James Hupp

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James Hupp


Honest as an ashtray
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
i don’t know jamelle bouie but it’s clear that he’s been here engaging with people because he’s about the same things most of us are. if you’ve tried to run him off for having bosses as bad as yours you've done nothing with time you could've spent doing something. you're just playing video games
It is routinely true that the left is the only part of the party that takes seriously the political component of protecting the integrity and function of the government. And that is why for all their good government ideals, centrists can’t achieve the quality of government they believe in.
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: ocasio-cortez.house.gov/sites/evo-su... Alito: ocasio-cortez.house.gov/sites/evo-su...
It is abundantly clear that one of the main requirements for posing as objective in high level journalism is to avoid acknowledging any consequences for any domestic policy, so the only stakes is personal feelings about whether government is good or bad.
"this might sound bad if you just loooove government but other people, the normal ones, will love it" is simply not true when the actual impacts are dirtier air and water and open season for fraud on consumers. these are the arguments of people who don't think politics has concrete stakes.
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“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
why did we stop sending men to the moon. So many men could fit up there
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.
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Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Today for the first time I noticed the title of the Walkmen song "Flamingos (for Colbert)". Curious, I did some searching. There's a Colbert Report segment about animals, flamingos specifically, attacking our morals. Or there was. There isn't now. Paramount disappeared it. I bet it was funny.
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As a candidate, Eric Adams promised that at least 1% of the city’s overall budget would be dedicated to the city’s parks. But the latest city budget moves in the opposite direction.
City Parks to Get Even Smaller Share of Budget Under Mayor Adamswww.thecity.nyc
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
Like there's a lot they were not especially clear about, and all sorts of reasons where we shouldn't tie our own future to their past. But "Kings are bad; the President is not a King; he must be constrained by law" is one of the few things they were, to their credit, very clear about
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Not that anyone particularly cares about original meaning, but think folks should still say it out loud: For all of the things that are unclear in the founding documents and unknowabilities of what the Founders intended, "the President can kill anyone or commit a coup" was *never* legally arguable
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
the supreme court is an extremist organization being treated like a pesky HOA
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
The governor has nothing but contempt for the people of New York City. She's rubbing our noses in it because we can't do anything about it and in a couple years when her term is up she'll get a cushy job doing something like lobbying the federal government for road funding for New Jersey.
That shirt is certainly a choice
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The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
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The classic text on this by @chrislhayes.bsky.social is still jaw-dropping to read 20 years later archive.is/V3sbx
swing voters and undecided voters basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, anyone who writes for the ny times, and the vast majority of the times’ subscribers. otherwise they wouldn’t be undecided/swing voters.
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Boardwww.inquirer.com Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Would also note that they use as their own basis for why Biden should drop out that Trump is a uniquely dangerous threat. But somehow they skip the more direct "therefore the GOP should dump him" line of argument and go straight to "therefore Biden should drop out."
During Trump's entire time in office there were no editorials from NYT demanding he resign, after everything he did. They only write such editorials if they think they can draw blood. They didn't want to look stupid, so didn't bother. It's not about doing the right thing. It's only about THEM.
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The thing about taking statutory interpretation away from the agencies is that Congress actually has power over those agencies, but does not have power over the Court. It’s power grab in the guise of helping; it’s “helping” in a paternalistic, condescending, unchecked manner.
It's not only a good idea it's going to be absolutely necessary.
In a fucked up turn of events, I would use the end of Chevron as the excuse to expand the court and the whole judiciary by pointing out that they don’t have the capacity to hear all the cases they just gave themselves. 27 justices, double the size of the circuits. Huh. Thanks John Roberts.
Agency authority will come either from these geniuses, or from Congress anticipating every last objection to agency rules that enact the laws and pre-writing all the details in the laws themselves, which Congress has never been good at but even less since Gingrich gutted committee expert staff.
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start. www.forbes.com/sites/alison...
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air Pollutantwww.forbes.com The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
The ultimate outcome is some VC firm finds a way to monetize the creation of a Chevron deference and then touts the genius of its invention. Chevron will be the new buses.
This is my sense of it as well. As with so many right wing projects,, the chaos will be fun and exciting to them for a while, but eventually things will get so baroque and absurd that they'll start slowly walking this back and maybe 10 years from now they'll make a new Chevron
(not a contracts expert, lawyer, or exec; just my own anxieties): Seems this posture puts the whole federal government-adjacent economy in chaos. How do firms plan operations around time-limited contract awards routinely injuncted until courts rule on every last suit against an authorizing rule?
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
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This is almost as crazy as saying “we fixed racism” in the Shelby County decision
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
Reposted byAvatar James Hupp
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
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Supreme Court rules 6-3 that bribery is a conceptual impossibility, state administrative capacity is illegal, and it is henceforth the only branch of government. But don’t worry, they’re all good friends who take themselves very seriously.
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So much on the line in this election, but the *most* important stakes of this election is who’s going to be able to tell who “I told you so.”