Sandi Behrns

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Sandi Behrns

Generally exasperated | she/her | Data analytics and Digital Comms pro

*desperately hoping to fall out of the coconut tree
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I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
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Predictable and all of this makes the Biden campaign's decision to stand down from their campaign activity ridiculous.
The GOP fundraising pause, if it happened at all, appears to have lasted for virtually no time. The Trump campaign has resumed sending fundraising e-mails, and a GOP aide tells Brian Schwartz of CNBC that the rest of the party is expected to follow their lead.
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IDK how we fix this cultural problem at bsky, other than to say we've lost a lot of really smart and really diverse voices in the past few months and the place is smaller and more boring for their loss.
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how people managed to make this place more miserable to post on than the site owned by elon musk should be studied by academics
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the worst thing about jamelle is that I will spend several years trying to understand something and he will publish something that articulates it perfectly in 700 words. it’s obnoxious
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it’s wild how much of the left’s anger on this site is devoted to the NYT. media criticism is good and healthy but anyone who really thinks a newspaper that’s read mostly by coastal elites is the main obstacle to progressive policy goals in america in the year 2024 is living in a bubble
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It’s definitely a pattern, and one everyone on this app needs to think long and hard about before it’s too late.
Wait, the same people who bullied Tressie off of this site have now set their sights on Jamelle Bouie?? As ever, they are so much closer to MAGA than they realize.
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Some of you are intent upon chasing one of America's premier public intellectuals and op-ed columnists off of bluesky with your inappropriate behavior. Just as you chased off Tressie McMillan Cottom and other Black thinkers. It's hurtful and degrading, so stop these ad hominem attacks.
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"I don't know anything about Project 2025" says man recording Project 2025 promotional video in front of Project 2025 publication. More substantively, Project 2025 has embraced Trump and Miller's immigration approach of using power to close both legal and illegal immigration.
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This photo is pure 2024.
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There was no GOP party platform in 2020, and Trump wants to shrink the proposed 2024 one. He opposes providing detail on how radical his second term will be because he knows its unpopular. Make no mistake: Project 2025 was written by Trump appointees & loyalists. Its their shared agenda.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
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Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
Once upon a time, conservatives' answer for improving anything was "competition" -- too bad that doesn't apply to anything white men think they're entitled to.
Pretty damn tired of "calm down and vote harder."
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“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about ‘court packing’ and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment.” Correct.
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As a Florida resident, I guess he can't vote now.
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Also pensions were phased out and replaced with either the stock market roulette wheel or Nothing, forcing working and middle class people who own homes to rely on it as 90% of their net worth / retirement strategy, incentivizing everyone to defend Property Values to the death.
The problem with the American housing market is 80 years ago, planners decided that cities were dead and the future was car-centric suburbs. People agreed, at least until recently, and now we’ve gotta catch up on building, but the people who have made a lot of money staying in cities won’t let us.
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Very cool that in the midst of a historic election that could put a dictator in the White House that the political class has responded to the crisis of faith in democracy amongst young people by…banning TikTok and criminalizing student protests. I’m sure that will be very helpful!
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i dunno my dipshit centrist friends, perhaps you should call your pals in the white house and suggest they stop putting miller and kirby on teevee. they're probably doing more damage to biden than whoever is annoying you on twitter today
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weird how these videos tend to get out right around 2 years later
Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies. It took two years to get the video.
Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported Revealed: Savannah Graziano, 15, shot by sheriff’s deputies in 2022 while unarmed and following instructions to move toward them
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This is the most important thing in American politics and I'm incredibly exhausted by how rare it is for somebody to say it out loud. Do you understand that voters winning elections and losing all their rights is ITSELF corrosive to democracy? Even aside from WHAT we lose?
I am once again begging people with power within the Democratic Party to devise a better strategy for dealing with the right-wing death grip on the courts than "win every election for 30 years and hopefully appoint their replacements." In 30 years of this there won't be anything left to salvage.
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I am once again begging people with power within the Democratic Party to devise a better strategy for dealing with the right-wing death grip on the courts than "win every election for 30 years and hopefully appoint their replacements." In 30 years of this there won't be anything left to salvage.
Such a weird idea, too. A bankrupt Trump will spend exactly as much of his own money on his campaign as he always has: $0
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Congratulations to PC Gamer and writer Joshua Wolens for coming up with the greatest headline in game industry news history
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a weird contradiction is that supposedly disloyal lefty voters are actually very strong "negative partisans" in that they hate republicans more than the actual democrats do
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New CDC guidelines say it's ok to hide your zombie bite from the other survivors.