Mike Behr

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Mike Behr


Native NYer. MIT EECS. ImOnAConfCall on Peloton. FinTech / algo trading domain expertise. Not a nice person.
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Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far rightwww.npr.org Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar Mike Behr
You can try to “well ackshually” that bullshit into some kind of point, but even that point is asinine. First, turnout was higher than any prior Democratic-incumbent presidential primary. Second “no one serious wanted to lose badly for no reason” isn’t evidence of anything but sanity.
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Y’all, I literally got a primary ballot, filled it in, mailed it back, and looked up the results after Election Day If you want to make a bullshit argument to disregard the primary at least say something dumb like “it doesn’t count if it wasn’t close”, don’t try to gaslight us that it didn’t happen
Joe is at a Black Church this AM. Smart politics. Great pastor. "I don't know why it is that you want to make an issue of the president and his condition with stammering and not being able, at certain times, to bring forth words while another person lies fluently and you never challenged his lies."
All sorts of handwringing going on, but the sad truth is: If the election were held tomorrow, Dems would lose and every other Dem would lose worse. Joe doesn’t give us great odds but they’re better than anyone else’s. It’s that simple. The rest is wishcasting.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Behr
This is EXACTLY what I said. All the pundits are sniffing each others farts and telling each other how smart they are
Yup- it may have started somewhat organically but now it’s a whole sealed ecosystem of staffers, pollsters, donors, and media folks huffing each other’s farts and mainlining the echo chamber nonsense.
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The entire replace Biden ‘campaign’ reeks of the same stench as the fake ass ‘Walk Away’ messaging from 2019.
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Biden has been the most successful progressive president in half a century and the current “progressive” line is that he should immediately resign in disgrace at the insistence of the New York Times. Can you not see how this is an insane hysteria? How social media has completely broken you
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tbh its super notable that with all the news tumbling like an avalanche coming down a mountain at Biden, Trump's campaign felt compelled to post this
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
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Through my childhood, on election nights, my dad was the man under Peter Snow’s desk putting interesting facts on notecards into his socks. That’s how it was done before Google, kids. You got a very clever ASD man with some Oxford degrees to just remember interesting constituency histories.
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My favorite part of the West Wing fantasies about replacing Biden is the idea that there wouldn’t immediately be a new fatal flaw with whoever replaced him.
I don't take the age thing seriously. THEY PICK A LIE ABOUT EVERY DEM, and the press knows it's some BS but plays along. They know that the other guy is worse in every way, especially his brain. They turned being a war hero into a liability against a fortunate son draft dodger.
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And now for the traditional July 4th blessing: Happy Independence Day, may you end the day with as many fingers as you began it with.
It 2016 all over again. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
Reposted byAvatar Mike Behr
I just went for a run to clear my head and now I’m signing up to phone bank, knock on doors, and whatever else I can. Fuck these fascist shitbags, their FEDSOC goons, and their syphilitic wanna be strong man.
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
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Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
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The Financial Times has backed the only economically sane option in the UK's imminent general election: A vote for Labour. These 4 graphs say it all. The historically inescapable fact is that 14 years of Tory govt, driven mad by Brexit, have been a disaster for UK prosperity. on.ft.com/4eHFChN
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There is no more rapid way for Democrats to lose the election than to dump Biden and skip Harris for some white dude. It would reinforce every single thing conservatives have attempted to tell Black votes for years, “You’re taken for granted. Try us.” It only has to affect a small number of votes.
Biden steps down. Harris is muscled aside in favor of Andy Beshear. Jim Clyburn and other high ranking blacl Democrats says “wait a sec, why are we elevating Harris?” what happens next?
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Among the problems created by Loper Bright: the U.S. is now a significantly riskier climate for investors than it was yesterday. Regulation is far less predictable and will be susceptible to extreme geographic variation. No way to know if the end result helps you or a competitor.
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Yeah. That's the thing. I'm convinced people don't really understand how expensive it is to keep someone in jail. It is several hundred dollars a day, per inmate. It would literally be cheaper to give each of those people their own apartment. Or put them up in a four-star hotel every night.
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
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Right. Folks are right to be upset -- this is a cycle with a low tolerance for mistakes -- but it's repairable. Put good biden on TV enough and folks will be willing to write-off bad debate Biden as a glitch. And do it fast so it doesn't settle into folks' minds as "learned knowledge"
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Roberts: And so this court decides that we, rather than scientific or policy experts, will hold all regulatory power. In unrelated news, it is legal to bribe us now. Kavanaugh: [Reaches under the bench, sets out little wicker tray] Kagan: Where ... where did you even get that. Kavanaugh: Church.
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‼️ this is always what I come back to Like I know we can win these things because we've won them before, and all of the horrible legal changes we're seeing are actually proof that the law is not immutable and people have the power to change it
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
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this is what kills me, this court is so far fucking right they make RONNIE FUCKING RAYGUN look liberal
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It also substantially outpaces The DEMOCRATIC Party’s reaction to the Republican candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Behr
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
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Again, every bad statutory interpretation decision by SCOTUS could, theoretically, be fixed by Congress promptly amending the poorly interpreted statutes and thus superseding SCOTUS. Or by impeaching the Justices in the majority. Or by stripping the Court of jurisdiction. Or by packing it.
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Often overlooked in Civil War history is the fact that non-southerners, abolitionists and non-abolitionists alike, were sick of the way that our undemocratic system allowed a minority of southern states to consistently overpower the majority and stymie all attempts at progress in the country.
I’m increasingly open to the idea that we’re already a failed state