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This post by @benedictsred.bsky.social was so good, @azedand2knots.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
My chess strategy? Eating one of your pieces every time you look away
This post by @tarnation.bsky.social was so good, @talulapi.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
I guess I’d question putting on the lotion too if it meant I could have the hoes again
This post by @cinema-diorama.bsky.social was so good, @electricchimp.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
If you’re that bothered by my nudity, perhaps your garage sale should have a fitting room.
This post by @brickmahoney.bsky.social was so good, @debbshock.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
(Cool cigarette hanging out of the corner of my mouth only it's a french fry)
This post by @ladyjimrockford.bsky.social was so good, @nicebutnot.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
how many humans has Bugs Bunny fucked
This post by @wilbur72.bsky.social was so good, @talulapi.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Always wanted to marry a baker named Edith so I could have my cake and Edith, too
This post by @potshopboy.bsky.social was so good, @ashhull.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Gonna start replying "is this a sex thing?" on everyone's posts.
This post by @tarnation.bsky.social was so good, @nicebutnot.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Moth balls are way bigger than I expected
This post by @blisskissed.bsky.social was so good, @talulapi.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Math’s hard lemonade
This post by @potshopboy.bsky.social was so good, @dly.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
There's a lot of bangers on Bluesky. And I'm not talking about your posts. 😏😏😏 I'm talking about my posts. Losers.
This post by @tarnation.bsky.social was so good, @beaveinflow.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
[training a new hire at the sex shop] here’s a list of dildos and dildonts
This post by @caryjo.bsky.social was so good, @whatthefoxy.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
I’ll never forgive you for forcing me to google hawk tuah you bastards
This post by @capnwatsisname.bsky.social was so good, @ennuidoofen.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
What's a good five year plan for something I need to do in the next 24 hours?
This post by @runoldman.bsky.social was so good, @capnwatsisname.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Took a nap without plugging my phone in, so now I can't go to the bathroom.
This post by @dariusw.bsky.social was so good, @nicebutnot.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
This post by @feloniousmonk.bsky.social was so good, @raquelsquelch.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
It seems impossible to believe that this fragile sack of bones was once the monster of my nightmares All power stripped and only frightened eyes and a cane remain It does not understand the world in which it lives and feebly grasps at any comfort as it waits to die
This post by @raquelsquelch.bsky.social was so good, @nicebutnot.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
if you are every x in a graph of tragedy are you a variable plot of destruction you contain both points you're a linear problem can they find a solution in time to intercept the line before over and over you're a decimal thought stuck repeating over and over and over a dial tone of mental math
This post by @francesmeh.reviews and the comments that followed were so good, @dly.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
no offense ma’am but you baby’s an asshole
This post by @patnspankme.bsky.social was so good, @galacticpotlady.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Lou Ferrigno missed an opportunity when he was playing the role of the Hulk because he could have doubled down while he was green and also played the Grinch Who Swole Christmas. *deletes account*
This post by @azedand2knots.bsky.social was so good, @ashhull.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Oh no I spilled my urine sample can I have yours?
This post by @saltymactavish.bsky.social was so good, @joparkerbear.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Just slammed a kombucha and put my crocs in sport mode – let’s do this
This post by @mamafirefly.bsky.social was so good, @ashhull.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Italian food can fix anything. Forget a hair tie? Wrap a noodle around it. Scrape a knee? Slap some eggplant over it.
This post by @ennuidoofen.bsky.social was so good, @ilovepie84.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
I must admit I chose not to learn how to do a lot of things I thought a robot would be doing for me by this time so thank you for the life lesson, Jetsons
This post by @lscrapl.bsky.social was so good, @benedictsred.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
add haver logg
This post by @sixfeetofcandy.bsky.social was so good, @donkee.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
The Men in Black containment crew but for when I’ve lost my shit in public
This post by @ilovepie84.bsky.social was so good, @beaveinflow.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
I heard a chipotle worker say “you have to give it that GUAC TUAH, and take the pit out that thang” while training a new employee
This post by @raindro369.bsky.social was so good, @nicebutnot.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Primadonna is technically all music made before 1979
This post by @galacticpotlady.bsky.social was so good, we thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
*breaks into your house*: Why do you never favskeet me? Are u mad at me
This post by @ashleysays.bsky.social was so good, she thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Ain’t no rule saying you can’t tag your own post for @favskeet.bsky.social
This post by @beaveinflow.bsky.social was so good, @officelinebacker.bsky.social thought everyone should know! Go show them and their post some love!
Starting a restaurant called the G-Spot where we only serve grilled cheese.