david golbitz

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david golbitz


writer | editor | nerd
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NEWSFLASH: Children's hospital struck in brazen Russian daylight attack Just a week ago we profiled the work of the Okhmatdyt Children's Clinic in Kyiv. Today, it was hit. We rushed to the scene to report.
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When you find common ground with people with whom you agree some of the time but not all of the time, you can prevent people with whom you agree none of the time from taking power. The left and the center have far more in common than either wants to admit.
Breaking news: The first projections after polls closed in France’s legislative election put a leftist alliance in the lead, as the populist, anti-immigration far right falls behind and performs far below expectations.
France election live updates: Left-wing bloc leads in results projectionswww.washingtonpost.com The populist, anti-immigration National Rally party had been hoping to install France’s first far-right government since World War II, with 28-year-old Jordan Bardella as prime minister.
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In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
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We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this. www.bostonreview.net/articles/ins... www.mediamatters.org/project-2025
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
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Well this is grim
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In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great! www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Crazywww.rollingstone.com Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
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What is Heritage rebelling against? - Civil rights - Regulation of financial markets, environment, consumer goods, antitrust - Marriage equality - Fair immigration - Anything that they see as discriminatory against white people and their brand of Christianity www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | The target of the right’s ‘revolution’ is pluralistic democracy itselfwww.washingtonpost.com The president of the Heritage Foundation said, “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
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I wanna be critically clear: this whole account's deal is an amazingly beautiful simpsons assassin AU, and has less than 300 followers: unserious website, you know nothing of art
Finally finished this one
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Everybody needs to see this quote, understand that this is what Project 2025 is about, and internalize the fact that this is what the Republican Party is doing. This is not a conspiracy theory from the left. They are saying it out loud. #politics #news
He literally said that
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I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
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Unfortunately, this is not just the abstract manifesto of a feverish mind. It comes with concrete plans and a detailed strategy of how to take over and transform government into an autocratic revenge machine that can impose a reactionary vision against the will of the majority. /end
“Project 2025” Promises Revenge, Oppression, and Autocratic Rulethomaszimmer.substack.com The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a radicalizing siege mentality and a desperate desire to restore dominance
Sandwiches? Love 'em! Especially the ones with the, uh, bread? And some form of processed meat, right? Best sandwiches my mum ever made.
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Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
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The landmark reversal nullifies all previously lawful forms of right and makes it very difficult for Americans to make ethical decisions or be generally decent human beings without facing criminal charges.
Supreme Court Overturns 'Right v. Wrong'www.theonion.com WASHINGTON—Striking down the judicial precedent that established the legal supremacy of right over wrong more than two centuries ago, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned Right v. Wrong.
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
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Going public with an experience like this is life-altering for a woman, so when you read these stories remember both the extraordinary amount of courage involved and also the likelihood that there are many others you’ll never hear.
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the magibooks difference between hard books and easy books is the perfect illustration of the difference between art and content.
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They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
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I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
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hi this is evil
“The idea is simple: using the vast volumes of data that retailers know about us, from who we are to the products we like to buy and when we like to buy them, coupled with other information such as our credit score, location and more, shops could tailor the prices they offer to us personally.”
Welcome to ‘personalised pricing’ – where the better off pay morewww.telegraph.co.uk Browsing and buying habits are a goldmine for brands – but could be costing shoppers
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I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
An excellent "I love it when John explains politics" thread.
Nobody’s saying to do that! I loathe centrism. The question at hand is “does withholding your vote for Biden cause more or less real world harm?” If we were arguing about “supporting Biden in a primary “, I’d be agreeing with you.
Apropos of nothing, I had a dream last night that I met Ad-Rock, and then I woke up remembering that I had wanted to tell him that I really enjoyed his wife's memoir and I was kicking myself that I didn't for some reason. Anyway, read Rebel Girl by Kathleen Hanna.
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