hobgoblin of little mind

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hobgoblin of little mind


M55, he/him, Appalachian Ohio

I make music for goblins
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
The power of Nope keeps these assholes out of city councils, library boards, and school boards. The power of Nope stacks Attorneys General. The power of Nope shifts judges, sherriffs, congress reps, senators. and the power of Nope can be used to keep them on target between elections.
And arguably what I am enjoying most is that this is not the hero theory of history. We’re not seeing a charismatic leader carry the election through rhetoric and force of personality. We’re seeing populations say: nope. I like the power of nope.
hmm Sting is blue, Goblins are near.
Behavior associated with abusive New Religious Movements performed by Jesus in the gospels: •claiming exclusive access to necessary spiritual knowledge •preaching the imminent destruction of the world, and promising that the faithful and ONLY the faithful will be spared
This Sunday, I’d just like to remind everyone that it’s perfectly valid to not think Jesus was a great moral teacher. In fact it’s perfectly valid to find him a manipulative, distasteful, and unlikable literary character www.bugbeardispatch.com/p/lets-face-...
Let's Face it, Some of Jesus's Teachings are Harmfulwww.bugbeardispatch.com Breaking the Taboo on Exposing the Dark Side of the Gospels
"To exist is to resist" Poster spotted in Chania, Crete
Please excuse a non-nature post. This is happening now to bring awareness to Long Covid. I've been watching for half an hour and already learned a lot. Dianna Cowern is an incredible science Youtuber who's been in bed with Long Covid for almost two years. Hosted by Simone Giertz & others. 🧪
Physics Girl LIVE with long Covidwww.youtube.com Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
a good lesson that American Independence and July 4 teaches you is that the king being incredibly stupid and even clinically insane does not make fighting him unnecessary or easy. power doesn't require intelligence or wisdom!
Your honor, with all due respect, I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like. It's got a basket, a bell that rings, and things to make it look good. I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.
Your honor, with all due respect, I walk 47 miles of barbed wire, I use a cobra-snake for a necktie, I got a brand new house on the roadside made from rattlesnake hide.
“He took away abortion and he wants to be a dictator” should be plastered on every surface and blaring out of every speaker.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Exactly this
I would argue that modern conservatism demands rights without any corresponding obligation or duty to each other and society. And rights without that reciprocity engenders oppression, lawlessness and disorder;
Reminder that the Heritage Foundation publicly published their plan to invade and establish permanent bases in the Middle East on any pretext, before 9/11.
I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
a series of glitch art versions of famous works, photographed in the Louvre with a GameBoy Camera. will be posting one of these a day for the next few days. first, The Death Of Marat by Jacques-Louis David
No way to run a country
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Kate Bush, eternal 👑
Anyone wanna roast marshmallows?
This is the tradcath weirdo whom the @nytimes.com is publishing to tell you not to vote. You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
America is such a weird place to live, just… hundreds of millions of people convinced of our own superiority despite endless evidence to the contrary. What if Dunning-Kruger was a country.
your mission: be weird. embrace your silly shit tend to your life force find the others
Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.
Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
/5 So, in terrible circumstances, think what people before you have endured. Think about how you can support and defend folks less able than you to endure. And fight the bastards.