happens happen
it's fucked up that in the united states there are so many jobs that require tips to make a living wage. like baristas and supreme court justices
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
my main 3 political beliefs:
1. housing should be provided to all homeless people, for free with no obligations. austin has roughly 2500 homeless ppl, that's like 10 mid rise apartment buildings. it's not that hard. 2. the scheduled drug list should not exist and the DEA should be abolished. 3. healthcare should be free.
i was offered a last min date for bottom surgery. if i can raise the deposit money by July 2nd I can accept the date! please help a girl out 🙏