🇺🇦 Winston…just Winston🕺

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🇺🇦 Winston…just Winston🕺


🇺🇦 Kind hearted outlaw. I swear. Secretly Tweeting from Gitmo. #BlackLivesMatter #resist “We are many, they are few.” GALATIANS 3:28
People just becoming indistinguishable from centrist weiners about court reform because they don’t like Biden, you sound like people going “ummm how are you going to pay for that” about universal healthcare
which was part of the point all along (the other point is school segregation)
The Constitutional Crisis is already here. You are living inside it. No way back, for better or worse. Either fight to win the future or concede to fascist tyranny taking over our country, the world's largest economy and mightiest military.
The sooner everybody apropriately treats them like they're doing everything in bad faith, the better
I will never forgive mainstream institutions for continuing to treat Bari Weiss like a normal political commentator when her website is pumping out far-right propaganda. www.thefp.com/p/trump-maga...
Judge Cannon ruled that she was not bound by a Supreme Court case that expressly said the attorney general was authorized to appoint a special prosecutor.
The latest cover of the New Yorker:
Just left a rightwing coffee shop, where all the men were saying how exhausted they were from masturbating to the Trump raised fist pic all weekend. “But still,” one guy said “that’s all I’m gonna do today.” Others agreed. I got out fast when they started up again.
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
I know that as an elder-millennial Democrat I am a cliche for thinking of the West Wing right now but nonetheless I can’t help but wish for statements more along these lines than what we’re getting from current leadership youtu.be/BKdSGSZfbnA?...
CJ on gun controlyoutu.be West Wing S02E02 In the Shadow of Two Gunmen Part IICJ briefs the press corps after the attempted assassination of President Bartlett, and concisely explains...
CPAC adopted this line just two years ago and now the GOP is suddenly all “wait not like that”
Maybe the lesson here is that the people who built a political movement out of the vigilante revenge fantasies of socially maladjusted and heavily armed people overestimated their own ability to control where, when, and at whom the violence they encourage would be directed.
This is from the Facebook page of the bystander killed in the shooting on Saturday, for the "Lower the temperature" crowd to ponder.
"Violence that targets ME is never acceptable"
politicians and pundits, stop modifying the word "violence" with the word "political" before you condemn it
Here is a hummingbird
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
“Utahns approved a slate of ballot measures that legalized medical cannabis, expanded Medicaid, and set up an independent redistricting process. Utah lawmakers responded by rewriting if not gutting the three propositions.” boltsmag.org/utah-supreme...
Utah’s Highest Court Safeguards the People’s Right to Direct Democracyboltsmag.org The decision is a blow to the state GOP’s attempts to ignore a citizen initiative that had reformed redistricting. But the state’s gerrymandered maps remain in effect for now.
Dr. Ruth “defended abortion rights, suggested older people have sex after a good night’s sleep and was an outspoken advocate of condom use … In the 1980s, she stood up for gay men at the height of the AIDS epidemic and spoke out loudly for the LGBTQ community.” apnews.com/article/ruth...
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at 96apnews.com Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, has died.
this whole thing has been the most Democratic Party brained operation of all time. the way to do this would be to spring a united front on Biden all at once, probably last year. but instead it's all these weenie uncoordinated half measures dripping out over weeks
hard to think of better support for Biden's argument that rich elites are behind all this
This is all I can think of. This whole thing is the most Democrats-self-crotch-punching I’ve ever seen.
sure, a reporter could definitely try to use an LLM to help them understand ~ scientific jargon ~ or, and hear me out: they could do some reporting, maybe talk to some experts, maybe dig around to see what all already exists on a given subject??? i'm sure there's a word for that
Making sense of science: Using LLMs to help reporters understand complex researchwww.niemanlab.org Can AI models save reporters time in figuring out an unfamiliar field's jargon?
Biden accidentally called Zelensky Putin. Donald Trump met with Viktor Orban to bring him a message FROM Putin. Which is worse?
billionaire wealth in the US hit 6 trillion today, an all time high, and that’s double what it was before trump-gop passed their tax bill in 2017 that accelerated the rich getting absurdly insanely richer
“In 1946 amid persistent racial divisions, popular radio series Adventures of Superman launched Operation Intolerance, a sequence of new episodes promoting equality, rejecting racial discrimination and exposing the KKK’s bigotry. We find lasting impacts…” dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn...
If you’ve ever wondered what the deal is with #DarkMatter, check out my most recent conversation with John Green on our podcast, Crash Course Pods: The Universe: youtu.be/MKX1k0kOYMU?... Find it on YouTube or any podcast player! Limited series; new episodes every 2 weeks till it’s done
The Story of Dark Matter | Crash Course Pods: The Universe #6youtu.be "How do we know that dark matter is there?" In this episode, Dr. Katie Mack and John Green unpack the full story of dark matter. Head to https://policygenius.com/crashcourse to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save.This show is a production of Complexly. If you want to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can join our community on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse *** Support us for $5/month on Patreon to keep Crash Course free for everyone forever! https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Or support us directly: https://complexly.com/support Join our Crash Course email list to get the latest news and highlights: https://mailchi.mp/crashcourse/email Get our special Crash Course Educators newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iBgMhY Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever: Forrest Langseth, Emily Beazley, Neeloy Gomes, oranjeez, Rie Ohta, Jack Hart, UwU, Leah H., David Fanska, Andrew Woods, Stephen Akuffo, Ken Davidian, Toni Miles, AmyL, Steve Segreto, Kyle & Katherine Callahan, Laurel Stevens, Krystle Young, Burt Humburg, Perry Joyce, Scott Harrison, Alan Bridgeman, Mark & Susan Billian, Breanna Bosso, Matt Curls, Jennifer Killen, Jon Allen, Sarah & Nathan Catchings, Bernardo Garza, team dorsey, Trevin Beattie, Indija-ka Siriwardena, Jason Rostoker, Siobhán, Ken Penttinen, Barrett Nuzum, Nathan Taylor, Les Aker, William McGraw, Rizwan Kassim, Vaso , ClareG, Alex Hackman, Constance Urist, kelsey warren, Katie Dean, Stephen McCandless, Wai Jack Sin, Ian Dundore, Caleb Weeks __ Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecrashcourse/ Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
Here's exactly why this matters: the GOP knows that the country is quickly becoming more diverse. Democracy -- allowing more people to vote -- means that they are out of office. Being anti-democracy is a fancy way of saying you would like the return of John C. Calhoun.
Every incident of a Secret Service agent getting bitten by a dog was leaked to the press. This White House can't keep a bigger secret for this long
If for no other reason than his staff can't stop stepping on rakes for 5 seconds, I think we'd have learned by now if he'd had an actual Parkinson's diagnosis
This is journalistic malpractice. The Biden admin was working on Parkinson's policy.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.