Domestic Supply Adoptee for Reproductive Justice

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Domestic Supply Adoptee for Reproductive Justice

Another adoptee for reproductive justice.
I chose my nickname because of the legend of the Halcyon bird.
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
Good morning! Enjoy this wonderful day with one of my ‘Magic Harlequin’ roses that is blooming today!
i think akhil amar reed captures something very important, which is that the roberts court rewrote article ii, which explicitly states that a president can be held criminally liable after impeachment (and which has long been understood to mean that he can be held liable after leaving office)
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
Arizona Indivisibles collected 31,939 signatures (145% of their goal of 22,000) to stop a GOP abortion ban and restore reproductive freedom in their state. Please show some love to our Arizona volunteers for a very successful year of determined work in every county from Apache to Yuma! 👏
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
So… the documents are legit, it appears. And I have no reason, based on what I’ve seen, to think that they’re false.
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
Well, they’ve basically declared war.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Finishing reading _The Slaves of the Churches: A History_ by Mary E. Sommar and it is simply staggering how many enslaved persons were owned by early churches well into the medieval period. I just, seeing it all laid out is a lot.
If moderators are not allowed to point out obvious blatant lies, there’s pretty much no point to have debates if Donald is involved
folks gonna miss this from just the headline, but someone should point it out: the lack of live fact-checking by the moderators *was part of the agreement* by the campaigns. It's not just that CNN /didn't/ live fact check it. It's that they /weren't allowed to/.
I may now be obsessed with the fact that freshwater crabs 🦀 (Potamon fluviatile) proliferated in late Roman sewers & now archaeologists & conservationists are fighting to save these little guys as an indigenous species, who live in places like Trajan’s Forum.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that GOP SCOTUS ruled that bribery is legal the same week that they ruled that they alone have jurisdiction over environmental cases involving extremely deep-pocketed corporations
advice from someone who is packing up their home: do not buy one more thing. stop buying shit. acquire nothing else. save yourself.
That's what I am doing. Voting against Project 2025
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
The amazing thing about what #adoption does to people’s brains is that if you’re adopted, they will tell you to your face that your own family medical history, and that of your offspring, is someone else’s private business.
Having to tell my children’s doctor that I did not know my own family medical history was the breaking point—the moment that the #adoption fog finally began to lift.
The amazing thing about what #adoption does to people’s brains is that if you’re adopted, they will tell you to your face that your own family medical history, and that of your offspring, is someone else’s private business.
This whole idea is horrifying actually. When it’s finally abolished, people will find it hard to imagine how it was ever allowed in the first place. 🥚
I literally warned y'all about exactly this kind of harmful outcome from GPT integrations, & even told you *why/how* it'd happen. And if it's showing in résumé sorting, then bet it's about break as having been happening in patient portals & police reports & lending application sorters & on & on & on
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
Marley Greiner of Bastard Nation remembers Jim Hamilton, an adoptive parent who was appalled at legally enforced anonymity in adoption and worked for years to open adoptees’ birth records in Minnesota. Poignantly, as of July 1 next week, those records will be opened. 🥚
James Hamilton: Rest in Peace | Bastard James M. Hamilton, after a heroic battle with cancer, passed peacefully at his home in St. Paul, Minnesota on Tuesday, June 18.  Jim was our friend and ally, a husband and father, a lawyer, a world tr...
The main renewable energy source for my anger about adoption is how the whole culture celebrates it—the system that was designed to brutally punish my mother and to strip me of my entire identity and history to the end of my life and beyond. Truly, fuck adoption.🥚