An Idiot

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An Idiot

An idiot couch potato who is struggling to not go completely insane as the world goes mad all around us
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This is the best book review ever written and it took 15 seconds to do.
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this actually highlights a problem Trump may have created for himself here with evangelicals
pence was picked to shore up the evangelical base by signaling that one of their guys was gonna be on the ballot vance is a trumpist fraud whose appeal is a pale reflection of his boss and doesn’t extend outside it at all
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This is a ton of money however every time in the past Musk has promised to "give" someone a ton of money, he's turned out to be full of shit
"Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee backing former President Donald Trump’s presidential run, according to people familiar with the matter."
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if we can get the retvrn chuds and the hindutva chuds to go to war we can perhaps finally end that terrible website
Hey let's check in on Twitter....nope nope nope nope
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Did you know that the Home Run Derby is tonight so you don't have to watch the RNC, you can just watch some dingers? It'll be better for you.
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Some people learn about a logical fallacy or a bit of theory and use it like a weapon (and a shield for their own shitty behavior)
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i love that teen vogue and people magazine are the two most prestigious american journalistic publications now. tune in next week when us weekly blows the trump-epstein rape story open
Vance is a Theil-backed bag of shit in a man suit. But Teen Vogue went ahead and did an explainer on all the reasons why. (And is it just me or does he look like a colorized Bela Lugosi character here?)
Every Gen Z Issue JD Vance Is From guns, and climate change to abortion and LGBTQ rights, the Republican VP is being called “Anti-Gen Z.”
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about a quarter million right now. today's high was 95F and fairly humid.
How many people still without power in Texas?
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Dunce/Vance 2024
You should have to wear a dunce hat if you spend 10 years stoking political violence and then someone shoots you
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I will never forgive mainstream institutions for continuing to treat Bari Weiss like a normal political commentator when her website is pumping out far-right propaganda.
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And nothing in all the federal criminal legal nonsense stops the judge from hitting the "More Defamation / More Money" button again
he threw in an additional libel of e jean carroll, just for kicks
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i hate when i sleep in and miss the last few hours that a law still applied
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If the word “white” were added to every story about Trump voters it probably would change the entire framing of this campaign in ways that we can’t comprehend.
Just to be clear, that 40-45% of voters are 90% white. The refusal to accept that as a fact is why we are where we are right now. It really do be your own people.
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What? No it wasn't. A bunch of people warned about exactly this, before it happened, and then AS IT WAS HAPPENING. People just… kept pretending that the dude who conned them hadn't conned them and was, in fact, a super genius, instead of taking the fucking L and holding him anything like accountable
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sorry i asked if the photo of your kid was “that fucked up AI stuff”
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YES. Shit or get off the pot. I’m not personally invested in Biden but I am invested in us like, trying to not hand the keys to the kingdom over while under threat of Project 2025.
"we're doomed if Biden is the nominee" well, maybe! but you are sure as shit doomed if Biden is the nominee and the story for months on end is "random Democrats call for him to step down one by one"
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i rely on the noaa daily. private weather services also rely on the noaa for long term forecasting, centralized severe weather alerting, and satellite access. everyone relies on the noaa because their long term data is some of the best in the world - and the most freely available.
Project 2025 describes NOAA as a “colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future US prosperity” NOAA is primarily responsible for the National Weather Service
Trump will dismantle key US weather and science agency, climate experts fear | Donald Trump | The Plan to break up Noaa claims its research is ‘climate alarmism’ and calls for commercializing forecasts, weakening forecasts
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This is the reason I've decided to vote. Essentially I'm here for Lena Khan, the Labor Department, Environmental regulation, and the Supreme Court. Oh and I don't want Paxton to break containment. The rest of the US doesn't deserve that.
Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil
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i don’t actually know this, this isn’t a rhetorical question, but, like, do other representative democracies expect that their heads of state maintain 14-16 hour a day, 7 day a week schedules, or is that just specific to our national obsession with looking busy?
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i wonder if biden having a closet full of identical suits arranged by day to minimize the cognitive load he felt he had to contend with would kick off another round of biden old and unfit discourse
Obama kinda famously kept a pretty regular 9 to 5ish schedule and was known to get upset when it was disrupted by staff.
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They just come straight out and say it and nobody listens
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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Okay on to important issues: in S7E3 of Stargate SG-1, a teenage clone of colonel jack O'Neill, with all of adult O'Neill's memories, is given a new life, and attends high school. As the episode closes, he immediately strikes up a conversation with another student. Is this a problematic age gap?
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A question of mine is…on their own would the conservative SCOTUS majority behave this way or does the Federalist Society influence them like 100% and that’s it or what
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Anyway, if all this political posting hasn’t been clear enough: I’m voting for the white guy. No, I mean, the one from an entrenched political dynasty. Not that one, the one who’s an insanely fervent Zionist. No, the one who’s obviously experiencing severe cognitive decline. That one
Reposted byAvatar An Idiot
This is so obvious to me I'm amazed anyone can't see it. Trump feels about the NYT the way the NYT feels about trans people: criticism is just seen as vindication
Surely people understand the reason the NYT isn't bothering to call for 45 to end his campaign????? Elite Democrats read the times and most important CARE about what it says. Elite GOPers read it and don't give a fuck. In fact, such a column would def be used to raise a TRILLION DOLLARS for 45.
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“He described the offer as a ‘sweetheart plea deal’ because it would not force Boeing to admit fault in the deaths of the 346 people who died in the crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia in late 2018 and early 2019.”
Justice Department Is Said to Offer Boeing Plea Deal Over 737 Max A lawyer for the families of the victims of those crashes in 2018 and 2019 said the tentative deal fell short of what the families had sought.