Liz Benbrooks

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Liz Benbrooks

99% reskeeting others to make myself look clever.
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Lessons I've learned from the LLM era (list to be expanded, probably): 1. Sufficiently advanced autocomplete is indistinguishable from an impossibly well-read toddler on peyote. 2. Almost any decision has the potential to be a life-or-death decision, if you're bad enough at it.
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Reposted byAvatar Liz Benbrooks
Tantalizingly close to the fabled day in which San Diego, CA will be the coldest place in the continental US
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I’m no software engineer, just a humanities person who spent 20 years of my life obsessively studying the question “Can reason be automated?” and feeling extreme distress over the catastrophic consequences, for all of us, of this particular iteration of (re)discovering that the answer is “No”
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Getting word that Larry the Chief Mouser of Downing Street has coasted to another peerless victory with no opposition and 100% of the vote, truly Britain’s greatest statesman
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All british actors know each other from Cambridge footlights except for Peter capaldi and Craig Ferguson who know each other from an acid house in Glasgow 1981 and I think that’s beautiful
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This photo is pure 2024.
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Tories working really hard to come in third in a two party system
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This but unironically.
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Simon Hart! Tory Chief Whip just lost his seat. 😆 SHOOT THIS INTO MY VEEEEEINS
Well, I guess we know what their divorce was about now.
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
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Like if you have achieved hot dog nirvana. Repost if you are still on the noble hot dog eightfold path
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The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
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Feel like we all need to give one another some grace to post embarrassing shit in times of deep national crisis
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I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out lou
go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
Reposted byAvatar Liz Benbrooks
ok but as dark parodies go, "the originalist reading of the constitution states that the Founders wanted a monarchy so thats why" is pretty damn good
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Pride month may be over, but not in our hearts! In honor of a recent Supreme Court ruling, and to quote a hilarious meme my friend Valak showed me:
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starting to think this isn't about the Constitution, like, at all
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don't let this lead you to despair, though! remember, the united states, even the continental states alone, is an infamously hard to control group of governments. this hurts progress, but also hinders the most draconic forms of fascism's oppression
just thinking about how (relatively) recent progressive wins alone aren't going to protect us from the fascism overtaking this government
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the anathema of fascism is interpersonal cooperation. the antidote for the poison that is capitalism is community and solidarity. we need to help each other, without any expectation of profit or reward.
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It's hard to process. It will probably take a generation to overturn. Possibly much much longer, if ever. But there's no way around working to overturn this. We've just been given a massive new challenge we didn't have yesterday.
I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock
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my fellow americans, for my first official act with no criminal oversight I’m going to make mitch mcconnell box a kangaroo in the octagon
Reposted byAvatar Liz Benbrooks
nice system of checks and balances you got here, be a shame if anything happened to it oh wait, too late
What is your favourite black and white movie?
What is your favourite black and white movie?
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Family of greylag geese on the Great Ouse. 📷🪶 #photography
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I miss when debates felt incoherent because the candidates were smarter and more informed than me, not the other way around