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There goes GollyZilla!
Please be an airbrushed goalkeeper’s helmet
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
I just want to reiterate- if I was found at home with just one of those files I would be fired and face severe legal consequences. I know this because I literally have to take a training *every year* about handling classified information or I get locked out of my UNCLASS computer.
Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
Folks really need to remember that any unity a fascist wants is always a hegemonic unity, an imperial unity, a unity that purges all undesirables from their nation. It’s a unity predicated on exclusion.
So as everyone blabs on and on about Trump saying he wants to unify, I just want to point out that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet once helped create a holiday called "A Day of National Unity."
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
the party is not doing the kind of screaming we need them to do, but, listen, all of us are the party. it’s not them, it’s us. let us lock arms and challenge anyone to try to break us.
Man's on a righteous tear tonight if you need a righteous tear to see
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Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
this is somehow an insult to the mcrib and giving Yale too much credit
JD Vance is what happens when a McRib goes to Yale
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
The image on the cover of the Joy Division album "Unknown Pleasures" is from a plot that radio astronomer Harold Craft made for his PhD dissertation, using data collected at Arecibo while studying the pulsar discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell. 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬
Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born #OTD in 1943. As a Cambridge grad student in 1967, she discovered an entirely new type of celestial object: Pulsars! In 1974 the Nobel was given to her advisor; she was left off. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Photo: National Science & Media Museum
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
The best way to remember this is: A taco WATCH means that you have the ingredients assembled to make tacos; a taco WARNING means that they are assembled and here. Watch means wait and see; warning means act.
🌪️ PSA: A tornado WATCH means a tornado may be forming soon and you should prepare, whereas a tornado WARNING means it’s here and you need to take cover *now.* To help remember the difference: if it’s a tornado WATCH, you’ve got TIME ⌚️
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
reject convention viewership, embrace "Look at that long ball, that guy knocked the shot out of it son" theory
Did you know that the Home Run Derby is tonight so you don't have to watch the RNC, you can just watch some dingers? It'll be better for you.
Didn’t Carter once get lowered into a nuclear reactor to fix it? Man, he’s still going.
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Did you know you don't have to write every thought you have on the computer? That's right - believe it or not there are many cases where the thrill of likes and reposts do not outweigh the potential real world consequences, regardless of how unlikely they are!
It’s really fun to be behind one on the interstate on a sunny day and having your retinas burned out by the glare
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
The “…bitch” after Retire is silent but very much there.
AOC is right.
That’s just Nick Castellanos
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
Frankly this is the message all democrats should be running on: this ain’t our fault, we don’t do this, but here’s 10 examples of your bullshit.
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
I’ve never understood the alpha male version of Trump. The guy exhibits every negative female stereotype. Overly emotional, wears too much makeup, just… Not manly at all
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
i normally don’t talk about politics on this account but i do want to say that there’s a LOT of misinformation floating around rn and if you decide to repost things before they’ve been verified it won’t matter at all because this bluesky and no one’s paying attention like not even a little
Born to hoop, forced to politic
It’s like my friend whose last name is Economy going to college and majoring in economics. or the one named France who majored in French. Sometimes your name determines your fate.
Clancy Brown as a Father Coughlin type was fantastic
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
I’m less concerned about voters taking this seriously and more concerned with right wing vigilantism. They’ll eat this shit up.
Some of y'all are a lot more confident than I am that this kind of rhetoric is going to play with the median voter.
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
I’ll say one other thing; I don’t care how many hours have passed since the assassination attempt, there are just some people I’m not willing to take lessons on violent or irresponsible rhetoric from, or hear them out in good faith ever on this issue. Get fucked, fuck off, next.
Reposted byAvatar GollyZilla
Hey, a reminder I give people every now and then: a friend of mine got blackout drunk and emailed Bush on the night of the 2000 election and said “I’m going to kill you and you’ll never find me.” Six hours later he was in cuffs and it cost him thousands in legal fees and he’s still on a list.
Wait, I kind of know somebody who did this.
Not a movie but a TV show: Peep Show The constant social terrors presented through an extreme first-person lens is a deeply personal form of horror
Appropriate that a goose is at the top of the pecking order