Helping Friendly Chad⭕️

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Helping Friendly Chad⭕️

Former bon vivant; ex-raconteur. Now, part time cliché, sad-sack and ne'er-do-well. Seeking opportunities as a professional stereotype. References available.
And yet, when I think of beautiful, 100% text emails presented in gorgeous glowing green upon black as rendered in PINE, I’m filled with delightful, delicious aesthetic nostalgia.
1. elite media finds a herd issue 2. elected dems (usually backbenchers) read the columns about it 3. columnists know electeds are reading, write more columns 4. panic sets in 5. columnists want to keep the panic going >>> you are here 6. electeds do something fatally stupid
At some point shouldn’t we figure out who constitutes these “top Democratic circles”, where they live, and how to get some sane people to be friends with them?
“Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be.” 🥥🌴🥥🌴
Democrats start moving to Harris as Biden digs in | CNN Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’s running mate would be.
if this was really about who is mentally fit to be president, trump and RFK, jr. have both, repeatedly, over many years in public life, demonstrated that they’re incapable of working through logical patterns of thought or process to establish the veracity of outlandish claims. seems important.
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
We know we don't have much time left so we've been spending a lot of time with America for its last birthday. Plenty of hugs, taking pictures. My niece is in film school, and got the camera out and interviewed it about what it was like growing up, just trying to record memories while we have them.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
honestly thinking of getting this face tattoo
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Shout out to my Latin teacher, Mrs Meijberg, who left that movie incandescent that the film got the thumbs up/thumbs down hand signal the wrong way round. "Down means sheathe your sword! Up means plunge it up into their heart!". We got very few verbs conjugated that lesson, let me tell you.
this stuff is so aggravating. some of the worst people in the world do this when classicists point out that the ancient world wasn't actually "the white guys, doin stuff!" but a diverse & complex system of relations & then they get like "but what color are the statues" (whose paint has worn off)
if your candidate can't put together a minimal techno set that makes me feel like a single blissed out atom vibrating in a cosmic sea of like-minded atoms then your candidate cannot be said to be serious about the economy
Okay…uh-huh…law enforcement and private orgs can ask for temporary removal of masks…increased penalties for protesters wearing masks…sounds like original bill and—OH COME ON
Stupid & dangerous: North Carolina's restrictions on public mask-wearing are now law after key revisions. The state's contentious restrictions on public mask-wearing are now law after Senate Republicans voted to override the Democratic governor's veto
North Carolina's restrictions on public mask-wearing are now law after some key North Carolina's contentious restrictions on public mask-wearing are now law after Senate Republicans voted to override Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper's veto
there it is. if we all simply pretend that race isn't an axis of material disadvantage and that racial inequality has no bearing on any outcomes, then america is officially race-neutral and if you bring it up, you're the real racist
I didn’t read the story but I’m imagining it as a tale of a beloved 70s rocker who instantly loses his fame, fortune, and future at an ill-advised concert during which he imports a herd of bovines from an adoring monastery in India and murders them onstage in expectation of proto-lulz.
Gerrymandering gave North Carolina Republicans a supermajority. They just used it to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to ban non-citizen voting—which is already illegal. They refused to repeal the NC constitution's racist Jim Crow literacy test. Very revealing choices in symbolism
NC constitutional amendments: Legislature approves citizen-only voting, rejects repeal of Jim Crow literacy test Although North Carolina's literacy test rules were made unenforceable by the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, they've remained written into the state constitution. Voters could have a chance to chan...
Trump wants to usher in fascism and Biden is old. Clearly both candidates are equally bad.
When I saw Biden at a fundraiser early this month, he sounded tired and a bit feeble, particularly contrasted with Obama talking right next to him. But the choice between enfeebled and a narcissistic sociopath surrounded by younger narcissistic sociopaths is not even a little difficult.
Holy shit there’s sooooo many left of center folks that somehow/way just DESPERATELY NEED for the Dem party to feel… what… bad? Icky with itself? For sticking with a stutterer who kinda has a surprisingly good record as far as ~75yrs of D presidents go? Why do they NEED the self-flagellation?
I dunno I want to watch old stubborn guys win, and rich do-nothing losers in nice suits lose. Sue me, I’m American
Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
Importing this thread from the bad place. It opens with a link to a piece that used official data to establish that yes, crime rates are indeed very much down recently. But here’s the thing, Project 2025’s Trump 2.0 promises to destroy that world in which we can “know” things like this.
i hope aliens exploring the wreckage of this planet someday find it really amusing that so many humans experienced hardship in our lives and, instead of working for public resources to be used to make life easier for people, they made little rent-seeking hustles out of alleviating that hardship.
A) you should listen to this excellent conversation. B) I want to do a wee thread (might expand it into something bigger) on one theme that emerges here--whether or not it matters if we use the word "fascist" to describe Trump. I'm going to make an argument for why we SHOULD use the word.
I had a great conversation with on his “Why Is This Happening?” podcast about “Project 2025,” the Right’s radical plans to use government as an authoritarian tool to impose a reactionary vision on America:
‎Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast: WTH is Project 2025? with Thomas Zimmer on Apple ‎Show Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast, Ep WTH is Project 2025? with Thomas Zimmer - Jun 25, 2024
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
CNN: Okay, you can join the debate but only if you only answer to Commander Brainworms. RFK jr: Deal! CNN: Okay, welcome to the party Commander Brainworms. Commander Brainworms: Jokes on you, I already answer to that.
American democracy is not a permanent stone edifice at which we pay our respects every July 4, it is a work in progress and it is currently under assault by the same sorts of forces that have resisted its expansion at every stage of its history.
Both. Neither one should exist. Healthcare and education should never be for profit, and we shouldn’t let corporations force people into crippling, generational debt for wanting either. This isn’t a “radical” take, it’s a moral one.