Hopping on (since this book is still due 😅) to quickly say: 1. RNC starts today. There's going to be a lot of discourse, including today's VP pick. 2. As much as possible, stay informed but DON'T get involved in the chatter. Focus on doing the work. What's one thing you can do today?
Really struggling to understand why both the mainstream media and Democratic leadership are finding it so hard right now to express what I think is a fairly basic point. Political violence is bad and a second Trump presidency means more of it.
In the rainforests of Vancouver Island, something has shifted in my mind about birding by ear. The songs are not an indication of the thing I’m looking for. The songs are the thing. Bubbling water. A Pacific wren trilling out an elaborate melody. Swanson’s thrushes echoing above the ferns.
The way forward is mutual aid. Feel lost, lonely, scared? There is a free fridge project or pantry near you. Make some sandwiches. I am absolutely not kidding about this. “Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake” is not terrible advice if you give it away.
Honestly the part where everyone holds their breath and hopes the manic is one of Them rather than one of Us is one of the most grotesque parts of modern life.
Man, lots of guns available for any civilian to buy is really bad for a country
John Roberts legacy will be convincing the majority of Americans that the Supreme Court is a corrupt and outdated institution that needs to be radically reformed.
Citizens United, Shelby County, Trump v. Hawaii, and now United States v. Trump. John Roberts' legacy for democracy.
The States Project is one of the best bang-for-your-buck options for your campaign donations. Even beyond it, though, state legislatures deserve your attention. Next time you're tempted to send money to whoever's going to lose to MTG, send it instead to a contested state leg seat.
Looking for one person to join me today in donating to flipping both statehouses in Arizona to create a new trifecta for democracy. This is the smartest political donation we can make this year.
Flipping Arizona | The States Learn more about Flipping Arizona such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time online donation.
Just my own assumption here, but media tends to expect the left to protest, & therefore considers their demonstrations less newsworthy than right-wing protests. Much like the media expects Dems to govern, get things done & clean up R messes, & thus deems those acts less newsworthy than if Rs do them
I swear I don't get any kick backs for reposting this but the underlying issue is the media has a bias against protest especially liberal protest. It's called the protest paradigm and its been documented for more than 40 years at this point. Link in next skeet.
I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock
If you’re wondering what the system burning down looks like, we’re not there yet but the match been lit. Still time blow it out but it’s being held close to the gunpowder.
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Fun fact about the US political system: the executive branch can just ignore the judicial branch and nothing will happen unless the legislative branch is a functioning body.
anyway, is everyone good and mad now? fucking stay that way for the next five months, there will be more aggressions and indignities and insults to come. staying mad as hell about it is how we won in 2020 and it's how we'll win in 2024.
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
governments are large and complicated you aren't voting for Biden or Trump you are voting for a boring center-left administration or Project 2025
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
sorry but “keep electing democrat presidents and senate majorities indefinitely until enough of scotus dies” never was and certainly is not now good enough. it’s just now. party leadership needs to wake the fuck up
a vote for the Democratic candidate is, among many other things that are also good, a vote for being allowed to continue to vote in the future
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
SCOTUS is clearly banking on a Trump win and giving him the tools to remain in power once he does. This is a do or die moment. We either stop squabbling amongst ourselves and beat MAGA or it's over. Those are the stakes.
The SCOTUS might legit be the most corrupt court on earth currently which is no less wild because it's true
Gorsuch is sitting in Merrick Garland’s seat. Barrett’s confirmation was rushed through two weeks before an election. Kavanaugh is a credibly accused rapist with magically disappearing debts. Alito signals he’s not impartial. Thomas takes bribes. This Supreme Court is illegitimate.
i have so much boundless contempt for these pathetic white men, who were blessed enough to be born in one of the few attempts at multiracial democracy in the world, and who panic at being no more valued than anyone else to the extent that they'd blow it all up and go back to divine right of kings
In normal times, the Supreme Court would've smacked down claims of presidential immunity almost immediately, but we're not in normal times, and there's a reason why the conservative majority of Federalist Society bagmen waited until the last possible moment to provide this insane ruling.
"Expand the court" has gone from radical solution to the most exceptionally moderate option on the table.