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The Dems held a primary and Biden won the nomination The Dems have a backstop program in case the nominee is incapable of running: the contested convention The country has a backstop in case POTUS is incapable of running the country: the 25th Amendment Everything else is commentary
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14.3 million Dem voters got off our butts and said "Yes, Joe Biden" in the primaries. After one bad debate, a hundred or so pundits are doing everything y'all can to veto our choice. STOP.
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New York has a long history of refusing to borrow ideas about how cities work from other places and then acting like it invented an idea when it finally does, but “put trash in bins instead of piling bags on sidewalks” takes the cake.
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
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If it seems like the Supreme Court waits until the end of the term to release unpopular opinions ... It's not your imagination.
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The headline takeaway is that Project 2025 is dangerous and imminent, but once you're solid on that, I think people are underselling how fucking badly written it is. It's a bunch of people ranting about their right wing hobbyhorses without an apparent word limit
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Among the many logistical problems with "just have another primary in 4 weeks!" is the question of how you would keep MAGA spoilers from voting When I voted in May, I had to give up the right to determine a bunch of other candidates in my part to vote against Trump; no barrier exists in a rerun
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Tangent on a tangent, this is why most of the "ignore the courts" stuff doesn't work; you need the courts to issue warrants, convict people, and generally authorize any curtailing of liberties. They have a lot of *power* to tell the Executive "no, we won't do that"
Somewhat tangential to this, SCOTUS is creaking under its own weight because they get their power from directing lower courts to rule a certain way, but they get their authority from those rulings making sense and they are in the middle of an authority crisis
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Me, every time MeTV Toons shows a Woody Woodpecker cartoon:
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God I hate this shit. You're LIVING in the United States, you assholes. You don't get to decide that it's the finale. It's YOUR job to see that it isn't. It's all of our job. Save your plausibly deniable ironic defeatism for your group chat.
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Yes, I absolutely do think over half the country cares about having their basic human rights taken away by a bunch of authoritarian freaks. For Christ’s sake, Project 2025 calls for banning PORN. We can get voters mad about this.
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In same article New York Times conveniently didn't mention that "supportive" James Zogby is a long-time Bernie Sanders supporter, advisor, & a member of Sanders' "Sanders Institute." He was also a board member of Our Revolution & wanted Sanders to stay in the race longer in 2020 like he did in 2016.
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Oh hey, a group associated with Dean Phillips has now switched to full time ratfucking against Biden, who'd'a thunk it?
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hoo boy gonna be a big fucking thumbs' down from me on LGM publishing breathless speculation about biden having parkinson's based on the speculation of doctors who know good and goddamned well that they can't and shouldn't try to diagnose people who aren't their patients through the fucking tv
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Reposted byAvatar Chartoc
Everyone predicted a far right victory. Take heart.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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Sunday thoughts
Me: man I don't get people who proselytize religion Also me: listen to me! You don't need to live like this! For God's sake listen!
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Guys and gals, let’s make sure we see the GOP like this next November.
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In the week following the debate the New York Times ran 192 stories about Biden's performance and six about Project 2025.
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(My personal blackpill on this has been 'the return of oh-who-cares attitudes about STIs' in kink circles, which is just stunningly dumb and irresponsible. At that point you are a bad person, you should feel bad, and I will shame you like crazy.)
AIDS being highly treatable now doesn't make it a horrible condition, and making someone sick either deliberately or through reckless disregard is abysmal behavior!
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Posting accomplishes lots of things. It has broken more brains more thoroughly than ergot poisoning, for example
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
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When John Cena retires, he should finally become visible to all the other wrestlers, just like how everyone on Sesame Street was finally able to see Mr. Snuffleupagus. 🤼
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People who warn you about 2025 aren't threatening you, they're warning you. Like how if people were to tell you that there's a lot of deadly blue ringed octopi in the water off the beach aren't threatening you, they're warning you. Only difference is that if you swim it'll only kill you.
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"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great!
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
Reposted byAvatar Chartoc
Organizers got enough signatures to put a measure protecting abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In *Arkansas*. They had *no national support*. Ignore the pundits melting down over not being treated as Very Special Boys. Dobbs has fundamentally changed elections. Everything they know is wrong.
Arkansas abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot A measure to enshrine abortion rights in the ruby red state’s constitution is now one step closer to making the November ballot — but major obstacles remain.