Helping Friendly Chad⭕️

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Helping Friendly Chad⭕️

Former bon vivant; ex-raconteur. Now, part time cliché, sad-sack and ne'er-do-well. Seeking opportunities as a professional stereotype. References available.
This. x1000. Chuck Schumer’s thoughts on all subjects are questionable at best.
Legalizing direct-to-consumer car sales nationwide would be one way to disrupt a major GOP power center. Car dealerships are the quintessential industry propped up by corrupt laws that screw the people, and also happen to be commonly run by the absolute worst reactionary ghouls
Since unions were legalized, conservatives have been trying to destroy them at all cost, partly to disrupt a core power center of left politics. Disrupting power centers of the right is hardly even mentioned on the left, even when there is overwhelming independent reason to do so, like here or MLMs
I know there are individual electeds who hit on this but there should really be wall to wall emphasis by Democrats on how Republicans who get donations from tax preparers keep blocking a free option
"Charging for popular services that were previously free isn’t generally a winning political strategy. But hard-right policy makers appear poised to try to do just that should Republicans gain power in the next term."
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
What I recall most from Oswego was that it was so painfully, insufferably, blisteringly hot that whole weekend. Oh, and the Del McCoury Band set was fantastic. I think it’s the only set by another band (non-symphonic) at a Phish fest?
In which I break down the GOP's awkward embrace of religious pluralism on the first night of the RNC, when Christian imagery was projected behind people delivering Jewish and Sikh prayers, and the mere existence of a Sikh prayer sparked far-right backlash
At RNC, an uneven, awkward embrace of religious (RNS) — As a Republican official led a Sikh prayer, images of Christian crosses flashed behind her.
This is a solid set of questions that are certain to go nowhere in the reality that is the Biden presidency. But good on for raising them. It's an example of something meaningful that could be done.
Not sure they're wrong, but definitely feel like the We're DOOMED With Biden caucus is turning into one big circlejerk.
When I was in grad school in the late 90s, being “kinda into Rene Girard” marked you, correctly, in several ways — intellectually, as an unserious thinker and, socially, on “double-secret-probation”. What happened?
This is not the most cowardly betrayal in the world. No. This is just a tribute. Couldn’t remember the most cowardly betrayal in the world No no This is just a tribute. To the most cowardly betrayal in the world
1) the YEM is everything 2) the drummer, I forget his name, the one in the back, behind the drum kit, yeah, it seems like he’s pretty good, doesn’t it?
I'm old enough to remember a media that in 1992 treated the defining story of the whole RNC as being the terrifying extremism of Pat Buchanan, who was not the nominee or VP nominee but GHWB's defeated rival. And that was for a level of extremism that Trump or Vance tweet out before breakfast.
Click the link to read about what happened this week at MSNBC when "Morning Joe" was removed from the schedule for a day. Then ask yourself if this is not a dead simple example of what Timothy Snyder meant when he wrote: "Do not obey in advance."
This conversation.
you know what, everyone should just take a minute and go watch Casablanca. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. You'll finally get all the references.
I wouldn't be surprised to see an unexpected surge in turnout by people who decide at the last minute that Trump's scary enough to override their concerns with Biden, and they're going to vote against fascism. That's what happened in France.
Wheelchair users are not exclusively paralyzed. There isn’t reliable data for it, but many, many of us are ambulatory (can walk sometimes, either for short periods or on good days). When you accuse someone of faking because you saw a leg move, you’re not taking into account a variety of conditions.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
not that i'm enthusiastic about asking you to read a politico piece, but i want you to read this and then tell me how you think it would differ if the RNC had paid the writer to type it up and politico to publish it.
A new kind of Republican Party is forming at the The GOP is dramatically transforming. Just listen carefully to the RNC.
Flat-out fascists are on stage, declaring the fascist bullshit they want to achieve, and CNN’s coverage is “well gee Biden is too old have we mentioned how old he is I guess he’s just bound to lose his message won’t break through.”
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
The “Some folks need killing” guy just gave a primetime speech at the RNC.
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
A gift link to a Jamelle Bouie Opinion piece. It reminds of H Arendt's observation: the Nazi's focus on the imagined "suprastate powers" of their targets wasn't about opposing such powers. It was about envy and their desire to have and wield them themselves.
Opinion | Why Republicans Are Talking About Biden’s ‘Dictatorship’ The breathless catastrophizing of Trump and his allies is not an expression of ignorance as much as it is a statement of intent.
GOP AR-15 pins to be worn upside down today.