brian j. white

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brian j. white

kit kat enthusiast. former journalist, always editor. founder of Fireside Fiction Company. he/him
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A reminder for Sunday eve: We historically lived and died blithe little lives concerned only with an area the size of a small town. You do not need to be plugged into the mainframe to work for justice. Just keep holding the light for those nearest; you are doing your bit already.
oh god yeah. Like 80% of the money i raised for Fireside in 2011-2013 on kickstarter was via twitter. no way i could replicate anything like that on any platform today
Kids just getting started trying to be independent artists will never experience or understand what a real "grass roots" support network on Twitter or whatever can be like. I've mentioned this before but early Kickstarters I ran? 1/3rd of the funding was from Twitter.
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We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
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Notice France didn’t “reject identity” Didn’t bargain Didn’t deride concerns about imperialism Didn’t treat concerns about inequality as grudges didn’t say soft voice bullshit Protect immigrants Feed babies TAX THE RICH
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For anyone who may need it. (Me. Me needs it. Repeatedly.) You are loved. And you are not alone.
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Do you really want four years of the French pointing and laughing at you and going...hoh hee hoh hee hoh???
Do you REALLY want four years of us brits going "yeah we do eat baked beans on toast but at least our leader isn't a fascist cheeto wankjob, haha"? NO you DON'T.
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I really don’t understand people who are like “no, don’t be heartened by news, you must only ever look for dark sides.”
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Please note the wildly incorrect polling in France. No matter what the cacophony of pundits keep saying, polls are not predictive, and are never the end of the story. Organizing, volunteering, engaging in conversation, and direct action are effective tools. Let's use them here too.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
*eyebrow waggle*
Me, flirting with clown: So, does the carpet match the drapes
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Urgent help is needed here. Tobias has vetted that the money will go straight to the islands.
Hello social medias... You may not be aware a major Cat 5 hurricane struck an area that normally doesn't get them. The eye passed directly over Carriacou and Petit Martinique. The devastation is tremendous. The need is great. You can help and make a difference:
Help the people of Carriacou and Petite Martinique recover, organized by Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada On 1 July, the eye of Hurricane Beryl bore down on two tiny i… Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada MAYAG needs your support for Help the people of Carriacou and Petite Martinique recover
happy 4th of july/tories wipeout day everyone
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This but unironically.
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Banning medical debt from credit reports. Cracking down on junk fees. Banning non-competes. Capping credit card fees. Negotiating drug prices. Expanding OT pay. These Biden policies don't make headlines, but this is what it looks like when government works for the people.
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Prison rape jokes are a part of rape culture. Making “don’t drop the soap” and “become someone’s bitch” jokes means you think rape is okay if it happens to certain people.
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
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depends if it was under one of the rich towns i’m OK with it
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Donald Trump called Biden a manchurian candidate and said Israel should "finish the job" and nobody is calling for him to step down and it's making me feel fucking crazy. It's people are saying this shit at this point just because they *can* influence the democratic party.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
taking food right out of ghosts’ mouths
Earlier this week, AI company ElevenLabs said it is bringing digitally produced celebrity voice-overs of deceased actors to its newly launched Reader app. The company said the app takes articles, PDF, ePub, newsletters, e-books or any other text on your phone and turns it into voice-overs.
AI resurrects deceased actors’ voices to read audiobooks | CNN Actress Judy Garland never recorded her voice to read an audiobook of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but you’ll soon be able to hear her rendition of the children’s novel that inspired the movie nonethel...
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A classic, classic thread. It doesn't get a lot better, honestly. h/t
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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I see the NYT has changed little since its fawning reports on Hitler. No really. Their ability to toady up toward fascism is buried deep, deep within the organization's predilections. They have amazing individual reporters, but the fish has always rotted from the head:
The first four featured NYT opinion pieces and news articles today are about why Biden should drop out
The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely Vox is a general interest news site for the 21st century. Its mission: to help everyone understand our complicated world, so that we can all help shape it. In text, video and audio, our reporters expl...
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Oh wow, I should have anticipated where this thread was going but I didn't 🧪
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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Reminder from a Pittsburgher who was at one point Mr. Rogers neighbor: “Look for the helpers” was intended to be advice for his usual audience, children. We’re grown ups now. We’re supposed to be the helpers.
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The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?