Cruiser Destroyer & Typhon Frigate Enthusiast

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Cruiser Destroyer & Typhon Frigate Enthusiast

Centre Point, New Oxford Street 1961-66 George Marsh of Richard Seifert & Partners
I will pay any reporter attending the RNC one hundred american dollars, cash, to pop a bunch of balloons real quick
I think RoK should get their own version of the ASMP for the KF-21 just so I can feel something again
if you don't know the Western Union was a brief postwar alliance absorbed into NATO, and until today I didn't, this looks like a propaganda poster from an alternate history where 1940s America has written Europe off and the democracies of the western continent are preparing to make a last stand
Is your plan allowed within the party rulebook? No, okay, but do you control the body that sets the rules and procedures? Oh, you don’t control that either!
It’s a real shame that the stakes are what they are, because it’s really spoilt what is otherwise the funniest type of politics story: a tilt against the leadership with no hope and seemingly no grasp of why it has no hope.
Congress House, Great Russell Street 1953-57 David du R Aberdeen
trump shoring up support among the groyper wing after receiving strong criticism from that front over the weekend
If you look at what Marx actually said, rather than the received internet wisdom of Marx, he very explicitly believed that capitalism was an improvement on what came before. Communism was just going to be even better.
I mean, also, look, I accept I am more pro-capitalism than 99.9 per cent of this website, but I am once again begging that people at least not romanticise pre-modern society, a nightmare that basically every thinker, capitalist and communist alike, wanted to escape.
The construction of the Post Office Tower was completed OTD in 1964. Designed by Eric Bedford and GR Yeats of the Ministry of Works, the tower was built as part of a communication network transmitting telecommunications traffic around the country
So much “voters” discourse is “first, assume the existence of someone much less intelligent than yourself and everyone taking part in this discussion”. A much lower stakes version playing out with prison reform in the UK, where there’s an imagined, incredibly thick bloc of swing voters.
There is an inherent snobbery and superiority in the idea a photo of Trump surviving a shooting wins him the election. Oh, I myself am not swayed by that but your average voter is an idiot easily swayed by flashing colours and bright lights. Honestly, fuck off.
I assure you, no one is psychologically strong enough to overcome repeated exposure to propaganda messages. Even if you reject them personally they become a heuristic for how you think other people think.
Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
If someone told you, "Many of America's top reporters spend a lot of their day in a chat room run by a 'great replacement' believing white supremacist and where many posters are Nazis" you'd be alarmed. That's basically the situation now.
I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
Guys we need to talk about problematic kardashev scale gaps
A surprising percentage of the replies actually got the joke.
Ask Gerald Ford or Shinzo Abe how assassination attempts lead to long term boosts in your political standing
One of the reasons why Margaret Thatcher was the successful British politician of the last fifty years is because she hired a coach from the National Theatre to teach her how to talk
There are actual methods and techniques for this! Actors go to school to study them! But politicians all have law degrees and think they are much smarter than actors are, so feel like doing any of this shit is beneath them and most just kinda go in front of a camera and wing it.
a key element of the appeal of Republicans to pencil-necked political reporters has always been the idea that the macho tough guys will let you be one of them if you side with the GOP and they'll call you a pussy if you side with the Dems
Settle down, boys
Good. Because anyone telling you that our broadcasters should ditch their out of date funding models and emulate the sexy 21st Century streaming platforms clearly hasn’t looked at how all those sexy 21st Century streaming platforms are getting on right now.
The National Recreation Centre in Crystal Palace was officially opened OTD in 1964. Designed by the LCC between 1960 and 64, it created a brutalist sports centre with facilities such as athletics, boxing, squash and even motor racing. Read more here
If bluesky is going to be the place where no actual reporters or media figures are welcome it’s ceding every actually important market to Twitter
One of the many irritating things about the last nine years has been the whining of “this country is not America! Why are people so obsessed with America!” while casually destroying the thing that makes most UK-distinct cultural output because they didn’t like BBC News.
Good. Because anyone telling you that our broadcasters should ditch their out of date funding models and emulate the sexy 21st Century streaming platforms clearly hasn’t looked at how all those sexy 21st Century streaming platforms are getting on right now.
As we're seeing with interest in Trump's Project 2025 the media is desperate not to have this conversation because an election fought on the issues would wind up being a boring rout for Democrats
the country is in a really grim place, and it would be really great if the national conversation were "who's foreign policy do you like" or "wow what great economic ideas the two candidates have, but I prefer this one instead of that one", but alas, that is not where we are
14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
Gwynne House, Turner Street, Whitechapel 1938 H. Victor Kerr
Scrapping the 2-child limit is the most efficient anti-child poverty measure available, simply because the 2-child limit is a precisely-targeted child poverty-increasing measure. And gains from scrapping it now include seeing off increases in child poverty coming down the line. That said ...
Related: I bought and assembled a Lego Coliseum for the sole reason that it’s the best cat bed possible.