
I see some good ideas being suggested, but here's my entry: he can now *commercially* pirate music, since to really be criminal rather than civil, needs to be commercial. So he could set up the White House's official pirate streaming service. And no one could do anything.
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
“Pay $.01 per torrent, all proceeds to student and medical debt buyback”, the official Biden’s Bay motto
I came up with this stunt, as being illegal and unjust in multiple ways, without hurting anyone. But there's some risk people would like it, rather than understand how unjust it is. Pretty much anything illegal he does that isn't obviously hurting someone, people might mistakenly like it.
My best idea so far: 1) Have Willie Nelson get himself photographed smoking a joint in a scenic spot on federal park land in a blue, pot-friendly state: still a federal crime. 2) Order executive branch to arrest, prosecute. 3) Sell him a pardon. Charge him one signed guitar. 4) Donate it to charity.
Eminent domain every property adjacent to Sam Alito's, bulldoze everything there, and set up jumbotrons right up on the property line showing nothing but drag shows 24/7.
I'm not understanding why they don't forego the eminent domain bit and just bulldoze only his house in the middle of the night?
I think Alito's neighbors would be ok with the Jumbotrons without having to eminent domain/bulldoze
Release the FBI files on Congress. Admit there are aliens. Offer to return Trump to Putin to free American hostages. Rendition.
Which would rule but I think this is my favorite:
the funniest exercise of presidential power would be to burn down the supreme court citing the take care clause
While he's doing that he needs to find a way to somehow "download a car". Just to really stick it.
He does like Corvettes. In red? Make it an EV and park it on the lawn!! The gas guzzlers would have a coronary!
You can already download car features, like heated seats, after paying a fee. Isn’t 2024 great?
Biden secures a narrow victory by releasing Batgirl to the masses!
Feels like this is a moment that was tailor-made for @crimeaday on Twitter, who literally wrote the book on weird and random prohibitions under the US Code
One of the accounts I miss most from that site. Combinations of two or more laws like that especially.
I want Biden to add me to the official White House Plex server. I want the stupid weekly emails to keep me up to date on his progress through "B.A.D. Cats" and "Hardball".
The Boat That Rocked is about to get a righteous sequel.
He should re-print or modify a book or film in a way that doesn't meet fair use.
Or be an actual pirate in U.S. waters 🏴‍☠️
He could also order to run Trumpoleaks, which only leaks kompromat owned by Moscow..
Avatar so really more of a privateer streaming service. The Founding Fathers would have understood.
Pretty sure Biden sees that as among the worst crimes there is, next to clearing one's debt to MBNA through Chapter 7, so I doubt he'd be on board with it.
JoeFlix - The ENTIRE Disney Library on demand, even the gross parts.
My entry: Fire Louis Dejoy, citing the unified executive theory from the opinion.
How about create a copy of the Internet Archive under the white house? That would take care of the whole copyright problem for lending e-books. The only reason I don't suggest simply taking over the IA is a fear of what Biden's successor in office might do to it.
I mean, I think we can all think of a couple of assassinations that would be pretty cool.
He should freely (nominally charge for “commercial”) share scientific journals, like Elsevier or Sage.
Deface confederate monuments by replacing the faces with Biden's. (Include stone mountain). Given the possible successor is likely to then swap in his own face instead of restoring the originals, it means they stay defaced.
White House Pirate Radio, hell yeah
Okay, but also cartoons, TV shows, movies--the ones studios own and won't show. The ones they make and destroy. Put them all out. You didn't say it couldn't be my personal pet wheeze!
How about the Epstein File, even though I'm sure some very innocent people are in there
Runs up against 5th amendment takings clause, no?
Does it matter? President is immune.
Boy this whole immunity is convenient. I don’t think I even need a lawyer to crime anymore.
Not only is the president immune, you can't even present the conversations as evidence if he can concoct the flimsiest connection to 'official' business.
He’s only immune for official acts. This isn’t one of those.
Sure it is. It's for the cultural benefit of Americans.
That doesn’t fit into the guidance outlined in the scotus ruling. The prosecution would easily clear the bar that “cultural benefit” isn’t a core constitutional function of the office.
Though less amusing, I think the answer to the exercise has to be something along the lines of: joining a criminal conspiracy and taking an affirmative step to advance the conspiracy by, e.g., declassifying some relevant information.
Maybe he could direct some high-ranking military to sleep outside?
Lmao I would love to see him order the brass in the nice houses facing the parade ground at Fort McNair to bivouac on the parade ground
What's the penalty for declaring non-official acts official again? Oh. Oh no...
The president doesn’t get to unilaterally declare which acts are official.
Who's talking about the President? There's nothing stopping the judiciary from determining any act is official. Congress so far has only bothered saying some acts aren't.
that was then, this is now