Sarah Brand

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Sarah Brand

DC-adjacent. local elected/activist, data nerd, sometimes SF/fantasy writer, live-in photographer for my cat. opinions are mine and do not reflect the views of my cat.

elected official account:
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Look, if Biden literally died tomorrow, Harris would be president. Nobody would contest this as illegitimate or anti-democratic or thwarting the will of anyone. The idea Harris being on the ticket if Biden voluntarily concedes not to run is illegitimate or anti-democratic is just dumb.
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She’s in the job that exists *only to be there to replace the president*
"Democrats stressed they weren’t opposed to Kamala Harris, and many will endorse her, but they don’t like the appearance of a coronation."
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I still think we’re going to win this election
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Just imagine if we could combine all the unity and good feelings of the 2016 primary with the added benefit of people not having any time to get over their preferred candidate losing, there’s no way Democrats could mess it up!
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a much more coherent pitch than me screeching TUDOR HORSE MAN SHOW for like, 2 straight weeks
My pitch for My Lady Jane is: it's Galavant + Princess Bride wrapped around a piece of Ladyhawke fan fiction and remarkably soothing to me rn, probably for reasons listed above.
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tbh our friends and partners and spouses and relatives who don’t want to talk about this are right, it’s all of us who are wrong
Anecdotally *a lot* of people are tuning out of the political news right now. My normally politically engaged wife and mother both just don't want to hear any of it at the moment. We, the politically mainlining hedge pundit class of BlueSky are busy chasing every new tennis ball, but we're weirdos
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hall of fame alt text occurring here
You got it, sister
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Jane Austen reaching the last chapter of a book: and another thing. I am FINISHED writing dialogue. SICK of it. okay some people got married and others didn't. nobody said anything ever again, goodbye
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Feeling pretty grateful our ancestors gave these things a pest control contract 10,000 years ago.
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You know how older, grizzled characters in sci fi and fantasy novels always take first watch, or don't sleep, just stare into the fire all night and keep going the next day, and the young hero/ine is all impressed by their toughness? Maybe they were all middle aged and had insomnia. Just saying.
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become a leftist! every time you’re right about something it sucks! Join us
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Trump/Vance and Project 2025 are eminently beatable (and will be beaten down-ballot in a lot of places). Beating it nationally requires 1) an active campaign that can define what it will stop, and 2) what future it promises in place of all the violence the right is running on.
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I'm at games tonight, the old farts crew by the door, and, Dear Friends, a young woman came into the shop with her friend, and without even looking killed the entire table. "So the book keeps talking about a mix tape like it's a big deal, but isn't that just a playlist?" TPK. Even got the GM.
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We live in a center-left nation with a democracy problem.
This research has come up several times at a big climate conference: A huge majority of people are worried about climate change and want governments to do more to control the crisis. BUT they think they are in a tiny minority and nobody else cares. Everybody (almost) cares! You are not alone 🧪
Climate Change Actions Are Far More Popular Than People in U.S. “False social reality” obscures widespread U.S. support for climate protection measures
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Republicans got caught monologuing
Tremendous that for decades we've lampooned "Villain spends time elaborating every detail of the evil scheme right before they implement it, giving the hero the time and information to foil it" as like cartoonishly stupid and then here comes the Heritage Foundation.
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This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
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Good piece on India's defacto apartheid: "The concept of ‘purity’ that is embedded in the Hindu caste structure – espousing vegetarianism and demonising consistently used to enforce hierarchies and to control the movement of Indian Muslims, preventing them from finding comfortable homes."
Vegetarians In India, diet-based surveillance prevents Muslim citizens from finding secure homes. Words by Sara Ather. Illustration by Asfa Sabrin.
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If you believe it's impossible for someone to hold any kind of institutional power and also be on your side, then you're condemning yourself to a dark road of irrelevance. Sorry. This is how the game is played, and has been since our ancient ancestors first started swimming the primordial seas.
getting mad at everyone on this website with any form of institutional power is not going to do anything to help bring about the political outcomes we want
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Brand
Do not obey in advance.
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The blithe apathy about racist commentary on this site is extremely dispiriting “A Black man must do what we say or be punished, because we women feel unsafe” is not a road you want to go down
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Brand
Another day, another big media framing of literally everything as Good News for Trump
“bad idea right?” but it’s about ordering takeout again
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I would maybe like people to stop declaring Trump the winner of the election ahead of the fact because of this or that. Not sure that accomplishes anything. He's still a deranged fucking creepy weirdo, it's possible people don't want him back. Just please and thank you etc.
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I'll repeat what I wrote in my book. People going after others should ask themselves: Am I going after the appropriate entity or the *available target*? A LOT of latter goes on. But cruelty laterally/downward does nothing to the entity that created a situation &ensures creation of a truly awful vibe
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The IRS reported this week they collected $1 BILLION in taxes owed by rich tax cheats thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act funding that provided them the additional staffing to pursue these cases. First up on the GOP agenda for the next administration is gutting the IRS.
billionaire wealth in the US hit 6 trillion today, an all time high, and that’s double what it was before trump-gop passed their tax bill in 2017 that accelerated the rich getting absurdly insanely richer
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the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with “fasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"