Catherine Chase

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Catherine Chase

Fix the damn Supreme Court! Binding code of ethics, term limits, more judges. Something, anything, to contain this arrogant, awful, billionaire bought Court.
The IRS reported this week they collected $1 BILLION in taxes owed by rich tax cheats thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act funding that provided them the additional staffing to pursue these cases. First up on the GOP agenda for the next administration is gutting the IRS.
billionaire wealth in the US hit 6 trillion today, an all time high, and that’s double what it was before trump-gop passed their tax bill in 2017 that accelerated the rich getting absurdly insanely richer
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
I wish more people understood that we’re in the midst of a global far right resurgence, as the richest people in the world cling to power.
I mean, I look at the structural stuff, not the narrative here. The polls have barely moved, Trump has no money, and Biden has a huge war chest and time booked. Why let the panic of a few people- largely driven by people that already don’t like Biden- shape what I’m thinking here?
those arguing that taylor swift can't be a role model because she is an unmarried and childless woman at 34 are doing a great job of arguing that children need more women role models who are unmarried and childless at 34
Four months ago, the Economist thought the country was being run pretty well.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Reminder for people who seem to be convinced that a deficit barely outside the margin of error in July is insurmountable
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
New rule. If you called for Biden to drop out after a rough debate, but failed to call for Trump to drop out after being convicted on 34 felonies and adjudicated for rape and financial fraud, you don't get to have an opinion in public anymore.
The Sandy Hook parents should get whatever punishment they want from Alex Jones, period. If one of my kids had been massacred in kindergarten and some braying jackass in the media not only called it all fake but made millions off doing so, I wouldn’t stop punching his face until they tased me
this guardrails model seems like it could be highly useful for stabilizing the price of other key commodities like lithium, steel etc
Joe Biden pulled off perhaps the greatest oil trade of all time and in the process broke OPEC's grip and basically no one knows about it. We did a long segment on it last night and it's fascinating and worth your time.
How Joe Biden 'broke OPEC' and rewrote the rules for oil The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, has had massive influence over American politics for six decades. President Biden’s "incredible" oil market trading has broken this infl...
The Washington Post's new publisher offered NPR an exclusive interview if they agreed to kill a story about his legal troubles. NPR refused. Absolutely outrageous, disqualifying behavior.
Refresh me: is this a bad look for the drove-Nixon-from-office, "democracy dies in darkness" newspaper? It seems like a bad look.
The Washington Post's new publisher offered NPR an exclusive interview if they agreed to kill a story about his legal troubles. NPR refused. Absolutely outrageous, disqualifying behavior.
The man who derided his own kin as a welfare queen singlehandedly collected 83% of gifts recorded by _all_ Supreme Court justices since 2004. Incredible.
Data from Fix the Court on gifts received and reported by SCOTUS justices. New plan: Hire Clarence Thomas to be a liberal judge, apparently all you need is the fee and it appears you can get him to rule however you want
NEW: Ken Chesebro, James Troupis, and Michael Roman have been indicted in Wisconsin. Each faces one count of forgery in relation to 2020 electors scheme. (via Anna Bower, Lawfare)
Makes sense to celebrate this precisely *because* we don't know if it'll actually hurt him or if he'll end up losing. Appreciate the good news while you have some.
I’m starting to worry — I hesitate to say this, but I must — I’m starting to worry that Sam Alito might not be completely honest
Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection.
Four years ago, Donald Trump didn't want to wear a mask because it would smudge his makeup, so the Republican Party helped him kill a million Americans.
Transphobes: "When archaeologists find trans women bones they'll find the bones of a MAN." Me, Archaeologist: "Well actually gender=social construct+as we reanalyze bones using DNA from older excavations turns out we were wrong a LOT and did you know trans people have been here for 1000s of years?
Transphobes: "When archaeologists find your bones they'll find the bones of a MAN" when archeologists find my bones they'll note they can't exalt me with their understanding of gender crimes and the find will have at least one gender criminal yearn to talk to me to know if i'd see them as their kin
Judge Carlton Reeves has a new opinion out condemning qualified immunity as unlawful and egregiously unjust. He calls the doctrine a "perpetuation of racial inequality" and "an extra-constitutional affront to other cherished values of our democracy."
Congratulations to all the Jewish critics of Israel, who have now been declared anti-Semitic by legitimate anti-Semites
the federal government, led by an ascendant explicitly white christian nationalist faction in control of one of the two major parties, producing a legally enforceable definition of antisemitism is one of the worst things i can imagine for american jews, and the congress just passed precisely that
The Time interview with Donald Trump makes inescapably clear that not just Trump, but the Republican Party, and Republican voters, are the most dangerous enemies that America has ever faced, foreign or domestic.