Ryan Lange

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Ryan Lange


Media researcher interested in automated behaviors. I lift heavy things and put them down again. Sometimes I help someone learn something.
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It feels as if the more you differentiate from fascists the more popular you get, just a random thing I noticed.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far rightwww.npr.org Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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One of the few things I had long planned to write a blog or whatever about, but I was slow and lazy and @lolgop.bsky.social did it first. These sickos are unable to imagine anyone deserving to eat unless someone else deserves to starve. www.theframelab.org/yes-republic...
Yes, Republicans really believe in starving kidswww.theframelab.org What GOP states' cruel rejection of lunch for poor kids reveals about the right-wing brain. And how to fight it
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Any politician who votes to roll back the MMR vaccine should be personally liable for the ER bills from the infants who will suffer and die
Most Americans don’t think about measles because vaccination had largely eliminated the scourge from the U.S. in 2000. But many Americans who survived measles as children never forgot how sick they were. These are some of their stories.
Isolation, extreme fatigue, lingering misery: What it’s like to survive measleswww.washingtonpost.com Measles is back, after vaccination largely eliminated it from the United States. Survivors describe having one of the most contagious diseases on Earth.
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“…past predictions of global warming have proved largely correct. To persist with scepticism is immoral and stupid. Even a free-market fanatic cannot deny that environmental externalities are a form of market failure. Climate is the biggest externality of all.”
Market forces are not enough to halt climate changewww.ft.com Investor returns imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant
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genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
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need more everett true comics imo
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The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
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In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great! www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Crazywww.rollingstone.com Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
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a useful thing to understand about laws is that they are made up. specifically, they are made up, in the moment, by the person pointing the gun at you. the books just exist to give them ideas
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
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I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
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Don’t do work for free for anyone. The fact that professionals need to be told this still is insane. If you’re not getting paid for it, do not do it. It may sound “greedy”, but you will be used and abused by clients if you do that.
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I recommend taking five to ten minutes to put your US rep, US senators, and state and local elected officials into your phone contacts so you can instantly call them whenever you get mad, which will be every day from now until we die.
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"[Former police chief] Dobbins assured Hooker he would cover for him if Hooker killed “in cold blood.” Dobbins used the n-word and a homophobic slur, bragged that he’d killed 13 people in his career, and seemed to relish the notion that Lexington’s Black residents feared him."
She took on a small Mississippi town’s police. Then they arrested her.wapo.st How civil rights lawyer Jill Collen Jefferson convinced the Justice Department to investigate allegedly racist and abusive policing in tiny Lexington, Miss.
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fuck man, I don't even know what to say anymore. One political party wants to burn everything to the ground and institute theocratic, kleptocratic autocracy. I think this is bad, just one man's opinion.
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*deep existential sigh* Did you know that the one time I was summoned to meet with a dean and a chair over the content of my syllabus it was for teaching the history of legal challenges to affirmative action and diversity in admissions. The class was called Diversity in Education.
this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in hiringwww.washingtonpost.com The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
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7/1/2024 will go down as one of the worst days in American history, and this is how the NYT website was covering it yesterday, under seven (7)(VII) articles about Biden's age.
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I think about this line a lot these days.
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Logging on for another day of horrible news