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Teacher &Player of Violin & Piano. Reader & collector of books you hold in your hand. Collector of rocks, art, antique kitchen gadgets, & other lovely things.
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Same poll, but this one's not amusing. "Just 34% of Republicans think a man who forces his wife to have sex against her will should definitely be prosecuted"
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Nosferatu es Tu Feratu. 🧛
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Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
BTW, I'm MATA* * Make America Trumpless Again
Proof AI wants us to die: I texted storage* manager I wanted to change payment method for autopay. Hit send just as I noticed “autopay” had changed to “autopsy.” Apparently, I'm pre-paying my own autopsy. * 6,000 books
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Elijah Hogan, a New Orleans teenager who became homeless over a year ago, was named valedictorian of his high school’s graduating class
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Turns out that sometimes schadenfreude is just as good the next morning
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A Black high school student in Texas who had been suspended because of how he wears his hair was removed from his school on Wednesday and transferred to a disciplinary school program, a letter from the school district shared by the student’s family said.
Black Student Suspended Over Hair Length Is Sent to Disciplinary Darryl George, 18, had previously been suspended by Barbers Hill High School in Texas because officials said the length of his locs violated the district’s dress code.
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A Texas middle school teacher has been fired after reading an illustrated version of Anne Frank's Diary to her eighth-grade class
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Must be great to be a teacher these days. You get to crowdfund your supplies, get covid three times a year, and every time you read a book someone calls 911.
A Texas middle school teacher has been fired after reading an illustrated version of Anne Frank's Diary to her eighth-grade class
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imagine spending $44B on a platform worth less than half that just to nuke it to the point that a valu-rite competitor with no dm’s or videos could shamble along and post this
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70% of republicans in california think slavery has had no impact on the current social position of black people...
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Another recent view on #AGI “doom” is proffered by Dr. Paul Christiano, PhD Comp Sci from UC Berkeley. former OpenAI researcher recently concluded there's a 50% chance AI development could end in 'doom' maybe a 10-20% chance of AI takeover.…
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New DO episode with Daniel Schmachtenberger, Gregory Landua, and myself where we discuss tech and nature, multipolar traps / x-risk, eco-credits, local resilience, and more
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Nate Hagens has posted an extremely long and intellectually deep podcast going down several rabbit holes with Daniel Schmachtenberger on the coming risks of Artificial Intelligence on humanity. This is a “must listen to”podcast. #climatechange #existentialcrisis
Daniel Schmachtenberger: \ On this episode, Daniel Schmachtenberger returns to discuss a surprisingly overlooked risk to our global systems and planetary stability: artificial intelligence. Through a systems perspective, Daniel and Nate piece together the biophysical history that has led humans to this point, heading towards (and beyond) numerous planetary boundaries and facing geopolitical risks all with existential consequences. How does artificial intelligence, not only add to these risks, but accelerate the entire dynamic of the metacrisis? What is the role of intelligence vs wisdom on our current global pathway, and can we change course? Does artificial intelligence have a role to play in creating a more stable system or will it be the tipping point that drives our current one out of control? About Daniel Schmachtenberger: Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. Towards these ends, he’s had particular interest in the topics of catastrophic and existential risk, civilization and institutional decay and collapse as well as progress, collective action problems, social organization theories, and the relevant domains in philosophy and science. For Show Notes and to Learn More: Daniel's recommended content for further AI learning: Eliezer Yudkowsky on Bankless - David Bohm \u0026 Krishnamurti Conversations - Iain McGilchrist: The Master and His Emissary - Robert Miles Videos on AI -
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In 2021 we chose to invest in families by expanding the child tax credit, drastically reducing childhood poverty. We let it expire & now have the biggest one-year increase in childhood poverty on record. Poverty is a policy choice. We must choose differently.
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As someone who was doing college radio at the time and had friends who worked in commercial radio, this was the first time I (and a lot of folks my age) witnessed the scale of corporate censoring power possible when the right wanted to build support for war and silence any criticism.
Can’t let today go by without posting the funniest reaction to 9/11 and that’s the list of 164 songs deemed inappropriate to play that Clear Channel sent to its radio stations
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion." ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower, (1890-1969) 34th U.S. President
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NEW: Every time Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, or Elon Musk take a trip on their private jet, you’re subsidizing it. Private jets make up one in six flights. But they contribute just 2% of the taxes to fund airports—while we pay 70%. It’s time to end that billionaire tax break.
You're Paying for Kim Kardashian's Private Jet Travel. Here's Every time Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, or Elon Musk take a trip on their private jet, you’re subsidizing it. Private jets make up one in six flights. But t...
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The situation is very dire at the "respite" center and it's been a very small crew of people trying to do their best to support the asylum seekers. The city has abandoned them. There's also a need for portable showers if anyone has leads.
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri judge rules 84-year-old man will stand trial for shooting Ralph Yarl, a Black teen who rang wrong doorbell.
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Remember how Black people said police need to stop killing us in 2020 & for a couple months everybody else was like wow that actually sounds like a good idea & but then cops kept getting funded & now we have acres of military training camps for cops & police drone warfare against people's barbeques?
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New art history meme just dropped
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I was taking to a friend about anti-homeless laws, and he put it perfectly: “It’s a huge issue in our society - at the individual level and at the community level - that so many people genuinely believe it’s harder to exist near those who are struggling than it is to BE someone who’s struggling.”
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