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"We talk about bodily autonomy with our children; we should also talk about emotional autonomy and how children can better understand and have agency over their own emotions." Let boys smile and girls be angry 🧪
‘There Are No Such Things as Gendered We still expect children to express emotions in gendered ways. It’s harmful and needs to stop
PrEP is one of the great miracles in the history of medicine and moving it to a twice a year shot will make it so much easier for people to use it's hard to articulate just how amazing it is that we moved HIV from a guaranteed death sentence to something people no longer have to experience at all
"lending someone a fiver requires a different kind of trust than sending someone a nude. As even philosophers can’t agree on what trust means, it’s probably the case that trust is something we have to work out for ourselves." here's how
Trust in relationships - how do you know when you have it? Trust in relationships is really complicated but also a very important topic. This article is a bit philosophical, and political, but also has great advice.
You all have been so helpful, and I'd love to keep the thread going! Historians, feel free to chime in on how you keep those little archival gems organized and easily accessed and cited as you research.
Historian folk: I'm in the early days of a project that involves attaching tiny little details of info gleaned from archival sources to a very long list of people. How do YOU keep track of such tidbits in your work? Spreadsheet? Scrivener folder? It's overwhelming and I need to be organized.
"Most of our basic needs are met through the #infrastructure systems embedded in our #housing," says "What this means is that if you do not have housing you do not have access to those systems." And we're talking water & sewer here. systems embedded in our #housing," says "What this means is that if you do not have housing you do not have access to those systems." And we're talking water & sewer here.
How Infrastructure Works with Deb Chachra - How Do We Meet Our Needs? - War Stories Podcast - Kevin Riggle interviews Deb Chachra, professor of engineering at Olin College and author of HOW INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS about climate change, the housing crisis...
NEW: The Cass Review conducted focus groups with gender diverse youth and young adults who had personal experience with gender-affirming care in England. Then it buried them. Read about the hidden youth perspectives and experiences of the Cass Report, on on Assigned Media:
The Buried Trans Youth Perspectives of the Cass Review — We got into the weeds on the Cass Review website to surface the youth perspectives Cass ignored in a report that seems certain to further limit options for gender dysphoric youth in England.
“The order gives individuals a year’s supply of three types of birth control: pills, vaginal rings and patches. It also applies to people who travel to New York from other states.”
Birth control now available in New York without A law signed last year has finally cleared the necessary regulatory review.
sat down with Anderson Cooper to talk about what it means to be the only one who remembers the family you grew up in, why illness & death aren’t the great equalizers some say they are, the loss inherent in adoption, and how grief can lead you to become someone new:
‎All There Is with Anderson Cooper: Nicole Chung: Carrying Memories Alone on Apple ‎Show All There Is with Anderson Cooper, Ep Nicole Chung: Carrying Memories Alone - Jan 17, 2024
Also worth noting that in the rare cases where someone IS transitioning without telling their parents, the parents are the reason, and informing those parents almost certainly places the child in imminent danger.
Worth noting that the 'crisis' of kids socially transitioning at school without notifying their parents was almost entirely seeded by a NYT article. Even in conservative states, this was nowhere on the legislative agenda a year ago and now it's everywhere.
Here's a gift link to Harriet McBryde Johnson's "Unspeakable Conversations," a 2003 essay about talking to Peter Singer, a man who said the world would be better, would be happier, without disabled people like her. It's worth your time reading.
Unspeakable Conversations (Published 2003) Harriet McBryde Johnson article recalls her meetings with Princeton Prof Peter Singer, who argues for infanticide of extremely disabled babies; Johnson is lawyer who is severely disabled and is disabi...
So few adults are supporting youth autonomy and power rather than treating youth like objects and it shows.
The deeper I’ve fallen down this rainbow-colored rabbit hole, the more I’ve come to understand that my shock at the breadth of queerness in nature is a symptom of a horrible miseducation, centuries of science bullying the abundance of queerness off the record..."🐡🌍🧪
Orion Magazine - A Work of IN THE EARLY 1990s, a young scientific illustrator named John Megahan got a call to work on a secret project: an encyclopedia of all known scientific
I don't know if anyone else gets anxious about phone calls but a little tip I've learned is: if there is a phone call that I don't want to make, before I start dialing the number, I carefully hold the phone in my hand & toss it gently into a lake. I hope this advice helps others.
It has gone largely un-reported, but treatment of gender dysphoria for young people in America has drastically degraded over a short period of time. Part of it is due to bans on care, but that's not the whole story.
Important story by Pro Publica describing how the Medical University of South Carolina quietly bowed to political pressure and stopped offering gender-affirming care for youth... and failed to even inform the patients and families impacted this decision had been made.
Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans The Medical University of South Carolina initially said it wouldn’t be affected by a law banning use of state funds for treatment “furthering the gender transition” of children under 16. Months ...
We filed our appeal in Hachette v. Internet Archive yesterday. If we are unsuccessful in our fight, libraries won’t be allowed to own and lend digital books, only license them from big media corporations. Why is that bad for YOU? 🧵in comments
Internet Archive Defends Digital Rights for Libraries | Internet Archive
It’s our 25th birthday! We’ve been doing all we do for somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 million people for a quarter century. Come check out a timeline of our work and pitch in if you can to help sustain all we do through 2024 and beyond!
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