Christopher Wargo

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Christopher Wargo

TTRPGs, cars, philosophy, exploration, guitar, film, social justice. Trying to be a good ally.
Since every year of a Tesla model looks identical to when it debuted the only one you know the owners bought AFTER Musk went full nazi is the Cybertruck. It’s a giant flashing sign saying ‘I know who I’m giving my money to and I either don’t care or that’s the reason why I bought it.’
This is real and it’s good! The NYT Simulator is a fun test to assess your aptitude at this delicate job: select the news, edit the headlines, gain the approval of powerful friends, and add new subscribers. Lead the most trusted newspaper through our tumultuous times and into the digital age.
The New York Times Simulator by Do you have what it takes to be the next editor-in-chief of the New York Times? Find out with this fast paced game! Play in your browser
This is key: The people behind “Project 2025” understand that MAGA world - and the radical Right more broadly - wasn’t ready during Trump’s first presidency. They didn’t have the plans or the personnel to bend the state to their will and harness its powers. In 2025, they will be. Some thoughts: 1/
One thought that keeps coming up as I work on the Project 2025 episode I have coming out with -- the entire project is based on the premise that Trump's first presidency was massive failure.
Less politely, the parents weren’t paying any attention until the child forced the issue. More often than not “it happened suddenly!” Is just a polite way to say “I wasn’t paying attention”. True in vehicles, true in families.
What your post failed to consider is me, a complete stranger with bad opinions
OK, let me tell you a joke. It’s a joke about context. (One of the most popular topics for jokes, I know. I give the people what they want.) Here’s the joke: Say somebody gave a rally, and a lot of people came.
The Way It Seeing the full picture in a fascist age of bloodbaths and violence-incitement rallies. But first: a joke about context.
we’re 5 DAYS into 2024 & *125* anti-trans bills have been filed across the US. do cis people know this map? this is risk for *adult* trans people across america. FL is already “do not travel.” i must have a few cis followers. please share this. consider if you could live in a country like this.
Celebrate International Women's Day by interrupting men with your unsolicited opinions and taking credit for their work. If they get upset about it, be sure to tell them that they sound hysterical and should probably smile more.
Thank u, also I wanted to make the FULL interview available so that activists, journalists, and others can use the information to continue to hold her to account. Many journalists don't make source material for their reporting available at all, which I could have done.
weird that you’ll post about it but not answer the question peter
People can comment on art; this is known. Less discussed is the fact that art can comment on people. My favorite example of a movie that got much of its audience to tell on itself is Spike Lee’s DO THE RIGHT THING, which is in my opinion a masterpiece.
Always Do The Right Art that critiques its critics, cowardly pacifisms, and the violence that makes so many of us feel safe.
(reflectively) am i a good enough consumer
Hey Bluesky - could really use your help - and time is of the essence. Have a dear friend whose child is a teacher, and has is being targeted by Libs of Tik Tok. He needs to talk to an enployment lawyer with experience in education law and LGBTQ + issues immediately. Can anyone help??
Show a game that came out when you were 12.
Show a game that came out when you were 12.
The Bad Batch season 3 is really good so far. It’s such a shame we had to sit through 1.5 bad seasons to get to a good show.
Conspiracy theorists ruined conspiracies, man. Of course wealthy and connected people conspire together to sabotage others but they have to make it all about lizard people and the one world government.
I most certainly did not vote for it, and yet...I find my family bound but not protected. A classic! It would be great if we could stay here and vote our kids out of this mess and not abandon our friends but it's too dangerous. We gotta go.
I'm sure what will happen is like... a couple of small details of the Nex Benedict story won't have been perfect from the start and that'll be what the right hides behind, successfully turning it into an argument over semantics and journalism as opposed to an argument about what their hate causes.
Everything is antisemitism except for actual antisemitism, which is fine.
Avatar and can you include the name of the music you use in your show notes somewhere? You had some cool music for the Ahsoka podcasts and I couldn’t figure it out. Also liking your selections on Marvel Vision for the first appearance episodes.
Greetings! I'm an amateur RPG hobbyist. Mostly PbtA hacks, although I do try to branch out. I'm also into film, cars, guitar and philosophy, so those kinds of posts will sneak into my feed as well. I'll try to limit the amount of doom-posting I do
End of feed.