Cri Picci Moh

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Cri Picci Moh

Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
the Claudine Gay "plagiarism scandal" was such a vivid illustration of this, the paper deciding to do constant, full court press coverage of a story that had tenuous actual news value.
In this chat, we suggest a distinction between covering something (NYT does great reporting on Trump's autocratic plans), and *crusading.* The latter is wholly different: It uses saturation coverage to alert readers that they should be alarmed. That's just not happening w/r/t Trump's unfitness.
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The best part of being an American is the wide variety of consumer products that are trying to kill you.
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
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i mean people seem to think that they can organize to push out the President-- you know, the President of the United States of America-- without ever suffering even the most mild pushback
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
Boeing is pleading guilty to a fraud that killed over 300 people. Their punishment is fines. At least one person made a decision to perpetuate this fraud, so why is nobody going to jail? If corporations have the same rights as people, they should face the same criminal liabilities as well.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
More people than ever can afford to take a vacation, but airlines aren't pocketing record profits because they have to pay their workers more. Here's why that's bad news for joe biden
Air travel demand is breaking records. Airline profits are Higher labor and other costs have eaten into airlines’ bottom lines.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
It is a deeply held belief of mine that if MTV went back to just showing videos most of the time, with some music-based shows mixed in, it would become a hit again
Is there a media brand that lost more value over the last 25 years than MTV/VH1? Most media conglomerates would kill to have a brand associated with hip youth culture, and Viacom strip mined it with two decades of reality TV dreck and now it's gone
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
I made a thread of some mass comm. research articles about media coverage and public perception. Most media effects are small, except when they're at scale or over a long time and then they're quite significant. The current lurid obsession with Biden's age is not harmless and has real consequences.
"Results indicated both news formats (narrative vs. informational) and frames (environmental vs. economic) had significant immediate effects on issue attitudes and other responses; narrative environmental news had a significantly greater impact than informational environmental news." #CommSky
Stories that Count: Influence of News Narratives on Issue Attitudes - Fuyuan Shen, Lee Ahern, Michelle Baker, This paper examines the impact of using narratives to frame a political issue on individuals’ attitudes. In an experiment, we asked participants to read either ...
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Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
Labour has moved very quickly to remove the Conservatives’ shadow ban on onshore wind. A boost for renewables projects.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
More than 400,000 people were denied a vote in the UK General Election because of the Tories’ voter suppression, mainly from ethnic minority groups. This needs to be tackled immediately.
Voter ID rule may have stopped 400,000 taking part in UK election, poll Exclusive: 3.2% of those surveyed say they were turned away at least once, with minority ethnic people worse affected
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
This article is about the ADL’s recent harassment of a non binary Black activist (of course) but also details the ADL’s troubling history of anti-Black surveillance dating back to their “concerns” about the ANC and a fellow named Mandela.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
At this point you basically have to be brain-dead to not have noticed that the New York Times is out to get democracy, which is not in fact what most NY Times paying subscribers want.
you can't even use "summer silly season" as an excuse when two of the most maniacal SCOTUS decisions in the last 50 years came down within the last three weeks and barely got any front page coverage
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
I tried to post the clip from Casablanca where they sing La Marseillaise on Facebook and this happened
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Russia has just bombed Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital.
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Whatever way you slice it we're in the midst of an all-time embarrassing, credibility-ruining moment for Democratic elites and some of them want to claim MORE authority for themselves. Really not a great time to indulge your smoke-filled room fantasies.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
The "blitz primary" idea is so dumb that you almost have to wonder if the Biden camp planted it as a threat
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
The thing about “European voters reject facism” applying to us is that Trump does indeed seem to have a pretty hard cap on his vote % in the mid 40s. You just gotta motivate everybody else to get out and vote against him!
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
I'd like to believe the WaPo wouldn't straight up lie, but it's not like their changing of the guard at the Editor level and recent coverage of Biden gives me much confidence.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
I mean. But what I feel we're getting away from is that the paper just went with it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like they should verify what they print? And these are Politico reporters. Not exactly in the tank for Biden.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
pulling out a Polaroid of Yashar with "don't believe his lies" sharpied on the back
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
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anyway something worth remembering is that the left parties in france were, as i understand it, considered too fractious and riven by intra-partisan disagreements to unite into a functioning faction, much less in weeks ahead of an election. but faced with a far right grasping at power, they did
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OK, here's the deal. Every adult citizen over 35 but under 75 must make a salad for Jeremy. Jeremy and I will choose the best one, and that person will become the Democratic nominee for president. Entries will be judged on beauty and suitability for a dessert tortoise. Your time starts now.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
People with dementia are far more likely to, and this is a purely hypothetical example, answer questions by rambling for five minutes about something completely unrelated that blends together actual events, second-hand accountings, and delusions.
Reposted byAvatar Cri Picci Moh
Beginning to wonder if Serious Moderate journalists are the ones who actually want the far right in power but they’re afraid to admit it so they project the enthusiasm for the far right onto a populist juggernaut that doesn’t actually exist! Many such cases!
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
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DEATH VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — A person has died from the heat and another is hospitalized as temperature reaches 128 in California's Death Valley.
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Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.