Black Flag Dems

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Black Flag Dems

Saving Democracy Starts with Voting Dem. We threw our fainting couches overboard.

Swing your sword and fight like hell against Trumpism.
The Democratic Party doesn't hate losing more than they enjoy winning and it shows.
Yes, the Democratic Party is proving itself significantly more broken than the White House - completely unable to break out of the spiral of self-loathing and recrimination, unable to resist the urge to panic when faced with a bad news cycle
The end game is to allow men in suits finish what the January 6th insurrectionists started: "I’m formally accusing the Biden administration of creating the conditions that most reasonable policymakers and officials cannot in good conscience certify an election"
Trump allies at Heritage declare 2024 election illegitimate in A “war game” presented at the right-wing foundation imagined far-fetched scenarios for election interference to justify preemptive measures.
We're in this to win this.
Is what is happening here that Dems are still committed to voting for Biden but they fear others won’t be, but the polls do not reflect their fears being born out but the fears persist nonetheless. Stakes so high and so is anxiety (understandably!)
After Biden's debate performance, the presidential race is The poll also found that, at this point, no other mainstream Democrat who has been mentioned as a replacement for the president on the ticket does better than President Biden.
And it's so long it'll continue to bubble up for weeks.
Right! And in some miracle that we couldn’t have engineered, project 2025 is bubbling up organically *and* the press has pointed out that Trump’s disavowals are bullshit.
AG Sulzberger is just worried he's actually going to have to pay taxes.
If your actual concern was that Biden was physically or mentally unfit, this presser is a strong data point the other direction. I cannot help but suspect that was not most people’s actual concern
What argument can there possibly be at this point for any continued trust or engagement with political news media institutions? We are just watching an across the board failure to do even the most basic aspects of responsible journalism.
Trump Innocent SOURCE: Trump
It's Loser behavior, if we're being honest. Line up behind the Biden admin and push like hell to the finish line to defeat Trumpism.
Look if they had 40 Senators and 200 in the House all come out and say we demand you resign, that's a really different thing. I'd accept that 100%. but this "we don't have the juice so we'll hem and haw in public about it" move is just completely nuts.
Ron nailed the messaging better than many Democratic politicians this week.
I ask Ron Klain if Kamala Harris has what it takes to beat Trump if Biden were to step aside. His answer is really striking in a colorful sort of way:
Amazing the responses you get when you ask actual voters.
CNN reporter Eva McKend spent the day at the Alpha Kappa Alpha convention in Dallas, where VP Kamala Harris spoke, and was hard-pressed to find a single Black voter, even among Harris mega-fans, who thought it was a good idea to push President Biden off the ticket. 🧵:
Everyday Democrats are with Joe, bc he's our best chance to preserve democracy.
Funny what happens when a reporter actually decides to talk to rank and file Democratic voters instead of panicked backbenchers or smug elite donors.
If any other high-profile presidential candidate gave one speech this rambling and unhinged, it would be a major story. Trump, of course, has given dozens of such speeches in this campaign cycle.
The normal reaction to this is to quickly move to the other side of the street, but not in a way that attracts the guy’s attention. (via
"Do you think Joe Biden is the best candidate to beat Trump in November" has an easy answer. "I do and so do millions of primary voters." It's not rocket science.
It's 2016 and Trump has a new tone. It's 2017 and Trump has a new tone. It's 2018 and Trump has a new tone. It's 2020 and Trump has a new tone. It's 2024 and Trump has a new tone.
If you absolutely must stab someone in the back on national TV, might I suggest one of the folks who wants to deport 16 million people? If someone asks you repeatedly "is Joe Biden too old?", say "Jake, I'm surprised. I thought you were a better journalist than this"
At this point I guess my ask is simple - The Democrats need to set a deadline that isn't the fucking convention on who will run so they can focus on actually electing a candidate instead of constantly leaking their concern to the press and using their time on TV to weakly put knives in backs
Pelosi nailed it with the Blue Cup Parable back in the day. I think the GOP is cynical to the point of toxicity, but Dems could use being 10% more cynical about politics. It'd make them better at fighting the threat of MAGA Authoritarianism.
whomever we end up voting for (most likely biden), and, frankly, whether we win or lose, the party is going to have to learn how to start enforcing a lot more discipline than we have had on display the last two weeks, this is no way to run a war party
How a Militant Anti-Abortion Activist Is Influencing Republican Politics Pastor Matthew Trewhella was once a political pariah. But now his book is being quoted by politicians and former Trump officials. One activist is using it to disrupt elections.
The Gospel of Matthew Trewhella: How a Militant Anti-Abortion Activist Is Influencing Republican The Wisconsin pastor was once a political pariah. But now his book is being quoted by politicians and former Trump officials. One activist is using it to disrupt elections.
It's no coincidence that the Jefferson Memorial, a creation of the New Deal, chose to highlight this particularly apt quote from Jefferson.
A lot of it has faded, to be sure. But this, by Jefferson--standing tall, inscribed in his memorial--speaks down through the ages, and inviting a nation that needs to hear it, to choose a better future for itself, unshackled by any laws or institutions that fail to move us forward to a better future
Vote D for Democracy!
I'm a single-issue voter. My single issue is that I'd like to continue voting.
The admin should lampoon this age coverage every chance they get.
Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
The roadmap to a November win really isn't that complicated: 1. Coalesce behind Biden 2. Focus on the Trump/Project 2025 danger 3. Message around how strong the Biden ADMIN is. 4. Get out the vote like crazy on abortion and anti fascism. 5. Win.
Congrats to everyone on Twitter, still pretending they're not actually frequenting a Nazi bar as the jukebox plays the Horst Wessel Song at a deafening volume.
Holy shit replies to this tweet. I want to barf. That place needs to be nuked from orbit.
"these immigrants came to the US searching for work and a better life, like many of your own ancestors did. They build houses, roads, work farms, lay fiber lines. Our economy and our communities are stronger bc they're here. Do not let Trump tear our country in half" -things Dems should say
The 2024 GOP platform includes a pledge to "Begin [the] Largest Deportation Program in American History."
Uniting Against Fascism is the winning option.
my basic view remains this: Biden stays, party unites: >70% W Biden steps down, smooth transition to Harris: >60% W Biden stays, party chaos: <40% W Biden steps down, bad transition: <10% W
Excellent place to start fighting back against the Times narratives and reframe the race too as for the "everyday American".
Credit where credit is due: this is one of Biden’s best defenses.
At this point, the Biden admin should start leaking nonsense to the Times themselves and then just shoot it out of the air repeatedly.
NEW: President Biden's doctor releases memo explaining that Dr. Cannard evaluated Biden as part of his regular physical (results of which were disclosed in February) and also treats military personnel with neurological issues through the White House Medical Unit
I’ve had some trepidation about some of the squad’s moves in the past, but this is really unequivocal and decisive in a way I think is really commendable.