Bill Tozier

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Bill Tozier

he/him. Here mainly to peek. I used to be complexity-toucher, & sometimes got paid for a little thinkleading. Then I took a decade sort of "off" (as a caregiver). Now I sell stuff on eBay & scan books to give away free. Find me also @[email protected]
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2. If I want more people to vote, I think the most effective way to do that is to help people who want to vote, but live in voter suppressed states. This is why is dear to my heart: it helps people who want to vote. Those people should be able to vote.
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[doctor's office] "Sorry sir, you cancelled your appointment using our text message reminder system" "No, I didn't. I confirmed it." [showing texts with a Y to confirm and the confirmation acknowledgment] "Well, you must have cancelled it some other way." "No, I didn't."
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the 2024 dem slogan just dropped
Get these horrible fucking people out of my life for the love of god
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Tozier
I think some of us have been taught that hiding from news is a cop-out. But it is no longer news, and I think this is important praxis for many of us at this point
There is something you can do. Right now, the media is aiming to keep us in a state of alarm. For ratings. The polls have not measurably moved. You already know your vote. Unplug and let the media giants squawk in an empty room. Maybe if they lost their ratings, they might actually do news again.
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occurs to me the last time people outside of tech talked this much about crowdstrike was, uh, almost exactly eight years ago
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If you haven't visited Wedgeford, you're in for a charming surprise. Who doesn't enjoy a sleepy nineteenth century Kentish village, full of sheep, excellent food, a tiny diaspora Asian community, and more people who secretly aren't of noble blood than you can shake a stick at?
Reposted byAvatar Bill Tozier
Found myself quietly crying reading about the 1934 longshoreman's strike on west coast, because I'm old and on this TL I guess. 150,000 workers had to strike for 83 days(!!), and police killed two people. That's what it took to break that stranglehold
1934 West Coast waterfront strike -
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Tozier
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
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CAPITALISTS: Let the free market decide! THE FREE MARKET: [decides] CAPITALISTS: This group is colluding to suppress voices and views disfavored by the leading marketers at the world’s largest companies and
"Hopefully, some states will consider criminal prosecution," Musk wrote, suggesting he wants it to be illegal for brands to refuse to advertise on X.
Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X's revenue.
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Please excuse a non-nature post. This is happening now to bring awareness to Long Covid. I've been watching for half an hour and already learned a lot. Dianna Cowern is an incredible science Youtuber who's been in bed with Long Covid for almost two years. Hosted by Simone Giertz & others. 🧪
Physics Girl LIVE with long Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
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Pretty much every move I’ve ever made in comics since age 25 has been inspired by the 70-year-olds I saw in comic con Artist Alleys, cranking out sketches of characters they created but don’t own, to pay their doctor bills and nursing home fees.
Jerry Siegel, co-creator of Superman, 61, at his clerking job in Los Angeles, 1975
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"Pssst." "Shhh!" "Whatcha doing?" "Waiting." "For what?" "A cheetah." "I hear those are beautiful." "They sure are, fast too, now hush." "Can I wait with you?" "Only if you're quiet."
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Happy Return of the Living Dead day to all who celebrate
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I just sent my weekly tea newsletter. This week it's about making ice cubes out of tea and finding places to find hope.
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Reposted byAvatar Bill Tozier
A new bit of Tolkien silliness, as I fight off the blues today. "Communiqué from the Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs" - hope you enjoy, et al....
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Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
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attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
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Oh wow, apparently it's #PaidRPGDay today How about you go pay into somebody's mutual aid, and as a little treat for helping somebody out, download my games for free We have werewolf rpgs, slime mold rpgs, solo games about observing the world from your floating island home...