Collin Seals

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Collin Seals

Yeah I went to law school
Wait what
And I’m thinking Moby Dick doesn’t bite so much as he swallows.
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I've posted this before but "Political Advice for Democrats from Someone who Never Votes for Democrats" is such a dumb genre.
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The CuberTruck lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, spinning its wheels trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. You’re laughing your ass off. Why is that?
Behold, the dumbest thing I’ve read today
Is ChatGPT or other similar technology useful for law? Probably. Here's a hypothetical legal and use case.
How LLMs May Be Used in Court A hypothetical case as an example of how LLMs can be used in legal research.
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Could we please require these computer engineers to take enough psychology classes to have at least a RUDIMENTARY understanding of what the word "intelligence" means before they go around vomiting it in their marketing claims?
it'll lay on the jargon with a mix of self-loathing & fear of being exposed
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
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Reposted byAvatar Collin Seals
What the literal hell?
This is amazing. The judge holds attorney in criminal contempt to force him to reveal what the attorney asserts is privileged information. Immediately the judge faces pushback on the law on this, calls for a 5 minute recess to “think about it”, and has now been off the bench for 40 minutes.
At the end of Godfather II we learn that Vito Corleone’s birthday is December 7th — Pearl Harbor Day and also my birthday. It is a fact I bring up at every birthday party.
My grandmother, who turned 88 today, was always so proud to share a birthday with Donald Duck. She never mentioned sharing a birthday with anyone else
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quickest path to political brainworms is to make hating liberals the core of your ideology
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The part that's most galling to me is how careless so many of my fellow citizens are about democracy. It's not like there's THAT many people who are openly hostile to it, it's just that so many people in positions of authority and influence seem committed to acting like what's happening is normal.
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it is very bad that the mainstream view of the legal academy is that SCOTUS is full of good faith people who are just trying to do their best
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What if the Constitutional requirement that judges hold their offices during “good behavior” means that we can have a judicial ethics code with teeth that is enforced by an agency?
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The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, by El Greco, 1586, 📸 via @MichelleSichak
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Too many people confuse being amoral with being objective
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Feeling sorry for any artists or authors named Al living in the times of artificial intelligence and sans-serif fonts.
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If we don’t stop them now they might turn into hilarious adults
[Clears throat] Murder by Death Becomes Herbie, the Love Bug’s Life of Brian’s Song of the South Park, Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
Sling Blade Runner
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Saying “I don’t personally believe in abortion but it should be legal” is in fact a pro choice and not anti abortion position
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GUYS. Are you looking at the eclipse? It's AMAZING.
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I am very satisfied to have finally reached an age where I’m comfortable admitting that I don’t really find eclipses to be all that fascinating
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I love how "normal" in common parlance means "going along with the flow" but "normal" in a vector context means "at right angles to the plane"
Reposted byAvatar Collin Seals
if people are going to insist that different alcohol drinks make you different types of drunk then i will insist that different pasta shapes will give me different emotions
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Judas: Thanks for inviting me to the Last Supper Jesus: The what? Judas: what?
My most controversial movie opinion is that most adaptations from books are superior to the source material.
Moneyball is one of those situations where the movie is much better than the book, and this scene is a perfect example. The humor and the drama come from the performances and the adapted script and even Michael Lewis couldn't ruin it.
Billy's Expert Negotiation for Acquiring Ricardo Rincon | Moneyball (Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill) M dears, let's delve into this situation. Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) aims to trade Mike Magnante for the talented Ricardo Rincon from Cleveland, all while avoid...
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Seriously, what is the non-fraud use case for this technology? Is there a single thing this could be used for that's good? It would have to be extremely good and important because the main thing it's going to do is enable industrial scale fraud
A new OpenAI tool can recreate human voices — from just a 15-second recording. The technology, called Voice Engine, is currently available only to a small group of early testers.
OpenAI Unveils A.I. Technology That Recreates Human The start-up is sharing the technology, Voice Engine, with a small group of early testers as it tries to understand the potential dangers.
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Fascism is a *process*, not a fixed state. That process almost always involves an extreme minority getting a larger minority (and almost never a majority) to ACCEPT certain dehumanizing propositions as politically legitimate, even if they don't 100% agree w/ their most radical implications.