Jonathan M. Katz

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Jonathan M. Katz

Author of GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM and THE BIG TRUCK THAT WENT BY. Newsletter: Signal: 1-540-999-8238 Avi by
“we need a party which is willing to compromise, while offering pragmatic solutions. a party with ideological diversity, made up of people from all walks of life. [looks at democrats] no, not like that.”
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
anyone who says electoral politics will lead to a just world is misleading you. but so too are the people who say electoral politics doesn’t matter
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
Five journalists in 24 hours
“At least five journalists were killed in attacks by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours in Gaza as bombings and air strikes across the besieged enclave intensified.”
Five journalists killed as Israel steps up bombardment across Journalist couple Amjad Jahjouh and Wafa Abu Dabaan and their children were killed in a strike on the Nuseirat camp.
Well this is grim
Great piece.
Watching the entire "should Biden step down" discussion play out completely among donors and insiders is an incredibly bleak illustration of how absent the working class base of the Democratic Party is from its power center. We can fix that.
The Hole at the Heart of the Democratic Labor needs to fill the vacuum. Or else.
BREAKING: Judge Aileen Cannon halts some Trump deadlines in the Mar-a-Lago proceedings and creates a substantial delay in the case by setting a briefing schedule to precede deciding whether there will be supplemental briefing regarding the effect of Trump v. U.S. on the case.
Would be extremely funny if NYT's approval rating was the only one to take a hit from the Biden coverage
Anonymous troll I would like you to meet my other trolls who accuse me of the exact opposite
According to a substantial number of TikTokers who are always in my comments I am a founding member of Hamas, so it’s good to branch out I guess.
They just blocked me, so guessing they found out.
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
Tweeted this 4 years ago. But I was wrong about Tucker Carlson remaining relevant, maybe I am wrong about the other thing too.
Also I thought opening the border was supposed to be bad?
the breadth of misinformation is unreal. a woman next to us at dinner said she went to cuba when “trump opened the border” and her date said “best president ever.” obama did that!!! trump reversed it!!!
Ok I just moved from “unsure” to “dump Biden”
Aw that’s nice 🙂
This awful Biden situation could’ve been avoided if the US had simply stayed under British rule and gradually transitioned to being an independent parliamentary democracy like Canada
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I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
I watched the Strephanopolous interview and Biden asked “who could get a crowd like I did today?” and said the crowd wanted him to continue. I was in the crowd and talked to people in the line and certainly these are strong Dems but we were also talking about who would be the strongest candidate
You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Gregs
Peter Thiel funding a dating app he’d be kicked off of?
Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.
Today in "Trump didn't write this, someone on his campaign staff did." I don't know if Kellyanne Conway is working for Trump these days but this feels more like her style, voice, and syntax than Trump or those posting on his behalf recently.
McEntee for those of you who don’t know is a wildly misogynistic alpha male TikTok influencer who posts on an account called “Date Right Stuff.” He’s also a failed college quarterback who entered politics through via a Fox News job he got from his industry dad and a viral trick shot YouTube video.
Here's the announcement from Heritage that they've hired McEntee for their PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT. They note that McEntee headed up the Presidential Personnel Office for Trump at the end of his last administration. This is not complicated people.
Former PPO Director John McEntee Joins Project 2025; Personnel Database Launches | The Heritage WASHINGTON—John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is joining the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior ad...
His reactionary dating app was funded with seed money from Peter Thiel. He played a central role in the 2021 coup attempt, writing a memo with a fake story about Thomas Jefferson meant to convince Mike Pence to overthrow the election.
In fairness this is how it was pretty much done for most of American history
And a lot of people are still pissed we reelected a president with early stage Alzheimer’s 40 years later!
I’m saying I expected him to turn in a SOTU level performance at the debate.
That’s what I expected would happen.