Dr. John D. Martin III

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Dr. John D. Martin III


Data architect by day, data architect by night. Any and all pronouns. Other places: https://linktr.ee/jdmar3
Remember the day Trump was found guilty? Feels like it happened a year ago right? It was 45 days ago. Barely six weeks. The election is in 113 days. You do you, but we're going to live a decade in the next 4 months so maybe stop assuming every Big thing that happens is the definitive one.
white people are FUCKING INSANE
Just want to put it out there that I am not, in fact, MAGA.
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
@nuclearanthro.bsky.social This is superb.
The dumbest craft I’ve done in a while is this cross stitch of a QR code guests can scan to join our Wi-Fi. 😂 (obfuscated for obvious reasons)
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve faster than light particles here." Two tachyons walk into a bar. The punchline comes before the joke You know what the worst thing about time travel jokes is?
📍 We are here
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.
My friend and colleague Ken White has written a great thread describing some (but far from all) of the enormous problems with today's decision by Chief Justice Roberts granting Donald Trump criminal immunity on grounds never before accepted by any court. Today's decision threatens the Republic.
Living under authoritarian regimes is both relatively boring and normal AND incredibly corrosive to the human soul. These things can absolutely co-exist. This is why everyone needs to resist authoritarians, even people who privately assume they’ll be just fine.
The damage this causes across generations (even if the regime is short lived!) is so hard to grasp if you haven’t lived with it. It touches every aspect of life. It makes trust impossible, and without some level of trust and a belief in the possibility of justice, *nothing in society works.*
One billion justices
So often see arguments against SCOTUS expansion like “but then Republicans will just add even more!” And I’m like, cool, then we come right out the gate with like 30 new Justices Make it absurdly big. I’m with Elie Mystal on this one: MORE FROGS AND DOGS AND BEARS AND CHICKENS AND WHATEVER
1/9 Fascists are not civil, but they demand that you be civil. Fascists crush up feelings of personal resentment and snort it in lines, like cocaine. Aggrievement is their drug.
9/9 Fascists are on a bad trip they are trying to make a reality. Don't aid them.
some states are unsafe for trans people to travel through, some states are unsafe for pregnant people to travel through, some states are unsafe for gay people to travel through, we’re developing this horrific patchwork of laws as fundamental rights are upended nationally
Good comic on traveling while pregnant in a Dobbs nation. The Supreme Court has seen to it that states can opt-out of life saving medical care and many have, restricting travel and autonomy for anyone possibly pregnant while also imperiling their lives. www.vox.com/life/356448/...
I’m pregnant. I’m traveling. I’m terrified.www.vox.com My family reunion is in South Carolina. Essential care for my high-risk pregnancy is not.
Texas is proof it's a bad idea to let people who hate government run one.
And the power grid was unreliable, water was unreliable, roads sucked, etc. etc. It turns out that regulations are good but people don’t get this until they are gone.
If any single incident caused Biden to lose 20% of independents, the NYT would be running front-page editorials demanding he drop out
absolutely incredible framing. in ten car pile up seven drivers survive
It's important for starships to have a Vulcan science officer who's a little shit
Since I'm here ruining dreams: I wonder if people would take climate change more seriously if they knew warmer temperatures were helping spread a tik that if it bites you means you can't eat red meat without anaphylasxis
Typically, you want to arrest the leaders of a failed coup ASAP afterwards. Otherwise, they run for president again
“Research has shown that some emotional AIs disproportionately attribute negative emotions to the faces of black people, which would have clear and worrying implications if deployed in areas such as recruitment, performance evaluations, medical diagnostics or policing.”
Are you 80% angry and 2% sad? Why ‘emotional AI’ is fraught with problemswww.theguardian.com AI that purports to read our feelings may enhance user experience but concerns over misuse and bias mean the field is fraught with potential dangers
This ad I just got on LinkedIn gave me psychic damage.
If Americans were watching what the courts and what the republicans were doing in another country they would rightly call it regime change or a coup.
🎵 Shrimp plate assault attempt / no favstars behind bars / honeypot with no pics yet / XX Committee got no one wet / we didn't start the discourse / everyone's been talking since the sun was dawning / we didn't start the discourse 🎵
As cursed as the discourse is, old twitter hands will know that this doesn’t even rank: Deadspin hasn’t done a (justified) hit piece, your mutual hasn’t gone to prison for leaking classified information, and the person in question isn’t an alleged honeypot. No one has seen John Schindler’s dick.