Sally Rhubarb (Stephanie)πŸ¦‡πŸŽƒ

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Sally Rhubarb (Stephanie)πŸ¦‡πŸŽƒ

EIC covering the tech space. Haunted house bitch. #womenswrestling advocate. Writer. Fettuccine Alfredo. Mother of Geese. πŸ¦† "You're a Dragon, be a Dragon" πŸ‰
Sure, sex is great but, have you ever just put your out of office work email message on and just took the rest of the day off on a busy day
Smol Paul has had his nails trimmed every six months all his life, and yet
It has been WILD watching the tide turn, the last few days. But I get it. I feel it. It's almost something like relief.
Every single β€œself made billionaire” is just an asshoke with high risk tolerance who got lucky
Ok now that the new Twister movie is out I want to speak my truth and say that Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt is an underrated hot couple
Texas love to threaten leaving the union, then scream for help when their power grid goes down. It's all saber-rattling and ball-cupping. There Is No Plan.
The Civil War 2 rhetoric is goofy as fuck, IMO. 98% chest beating. Granted, I don't know everything, but I do know every time we have a federal election, like 46% of "deep red" states turn out for the Democrat. That's not a big margin of error, especially since the last time the losers were ROCKED.
I'm not looking forward to the possibility of another Civil War, but I suspect it'll shake out as a two-for-two proof that going all-in on the Bigot Vote is a sure route to a shallow grave for both people and parties.
it's wild how the media continues taking Musk's delusional speed freak ravings at face value when he's literally never followed through on ANYTHING he's promised/threatened to do
LMAO, omg 😭
When Jimmy Carter goes down into the coal mine, the coal digs itself and comes out on its own.
I just want to point out that Jimmy Carter defeated nuclear radiation in combat and cannot even be killed by brain cancer
Reposting because I really want to know: which president wins in a fistfight?
I can tell you it’s an official act and therefore presumptively immune.
I'm not sure what this is but I'm on board
LMAO, who tf did this, sjfdhjsdhfjksdfjjdfh
I'm not sure what this is but I'm on board
crying is so different once you get a cat bc you’ll look up and see this stupid little face
Jimmy Carter is not dead. Jimmy Carter is eternal. It is we who are dead.
Only 60 days before Autumn, just saying.
A lot of people had a lot of ideas about how things would go after the attempted assassination on Trump, but relatively few guessed β€œno one will be talking about it in a week.”
the plan is to do β€œthey even think soda is racist” for a month and then transition to β€œi don’t believe this woman was born in America”
I'm not sure saying the word 'racist' every time you're in front of a camera is gonna have the positive effect you're hoping for JD
She’s not the step president, she’s the president who stepped up.
the first Vinyl Obsessive president
Also the whole discussion about what demographics Kamala will appeal to is inherently racist and sexist when the actual PRIME audience for her is Mid 40s Men Who Buy Vinyl On Record Store Day
I didn’t expect two things to happen in the wake of Biden dropping out - that the Democrats would get it together this quickly, or that the GOP would be caught with their pants down as badly as they seem to have been
The people who are freaked out by women laughing are the ones who don't think women are human.
Laughing is joy, joy is human.
Good morning, y'all who said you'd vote for a potato over T*ump better fucking show up to vote, that's all I'm gonna say
This raises an interesting issue about what happens when the current GOP has to figure out new negative messaging that satisfies its current thought leaders, all of whom vary somewhere between "hairshirted man screaming about demons" and "the most racist car dealer on earth"
hoping the right runs with this message, because it will make them sound absolutely bonkers to every normal person in the electorate.
LMAO, I don't think it's him posting anymore either. It lacks the all caps, nutcase boomer energy these days.
Trump: I'm afraid to debate Harris and mad that I no longer have a campaign strategy