Materialist Gnostic

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Materialist Gnostic

Programmer. Trying to enjoy arguing on the Internet less. He/Him.
And it's not just about Trump's base. Trump will get some swing voters or non-Trump Republicans. They should be reachable by this stuff even if hard core MAGAs aren't.
I also like "Nigeria May Be Poor, But It Is Rich In Culture v Good God Get Me Out Of This Hellhole", but that may have been earlier.
I do think "No Way To Prevent This, Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" was pretty good. And some of the political-ish Onion News Network stuff was fun.
Tragically we didn't get the meme non-Tory opposition. But I'll take it.
“I don’t get it, why are you celebrating American Chauvinism this year of all years? This country is capital C cooked” My abuelo crossed a desert at the age of 14 for nearly a week, by moonlight, to get his life here. By placing yourself in the shoes of others, you may be able to understand 👍
I never understood that attitude. If America is worthless, what's the point of fighting the people who want to destroy it?
worth noting to the degree that there are ambiguities or limitations, they will be resolved by the same court that issued the ruling. do you trust them to say "no, not an official act" if Trump orders the military to shoot protestors?
very funny to read the article and see that it says they haven't had one for years. maybe that was a useful bit of context to add!
real twitter you could pretty tightly curate what you saw and vichy twitter it’s like being stuck on your dipshit uncle’s facebook page
Exactly. And he's benefitting a lot from always being kinda rambly. If you put even 2016 Trump side-by-side with 2024 Trump, the decline is obvious. But without that you can convince yourself he's the same as ever.
Explaining that Trump is old would require journalists to actually *do journalism*. You can explain Biden is old with some videos and gossip from anonymous sources. So naturally the NYT is all in on "Biden Old".
Biden v Trump is a pretty direct ageism thing. Trump is aging worse than Biden, but due to vanity and aging in different ways Trump codes as less old and therefore gets way less shit for it.
Oh yeah, definitely some twists in it as it was. The conflict between the trailers and the movie is just weird.
Watching it I was kinda bummed the trailers went so hard with the "the girl is a vampire" angle, because in the movie it's played as a reveal. I think going in cold would've been even better.
America is a country that occupies the land of my nation and which shouldn't have existed in the first place, but I'm still proud to be a member of a country founded on the ideal, no matter how hypocritical it's been in practice, that no man is above another. That is an ideal worth fighting for.
If I have pancakes instead of waffles, it doesn't always mean I love pancakes. Sometimes it means that's what's on the menu and I need breakfast.
I would like less "what do the polls say" coverage and more "what do the candidates want to do" coverage. For a public that hated inflation, Trump calling for universal 10% tarrifs should be the biggest story in the world.
As ever, Leonard Cohen was right when he said "you are not going to like what comes after America".
i believe in democracy, i believe in america, i believe in americans and i do not believe in columnists or republicans or traitors
Brother can you Un-Bum Me Out 🫠
Also: I think it is entirely fair to point out that the media is unfair to Dems. The GOP did that for years, and now the media won't report on their guy being a child rapist. If the refs don't want to be worked, they shouldn't reward it!
it's a failure of the media that they did, but there absolutely were people in 2016 who saw Trump as the less extreme option than Hillary
I have personally encountered people who voted for Trump in 2016 and then got too grossed out to do it again in 2020. They really do exist.
Lotta people excited to finally win the version of the 2020 primary that exists in their head.
Incidentally I think the fact that the last two Dem primaries ended with all the most engaged partisans hating each other over factional differences is a non-trivial (though not primary) reason why Biden didn't step aside and allow an open primary.
Love to see "leftists" explaining how Biden's decision to remain in the race is, in fact, the fault of his insidious wife.
huh. why didn’t any of those stories make the New York Times article
Biden Old stories? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, located entirely within LA fundraisers?
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
Too many people are uncomfortable with the idea of applying their standards to the other side. So the GOP gets away with murder by simple virtue of not caring.
If Biden being old is bad, it's because it means Trump might win and that would be bad. The least the NYT could do is tell people *why* that's bad. I'm not even saying they have to stop the "Biden Old" stories. Just split it with "Trump Bad" at least.
The more dangerous another Trump term is demonstrated to be, the more frantically NYT et al post repetitive knocks on Biden, and it's just accepted by many that this is a normal, rational and objective state of affairs.
There's no way "AnalCougar" isn't already a porn franchise.