Steve Olson

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Steve Olson

Ad guy. potato influencer. whiskey & cephalopod obsessed. expat minnesotan.
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For some reason Kardashev never envisioned a civilization that could harness all of the sunlight that falls on their planet but uses most of it to create pictures of extremely busty ladies with three knees and fourteen fingers.
"can we harvest the sun faster than we can make computers squander all that energy" is a short summary of the 21st century
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I don’t know why it’s hard for so many people to believe that Columbia’s Jewish students (and esp visibly Jewish/pro-Israel students) could be experiencing harassment at the same time that pro-Palestinian protesters are experiencing harassment but… I believe many people can be simultaneously harmed!
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
We progressed from "students are apprentice learners" to "students are customers" to "students are enemies of the state" pretty quickly
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
Now, the cybertruck’s looks might be polarizing, I’ll give you that. But one the other hand, it’s also a colossal piece of shit deathtrap
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AI company: we trained this dog to talk. It doesn’t actually understand language, but it kinda sounds like it’s having a conversation by mimicking the sound of human speech. CEO: awesome, I’ve fired my entire staff, how quickly can it start diagnosing medical disorders
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
what is up with the tech bros and not reading books what is up with that
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
I mean, bacon is exempt, we’re not COMPLETE savages…
richest nation on earth in all of human history
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Lots of Overnight Constitutional Law Experts on here suddenly confident in their ability to second-guess the Supreme Court and adjudicate the actually quite subtle and contested question of [checks notes] Whether Texas can have its own Foreign Policy uh wait a sec what the fuck
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
is this what they mean by rising murder rates in cities?
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Two tidbits: -The father suing says his daughters have never tried and have no intention of trying to get contraceptives from a title x clinic, but somehow the case still has standing -his lawyer is the architect of SB 8–texas' abortion ban
The 5th Circuit grants a Texas father the right to deny his daughter access to birth control, holding that Title X does not override parents' "right to consent to their teenagers’ obtaining contraceptives" under state law. (via
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Every major tech innovation of the past 15 years is just, what if we paid people less money
If the baba yaga does not need real guns, no one does. Granted, he once killed a guy with a pencil… but you know.
And it's not like real firearms need to be anywhere near a movie set. All four John Wick movies, for instance.
John Wick Director: No Movie Should Use Real Guns on The John Wick series is of course entirely filled with firearms, all of them fake.
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That Katie Britt lied about rape to mobilize violence against migrants makes it even more similar to the way racists used rape scares to encourage lynching of Black men in the 20th century. We can't just laugh this off as a lie - its a very deliberate strategy.
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It's so funny how miserable a guy with $100bn is. With the ability to do literally anything a human being can do, Elon chooses to spend every day online getting mad and responding 🤣 to right wing guys who look like Beebop and Rocksteady
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Just turning the country into little fascist fiefdoms, one state at a time
Monstrous: Arizona bill would make shooting and killing migrants on property legal
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In 2021, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell offered $5 million to anyone who could disprove his claim that he had data showing voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Now, he must pay a 64-year-old from Nevada that award, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.
Mike Lindell must pay man $5M in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ challenge, judge Robert Zeidman entered Mike Lindell’s 2021 “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge after the MyPillow CEO claimed he had data proving 2020 election interference.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
hot take here, no one wants to hear an 80 year old man talk about sex, but pop culture is absolutely failing us by not lampooning these would-be grand inquisitors as profoundly uncool fucking twerps.
The dumbass who only telegraphs his arguments in public is telegraphing them again, they’re coming for birth control
Reposted byAvatar Steve Olson
orson welles would have fucking dominated Hot Ones
happy tuesday everyone, saddle up those brain worms and get ready for the parade let me see what you’re workin with
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To be fair, the folks who think AI will replace novels and films are the same ones who fall in love with their chatbot. I don’t think emotional intelligence is in their wheelhouse.
Do... do... these dudes know what goes into (a) making a movie or (b) telling a compelling story? Because holy shit.
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more and more people every day are learning about pedocon theory and how it explains american politics
You check out any right wing weirdo who calls everyone a pedophile and you are in for the opposite of a surprise
Area dog enjoying some very exciting Angeball and last minute heroics from the lads. #coys
Dumb question, but is there no way to release fi vs m lms like this or batwoman directly into the public domain such that it’s still a huge write off for the company? Auction it for charity or something?
Looney Tunes Movie Coyote vs Acme Expected to Be Destroyed The feel-good story of a cancelled movie being saved? Well, it seems like that's not happening.
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Tell me how it fixes *anything* Tell me the one concrete, real world good that comes from leftist voters sitting out the election A single thing. Go.